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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by HoosierGirl

  1. I'm 5'8" and was 237 starting my pre-op diet in January. Surgery day 2/4/13 I was 223.5. Today I am 200.2. This is my lowest weight in 9 years! Hope to keep losing 10lbs. a month. Believe it is do-able with exercise. (Thank you Jillian Michaels!) Goal weight is 145 (college weight). It's been 20 YEARS since I have weighed in the 140s. The weight is becoming less important to me than my fitness and how my clothes are fitting. Those are more exciting measures to me than a number on the scale.
  2. HoosierGirl

    ideal body type

    Oh yes! I love him Amanda Rae! What is his name? All I can think of is "Yummy"....but I am pretty sure that is not right....
  3. Just like everyone says - Mexico is easy. If you want the details of logistics and surgery in Mexico, I put it all on my blog. You are welcome to read it. www.hoosierfatty.wordpress.com. Good luck!
  4. HoosierGirl

    ideal body type

    Well, Hugh Jackman is - um - easy on the eyes. Whew. If I were to pick an ideal female figure? Kim Basinger or Faith Hill. I'm 42, so I think that is reasonable. (As Faith Hill does her Monday night football thing, my husband always says - "she is is ALMOST as attractive as you"....love being lied to like that! LOL!)
  5. CONGRATULATIONS! What a great NSV!
  6. YOU CAN DO THIS! The worst part about the pre-surgery phase is the thoughts that go through your mind. (I had to stay out of my head - it was a dangerous place to be!) Focus on rocking the pre-op diet. The irrational fears are a natural worry based on all previous experience with weight management. You will have these worries post-op too if you experience a weight loss stall. Bottom line is that you will follow the rules and kick-butt after surgery too. Wish I had more/better advice, but you CAN do this!
  7. HoosierGirl

    What happens After...

    Had not thought about this. I guess I don't expect my circle of friends to change. Plus, not sure much will bug me when I am wearing normal sized underwear. Lol
  8. HoosierGirl

    What was i thinking

    Brandy - that is how you learn what your sleeve will tolerate. Betcha don't do that again! I did something similar once before at about 5 weeks - was AWFUL! Haven't made that mistake again! LOL! Hopefully you are feeling better now?
  9. HoosierGirl

    Proud of my wife!

    OMG - she is stunning! Thanks for sharing her transformation. Very inspiring!
  10. HoosierGirl

    Lindstrom Obesity Advocacy

    Good luck!
  11. HoosierGirl

    Lindstrom Obesity Advocacy

    Paid in advance. Call them and they will walk you through the options.
  12. Surgery Monday, traveled home Thursday. (Wish I would have added an extra day and scheduled my flights for Friday.) Anyway...arrived at the San Diego airport at 1pm for a 3pm flight. I had plenty of time to walk around, buy a big Water, drink it and walk some more. Flight from San Diego to Denver was about 2 hours - so that was nap time. Delay in Denver. Again, big bottle of water, lots of walking. Flight from Denver to Indy was about 2 hours. With travel from TJ, wait time, flying time, layovers - total "travel" time was about 9 hours. I didn't feel badly, but I was really tired. Didn't use a wheel chair anywhere, but I did use the pre-boarding time. Good luck!
  13. HoosierGirl

    Headed to Airport.

    All the best for safe travels and safe surgery!
  14. Ok I can't stand it, have to jump on this thread! I chose the VSG because I was hungry all the time too. It was my understanding that hunger was greatly diminished after surgery for most people, so I had my sleeve done on Feb 4. Only 8 weeks out. Yes, I am still hungry a lot of the time. I can eat any type of chicken that hasn't been fried (so, boiled, baked, grilled, etc.) I have eaten steak tips in the Lean Cuisine Steak tips portabello entrée…it is super moist, in a wine sauce. Can’t eat much though. And after eating, I don’t feel “full” per se, maybe feel a “pressure” so I stop eating. If I don't slowly, I feel awful from eating too much. And the pressure is worse. My normal menu for a day has me eating every 2-3 hours. Today I had a scrambled egg, 3 oz tuna, one Boca veggie burger, Atkins bar, and dinner will be some type of meat with a little veggie. This keeps me "not starving". Totally different from pre-surgery where I was “not full”. For me, this is a mindset shift. My goal now is to be “not starving” vs. “full”. Since I am not starving, I have been able to stick with the program. I follow all the drinking timing guidelines and get my Protein and Water requirements every day. Am walking most days for exercise. This weekend, I had a Reese's peanut-butter egg. It was good. It didn't help me feel full. I will probably not eat another one as it is not getting me closer to my weight loss goal. Eating small portions and being conscious about my diet is my choice each day because I really want to make myself change. I am looking forward to getting my post-op EGD to see what is left of my stomach. I am trying different PPI's and they sometimes help. So I totally get the “hungry” thing. And I hate to hear you are struggling. Here is what I have to offer in support: 1. Save your pennies and get an EGD either in the states or Mexico. Buy yourself some piece of mind that your surgery is/isn't right. Knowledge is power and will answer your biggest question. (Last year I had an EGD and it was $2700 in the states. I know one in MX is under $400) 2. Call your surgeon and demand he/she check your left side pain. If it is too far, get the surgery notes and go to your PCP. 3. Try some pro-biotics. Started them last week and I feel a little less hunger after starting them. It might be mental, but worth trying to maybe re-balance the bacteria in the gut that maybe were making me hungry before surgery too. 4. Don't let the scale control you. Take your measurements to see if you are losing inches. This has helped me through 2 stalls. 5. Since you are a tall guy, you probably DO need more to eat. Maybe plan/pack tomorrow's meals after you eat dinner so you can decide what is a logical amount of food. That way you are in control and pro-actively planning vs. reacting when you are hungry? This has helped me. 6. If you are eating processed stuff, try to move away from that where it is the exception rather than the rule. Keep your chin up. Just asking for help like you are and seeking out a solution, you will find something to help. Good luck!
  15. HoosierGirl

    Please Keep Us Posted

    Surgery on 2/4/13....eating small portions of Protein first, then fruits, then veggies. Energy level is great. Working to be consistent in my exercise (walked 3 miles yesterday). sleeping well. Been through a couple stalls but continue to lose inches. Overall....would do it again! Very pleased with the results!
  16. HoosierGirl

    Lindstrom Obesity Advocacy

    Yes, I used them last fall. I thought they were very knowledgable. Although the process wasn't fast and I was ultimately not approved due to a timing issue in the new healthcare law and how my plan is structured (it was nothing Lindstrom did or didn't do). I would use them again. I flet they were very knowledgable. Good luck!
  17. HoosierGirl

    Something stinks

    I am not a Coordinator, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Bahahaaaa!!!
  18. HoosierGirl

    Something stinks

    Beth, if you are interested, I put my whoe surgery experience in my blog. Thought it might be helpful for others to know what to expect. Www.hoosierfatty.wordpress.com
  19. HoosierGirl

    Something stinks

    Yup. I was there in February. Nothing but good to say. When is your surgery?
  20. These were my criteria in selecting a surgeon in Mexico: 1. A surgeon who has performed a lot of weight loss surgery. 2. Member of the American College of Surgeons and the American Society of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery (i.e. need to be able to verify their credentials) 3. The doc should have a lot of positive internet “buzz”, or testimonials on weight loss surgery forums so I could contact those and get some independent feedback. 4. Would like to go to a part of Mexico WITH NO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS from the US State Department (the state of Baja California where TJ is located does not have a travel warning) 5. The icing on the cake would be if they were at an International Center of Excellence as designated by the independent US Surgical Review Corporation – same body that designates US bariatric Centers of Excellence 6. Oh, and I wanted to contact the surgeon DIRECTLY, not through a surgery coordinating company GOOD LUCK!
  21. HoosierGirl

    pre-op diet from OCC

    Way to go! You will be so glad you rocked the pre-op diet....all those pounds count! Keep it going....the 8th will be here before you know it!
  22. Bee - my folks FREAKED OUT too. It was awful as I am very close to them. The bottom line was this....they had not done the research I had done. They had no time time do anything other than freak out. Initially when I started looking at surgery in Mexcio, I too was uneducated and fearful. They found one person who worked with someone who had the VSG who WAS NOT FOLLOWING THE DIET and held up that person as the example of what everyone does after this surgery. The bottom line is this....are you comfortable with your decision about your body? Can you get your husband and your family to respectfully disagree with your choice while still loving YOU? In the end, my parents are proud of my weightloss and my taking charge of my health. Push back on them. Ask them to find the examples of REAL PEOPLE who had bad experiences with healthcare in Mexico. I am a real person who used Dr. Ortiz and I would be glad to share my phone number with you and talk with all of them. I've lost 32 lbs and am off all my blood pressure medication. Could have never done this on my own or paid for this in the States. I'm hoping if they can't be supportive they can at least avoid being negative. Hugs...Shelley
  23. HoosierGirl

    Dr. Aceves, Mexicali, and Me!

    Oh yeah...POOPING! Haha!
  24. HoosierGirl

    Dr. Aceves, Mexicali, and Me!

    Wow! Excellent post and so glad you did so much research before choosing a doctor. All the info is very helpful. Hate to hear about the SVT and Afib those are nothing to mess around with. Glad you are safely home (sipping, burping, farting and sharting!). Really looking forward to watching your weightless!

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