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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *Dean*

  1. Thanks for the appreciation. Sometimes feels thankless. Our 'clients' generally don't appreciate what we do Like Kelli said, I'm sure you'll be surprised when you jump on. Do it asap. You deserved to cut yourself a bit of slack in any case. I always find that once I get back on the scale it's like a stake in the ground to get back with the program
  2. Sounds like a great day Lila. I've been watching your ticker thinking "she's almost half way" then BOOOM!! You've smashed it outta the park. You really are working that sleeve. It looks like 2013 is going to be your year Aussiegirl. If you're in the market for a new job we're always looking for bright, fit young girls as recruits My 2013 is going to be me at goal weight, eating well and training hard. I start back at Crossfit on the 2nd. I'm curious to see what it's like lighter but also how much strength I may have lost. Hope you all have a great night and a happy New Year. I'm working a 4pm to Midnight shift (how crap is that!), but I'm hoping to get off a little bit early so I can be home with Amanda at Midnight. Happy New Year! Deano
  3. *Dean*

    Cranky Mom! Help!

    My kids love sushi. I think it's great. I'll order the smallest sashimi plate and be stuffed after a few slices of raw fish. Love it.
  4. *Dean*

    Cranky Mom! Help!

    I'm the father of two daughters as well, and lets face it teenage girls aren't known for their empathy! Looking at your tickers you're obviously doing really really REALLY well. Dust yourself off and remember why you're doing this. A pizza joint is always going to have limited (or no) options for us recently sleeved. Maybe next time have more input into where you're going or eat just before you go? It sounds like you've had these feeling before, like most of us have, so you know it's only temporary and part of the process. All the best - and don't let those girls push your buttons! Deano
  5. *Dean*

    up on a snowshoe hike

    How good is life!
  6. *Dean*

    Am i the only one?

    Nip it in the bud! You've identified the problem so you need to go back to basics. Have your meals planned the night before or in the morning and stick to your planned meals / Snacks. For me it's 6 (very) small meals a day. Once you have that planned comit to yourself that you won't snack / pick / graze. And keep sipping! Good luck, Deano
  7. Okay, I know lots of stuff gets lost in translation across the Pacific but WTF is 'canned greens with pepper sauce'?? :) I've googled it. Didn't help.
  8. For me I don't get hungry, but I get an empty feeling and I know I should eat. Because it's 'empty' and not 'hungry' I find I have control over it and can choose better food and even wait until I can eat well. This would never have happened pre op. I'd have ravenous hunger "I need to eat and I need to eat now!!" type hunger which would make me often pre occupied with eating. Not anymore. Deano
  9. *Dean*

    Need some encouragment

    I think it's great that you recognise all of this is just in your head and you have come such a long way. You know this - you just need to get your 'self talk' with the program! Have you thought of a few sessions with a psychologist that specialises in weight loss? This seems like a common problem, especially for women. It's a shame that your not celebrating your success!!!!
  10. *Dean*

    What are the" foamies "?

    What Traci said. The best way to recognise your sign is to eat ridiculously slowly and listen to your body
  11. *Dean*


    I had maybe half a day during the liquid diet when I had some 'head hunger' and thought WTF have I done? IE Buyers remorse. A hand full of weeks later I can eat anything I choose to in small amounts and because of my lack of 'true hunger' I'm making good choices. I think it was my food demons making me feel the buyers remorse. I now have that demon against the ropes, by the throat
  12. For the first few days after surgery I felt discomfort, including gas, but no real pain. I haven't taken any meds after being discharged. You won't feel like doing to much but make sure you go for as many short walks as you feel comfortable doing. Don't push yourself, but moving like this will help with the discomfort and get any gas from the procedure moving. While your having this quiet and relaxed few days remind yourself to get excited about the new you that is coming. Good luck - Deano
  13. *Dean*

    Regretting this

    Your stomach is still recovering from being sliced, diced and pulled out. It will settle down soon. Remember all the reasons you did this in the first place. You'll soon be where you want to be. I'm only 7 weeks post op and already the punishing weeks of liquids, soft food etc have become part of the insignificant past. Keep your eye on the prize - you can do this!
  14. Stalls are frustrating, but it sounds like you're a really hard marker on yourself! 27 pounds in 4 weeks plus the pre op is awesome!! I think that's a terrific start. Shake it off. Hide the scale, only weigh in weekly, and keep doing what you're doing - you're doing everything right!
  15. I've noticed how much some people load their plates, like I used to, but I've also noticed there are heaps of moderate eaters around as well. I've made attempts to notice this in social situations and it's helped me not to be self conscious about the amount I have on my plate. So now, I really feel like the amount I put on my plate is 'in the range of normal' albeit the very lower end.
  16. It's funny how we worry about peoples opinions when we have weight, but not when we lose. I agree, I appreciate a compliment but to be honest I'm a little indifferent as well. Would've saved a lot of heart ache if I had the same indifference when people noticed I'd put on!
  17. *Dean*

    Fried Foods

    That's what it's all about!!!!
  18. *Dean*

    10 week update

    Workin' that sleeve. Nice one.
  19. I'm prone to burping when I drank carbonated drinks through a straw pre op. I haven't had any problem with drinking through a straw post op.
  20. There was no straw ban here. But the concept was to only eat liquid that are lose enough that they 'could' be drunk threw a straw. coffee is the other anomaly. I'm 6 weeks post op and have been having an espresso a daily (sometimes 2) for 4 weeks. This seems to be an ongoing thing here, the different advice. I am a firm believer in if you were happy to put your life in the hands of the surgeon you chose you really need to follow their advice to the letter. I wouldn't want anyone coming onto a forum and picking and choosing from other peoples advice to suit them. All of the variations (in advice) only amount to the first few / several weeks of eating in any case. Cheers, Merry Xmas!! Deano
  21. *Dean*

    Beyond meat!

    Funny how your pallet changes post surgery. I was always a fan of fish and other seafood and would probably eat it once or twice a week. Now it's my go to protein.
  22. 1 day clear liquids in the hospital and then 2 weeks on Fluid diet (ie anything through a straw, no pips / seeds or lumps). Every doctor is different and you really have to run with the advice you're getting. The weight will drop off, be patient (I know it's hard! ) Let your body get over the trauma you've put it through in it's own way and then watch the scale slide down. Best of luck, Deano

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