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Everything posted by *Dean*

  1. *Dean*

    How much protein?

    Thanks for all the info and tips guys. A great help. Deano
  2. How much Protein do you target? Myfitnesspal says I should be after 57grams a day, but I'd prefer not to rely on a free app completely for my nutrional advice! Cheers, Deano
  3. And I think not liking being fat is vastly different to not liking yourself. I think I'm a champion of a bloke - just a fat one! Deano
  4. What a genuine and open offer from a vetereran of this procedure - Thank you
  5. *Dean*

    Greys Anatomy!

    All jokes aside - I think this is the only thread on the forum that isn't infighting!
  6. *Dean*

    Greys Anatomy!

    I don't like where this thread is going. You all have bad attitudes and I think it's pathetic. When are you all going to grow up?? :P ....................... couldn't pull it off could I? Ah well, I'll keep trying I'm going back to the other threads to get some more tips .......... PS I'm that intrigued now, I think I'll have to watch an episode :ph34r:
  7. I think we can learn a lot from older people. On some issues though, we have to remember they're from another time with some of their thoughts! She'll trurn around I'm thinking, when she sees the change in you and probably, in her mind, when you're 'safe'. Deano
  8. *Dean*


    Nice. I like game. It's usually really lean and tasty. Boar, venison, kangaroo, emu, wild camel, crocodile - all good!
  9. You know your Grandma better than anyone. If you don't think you can educate her or talk her around I think you should cut her off and make it clear your not going to discuss it with her. 'Kiss your kids goodbye' type stuff is just poison. I'm sure she loves you and thinks she's helping but .........
  10. *Dean*


    Turkey everything is massive over there. It's so lean. Hard to find over here, unfortunately.
  11. Also the amount of protein goes up when you add exercise. Cheers, Deano
  12. *Dean*

    How much protein?

    Thanks mate. Love the new profile pic btw. Just makes it a bit awkward if I'm reading a post by you and my wife walks into the room! :wub: Lookin good! Deano
  13. Hadn't thought of that - could be the culprit!
  14. www.myfitnesspal.com You can track your food on the net, but the app is fantastic. It even has a little bar code thingo to scan any packaged foods and brings of the cals and all the nutritional info. In the search function, I havent found a food that hasn't been in the data base. Deano
  15. Hey Kelli, Mate as you know I'm a bit behind you so what I'm eating is probably not relative. One thing I cant live without is the myfitnesspal app for tracking food and excercise. I love it. Good luck - I know you'll overcome this hurdle. Deano
  16. *Dean*

    Ok, just tryna say...

    Hey mate. Sorry you're having a rough time. I think when we're overweight we sometimes hang all of our problems on being overweight, when maybe some of the issues might not be weight related. A bit like someone winning the lottery and thinking that will solve all their problems. They soon find out that it only makes them wealthy with problems. If you look at this as an opportunity it might help. I guess before some of these problems were hiding behind your weight. Now that you don't have the weight you can recognise the problems and try and deal with them. All the best, Deano
  17. I've had lots of 'final straw' moments with diets. The reason I decided I needed a tool like WLS was that as I got older weight loss got infinately harder and I'd lost all optimisim for losing weight on my own. I know that to lose weight where your head is at is key. So here I am!
  18. *Dean*

    My only regret....

    Mate just throw your hiking / dancing shoes with some protein bars in a backpack and hit the road! We've been away a few times and there's always something VSG friendly to eat if you're out and about.
  19. *Dean*


    I think you need to change your profile name to 'The Mediator'. Glad we sorted that out. Everyones got their own road.
  20. *Dean*

    Horror Story

    You're right. Nobody can say it isn't easier. But I've spent 30 years yoyo dieting, at times losing up to 70 kilos. I've tried every other way. So easy way out, maybe. Last way out, probably. I don't mind people calling it the easy way out. I certainly don't take it personally, because they haven't walked in my shoes. Deano
  21. *Dean*


    I admire honesty as well, although I wouldn't necessarily tell people they're taking WLS wayyy too seriously. The same as I wouldn't tell people I think they're not taking it seriously enough

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