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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *Dean*

  1. Pfft. Unnatural. So if you were battling with some other disease for ages you shouldn't have surgery? Two days out, you must be starting to feel a lot better?
  2. At 11 weeks I don't really have any cravings for anything. Having said that I'm wondering if the bubble will burst!
  3. Hey Seth and welcome. The permanency is one of the things that attracted me to the VSG as well. In the past I'd been able to lose weight with a concerted all life consuming effort. But I was never able to keep it off. I'm hoping the permanency of the VSG is a tool to help me with that. Cheers, Deano
  4. Hey everyone. There's been a few trolls lately. Dropping in to share the love. Obviously the whole point of the exercise for them is to get a rise out of people with name calling, off topic remarks yadda yadda. I'd like to propose we have a go at not giving them what they want. IE if someone is obviously posting something to stir things up either ignore them, or give them some love. My guess is they're going without at the moment. Something like - Troll "blah blah blah you losers" Us "Hey, welcome" or emotion labelling Us "Hi friend, you seem angry. Sit and chat" The main thing for me is when / if we "fire up" (as I call it) we're giving them EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. Just a thought, Deano
  5. Yeah I'm the same, but most of the time it's a battle of wit with an unarmed man
  6. What a great result. You must be very pleased. Congratulations. Deano
  7. *Dean*

    cooking as profession

    Hey Newshell. Welcome. My wife works in the food industry and we consider ourselves foodies. From my perspective I don't think you'll have anything to worry about long term. I still have a passion for GOOD food. To be honest our cooking has a healthier slant now, but with no less passion. I'm 11 weeks post op tomorrow. I did some picanha steaks tonight grilled over lump charcoal and a panzanella (it's summer here). If you have a passion for good food you should still have a passion for food post op. That's how it's been for me anyway. Food just won't rule you. Cheers, Deano
  8. In part of my job, I'll be talking to someone for up to a couple of hours. At times they'll be abusing me and worse, trying to bait arguments etc. I'll just ask a question that has nothing to do with what they've just ranted about like 'so what did you get up to today?' It's amazing, they can't keep the ranting up for very long
  9. You'll be fine! You off sipping but it builds up. As far as chugging goes I guess psychologically you know you can't so I think you don't get a desire to, if that makes sense. We're having a heat wave here in Australia at the moment. I went out today for a 90 minute bike ride with my kids and I haven't felt dehydrated. I am more conscious about drinking more frequently. Deano
  10. *Dean*


    Yeah, I think in the end we decided we were all right .......
  11. *Dean*


    Great member name. I'm not seeing it in the post. Probably really cute in person.
  12. *Dean*

    Horror Story

    okay, I'd try one ......... lol
  13. *Dean*

    Horror Story

    I'm assuming they use the coke and just make like a beer batter. Basically just eating batter make with coke? *vomits*
  14. Mate my wife and I consider ourselves foodies. My wife is a coffee roaster for a living. We like good food, cooking, cook books, food shows, cooking lessons, eating out ........... you get the picture! My relationship is better with food now so I can do all that stuff and feel even better about it because I'm not a slave to it. We also eat even better quality ingredients now, because I'm a cheap date! So I think I'm a better foodie now than I was because it's all about quality, not quality and quantity. I know you know it's the best decision she'll ever make!
  15. *Dean*

    How to get over aversion to tracking

    I have a rule as well. I might forget to track a meal / snack, but my rule is I can't eat anything else until I've updated it.
  16. *Dean*


    I had the broth only during the liquid phase and on the puree phase I'd have some of the meat and just made sure it was small amounts and chew chew chew. Still haven't had the noodles except for a taste.
  17. *Dean*

    Horror Story

    I secretly wanna try it :ph34r:
  18. *Dean*

    How to get over aversion to tracking

    Keep persevering. MFP gets easier and quicker the more you use it. Once all your favourite / regular foods are in there it's much quicker.
  19. *Dean*


    Me too, and for cutting really hot chillies!
  20. Hiya. Welcome. Exciting times!
  21. *Dean*

    question about protein

    As well, Protein is in a lot of things. We just generally talk about the good sources because we can eat so little. There's protein in wheat for instance. I know I was getting a good slug of protein pre op from Pasta and bread! I just couldn't eat that much pasta and bread now. Protein isn't critical to weight loss, but it will make a difference to muscle mass, and how you look and feel at the same weight.
  22. *Dean*

    Horror Story

    I like going to the fair when I'm working. You can always find a carnival worker with warrants .........
  23. *Dean*


    Your a cook so you'll like her blog .... http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com.au/ *slides a glass of moscato across*
  24. Good to hear your back on your feet
  25. *Dean*

    On a lighter side

    Sorry man. That stinks.

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