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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *Dean*

  1. I've heard some good things about him. Have you posted in the Australian Sleevers thread? There's a few of us from Brisbane on there. It's good to get some local support!
  2. I think your killing it. There are lots for women who seem to lose slower, for reasons beyond their control. We're all going to get there though. Really if it takes someone 6 months and another 12 months to get to goal, do you think either will care in a few years if they're still at goal? I'm from Brisvegas as well. Who was your surgeon? Deano
  3. We're not that dissimilar when you look at BMI. When we get our BMI down another 3 or 4 we'll no longer be obese. I'm looking forward to only being 'only overweight'. How good is that!?
  4. Hey. I'm 9 weeks PO today. Sleeved Nov 7 2012. I was 303 and now 242. I'm about half way to goal. Laura - your BMI has come down from 40 to 34, so I guess that isn't slow? Good luck everyone, Deano
  5. *Dean*

    Insanity workout

    I find my calories at this stage (9 weeks PO) are so low that if I go too hard I get light headed.
  6. *Dean*

    Introducing Myself!

    Welcome - good luck on your journey! Deano
  7. *Dean*

    Does Splenda hinder weight loss?

    I tell people 'it's hard treating your body like a temple after it's been a porta-potti for so long!'
  8. *Dean*

    Does Splenda hinder weight loss?

  9. *Dean*

    Does Splenda hinder weight loss?

    Hey Gamer, is that stuff similar to Stevia? I've been using liquid Stevia for a while and it's great. Really sweet and no after taste.
  10. *Dean*

    Some people here are meanies

    I haven't been on a pregnancy / child raising forum but even when speaking to SOME new parents you can see the similarities. For most of us we see VSG as our last chance. We desperately want to get it right. We do research, choose a surgeon, get advice and decide how we're going to 'do it'. We believe with all our hearts that our way is 'the way'. And we get passionate about it. How you bring up your kids is the same. We love our kids so much, surely the way we're doing it must be THE right way. But there are loads of right ways to bring kids up. For me, the bottom line is there's lots of right ways to loose weight with VSG as well. You even get surgeons giving out conflicting advice (thank God mine said I can drink coffee!) So long story short - I don't take any notice of 'mean' or dry posts. I just figure they believe strongly about their way. Just like I don't worry about the looks from helicopter parents when I give my kids some freedom Disclaimer - this post is not directed at any person in particular. Any resemblance to you is entirely co incidental
  11. I guess the shorter you are the smaller your muscles are and the slower your loss. I hadn't really thought of it. I think the upside then must be smaller losses in weight have a bigger impact on your BMI. Maybe focus on that? Deano
  12. *Dean*

    Has anyone else "cheated" on the full liquid diet?

    I'm sure you'll be fine. Having said that you did skip ahead quite a bit! I know what it's like, you just want to bite something. Do your best to stick to it, and maybe if you were going to skip ahead it should have been a puree / mashed something. Good luck! Deano
  13. My Dr didn't tell me what his expectations were. The conversation went something like this - Dr: "So what weight would you like to get to" Me: "82 kgs. But it's not where I'd like to get to, it's where I will get to" He didn't mention it again! He did say I'd lose the first 30 kgs fairly quickly and then it would get a lot harder.
  14. AAAaaaaarrrgh. Hopped on the scales this morning (the 'official' weekly weigh day, don't ask how many 'unofficial' ones there are). I'm 9 weeks today, but I'm half a kilo off my 1/2 way mark! I'm not really disappointed, but it would've been nice.
  15. Hey! I'm 9 weeks out today. Starting Weight: 137.7 kgs Current Weight: 110.4kgs Weight Gone: 27.3kgs Goal: 82 kgs Me: Happy
  16. *Dean*

    Headed to my seminar

    Have fun! Deano
  17. *Dean*

    any one have a being cold issue?

    I have the opposite. I live in a sub tropical climate in Queensland Australia and the heat in summer would take the wind out of my sails. Not this year
  18. I had the same thing. Not sure if they were dissolvable but it disappeared after a few days.
  19. *Dean*


    I like seeing the smiling 'after' shots with the proud partners. Well done. Deano
  20. Go to sleep! You burn calories while your sleeping
  21. That's a great start Sarah. I'm sure they'll be pleased, although, we're not doing this to keep our surgeons happy!
  22. Welcome back. Good to hear it went well.
  23. Nice work! Congrats. I bet your kids were smiling too
  24. *Dean*

    NSV at work today!

    Very cool story. Well done Deano

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