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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *Dean*

  1. *Dean*

    Food question?

    Looking at your ticker you're obviously doing something right! 3 weeks out, that's a great lose. Nothing wrong with eating every three hours - I do. I don't get hungry, but I don't like the empty feeling I get either.
  2. *Dean*


    What one did you get?
  3. You look bloody amazing! What a fantastic transformation. You must feel on top of the world. As for the skin, meh, what a great problem to have! You're awesome. Thanks for sharing, Deano
  4. *Dean*


    I've made some of her protein powder waffles and they were awesome. I think I'm going to buy an ice cream maker, just so I can make her ice cream! She's clever!
  5. *Dean*

    The five week funk

    From what I read from people who are much longer out, it does get easier and more 'normal' - just in smaller amounts. But I guess that's the destination. Keep your eye on the prize for the journey. Deano PS - Sorry you have the 'five week funk' I hate that you have it, but I love the subject title! I love funk! ...........
  6. *Dean*

    Food question?

    I'm trying them!
  7. *Dean*


    You look great Lars, I'm sure the new you will freak some people out!! Have fun, Deano
  8. *Dean*


    Remember, if there are no photo's, it didn't happen!
  9. *Dean*

    Food question?

    I thought my sleeve didn't like acid either. I was getting really really mild reflux, more annoying at times than pain. I got some apple cider vinegar after reading about it on here - and it works. Mild reflux gone. That fact that I have it in a shot glass, bang it on the table like it's a tequila shot is a whole 'nother issue.
  10. *Dean*


    I have friends coming over for dinner tonight. I have a lamb shoulder on the kamado getting smoked with some hickory. You've inspired me Butter - I'm going out now to buy some jalepenos to do some poppers!
  11. *Dean*

    Lighten up a little...

    How good is a bit of coconut oil in a stir fry!!
  12. *Dean*


    *chokes* ............. really? Actually, me too
  13. *Dean*


    I doesn't matter where you get your appetite .......... as long as you eat at home!
  14. *Dean*


    Ha! Yeah, I sound like Hugh Jackman and Keith Urban. The physic is a work in progress!
  15. *Dean*


    Are you back on the moscato??
  16. *Dean*

    Lighten up a little...

    A 'hunter gatherer' type diet - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleolithic_diet I eat like this, but I wouldn't say I'm on a Paleo diet. I just like eating like this. Makes me feel good
  17. *Dean*

    Lighten up a little...

    Mate I'm with you. I'm doing Crossfit and am on a Paleo-esque type diet. I think a lot of us would be without even knowing it, being protein focused. But I did have some crackers with some gorgonzola last night! Sounds like you're in a great head space to be who you want to be. I feel like I'm there too. Others who are using a more moderate approach is obviously a great approach and head space for them to be who they want to be and achieve their goals. I think the common ground is we're all being healthier and we're all going places with this!
  18. For me, walking lots post surgery helped a lot and by the time I got to your stage gas wasn't so much of a problem. Are you moving lots? It's important after surgery, without over doing it. Most peoples post op diet doesn't include eating for weeks. If the diet you've been given includes eating I'm not surprised it's tiny amounts and there's a little discomfort. It's hard for me to say because I was on 2 weeks liquids and then 2 weeks puree's. I wouldn't worry about a little gas type discomfort at this stage. But if there's pain or if it doesn't improve I'd contact someone.
  19. Keep doing what you're doing. The gas will go eventually. Just keep listening to your body like you're doing. Deano
  20. I like this! Good luck today!! Deano
  21. Everything you're feeling is all in the range of normal. Of course after the road we've travelled it's easy to be filled with doubt. You obviously had a fantastic surgeon to be travelling well at this stage, so that's a good thing. Once you move past liquids you will see the real restriction of a VSG. You don't have a large sleeve. Your surgeon used an instrument called a bougie to make your sleeve a specific size. There is some variation depending on the size of the instrument but it's really negligible. You are obviously committed to this. It will work! All the best, Deano
  22. All sounds like part of the journey to me. Also sounds like you have a huge amount of insight into where you're at, so you're going to be fine. And nice work with the weight loss Deano
  23. *Dean*


    Hey Jessica. So how are you travelling 6 months out - you happy with where you're at? Deano
  24. *Dean*


    Was up at 5.30. It's called 8 yo twins ........... *yawn*
  25. *Dean*

    Lighten up a little...

    Nothing wrong with saying you'd rather not eat this crap again (like me). Lots of fit, healthy people who have no problem maintaining their weight don't eat it. Nothing wrong with saying you're going to have this stuff on occasion. Lots of fit, healthy people who have no problem maintaining their weight eat it occasionally. Hey - is this a resolution????? :) Peace out, Deano

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