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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *Dean*

  1. Nothing wrong with a few test drives before you buy a car ........
  2. *Dean*

    A Family Drama - Help!

    Hope it's nothing too serious Aussie. I find it does feel a little bit 'good' or empowering that we don't eat our emotions anymore. I think it might make us face them a bit more too which is a good thing. Excercise is always a good option, and talking / venting - either directly with tose involved or friends. Deano
  3. All jokes aside, that's awesome. Obviously you feel that good about yourself it wouldn't have phased you if he wasn't interested - which is cool.
  4. umm, in the lift??? How's that for confidence! :P
  5. That's rough dude! Must be really hard to train on those calories. Have you always had toast for Breakfast? I know I find bread really hard. Tried it once, haven't gone back. A guy at work whose son is a pro Thai boxer put me onto 'cold porridge'. 30 or 40 grams of porridge oats in a bowl. Pour milk until it's covered well. Cling wrap and put in the fridge over night. I stir it up in the morning and add a little more milk, like a tablespoon. Some times I'll put 3 slices of banana (kids eat the rest on their weet bix) or slice up a strawberry. Some times I'll add a dash of sugar free maple flavoured syrup (tastes nothing like maple syrup, but it's alright). The oats are a really clean breakfast and without being cooked have a heap of natural sweetness (I was surprised). From memory I thing 40g of oats is 152 cals 6 gm Protein. Having that an hour before you train might help? Just a suggestion, Deano
  6. Judging from the managers reaction it would be fair to assume it's part of the culture of the whole restaurant. Disgraceful.
  7. *Dean*

    Alcohol Abuse

    Mate I reckon anyone saying AA is a form of weakness is about as informed as someone who says WLS is a cop out. People need to respect people for facing life's challenges head on.
  8. *Dean*

    Alcohol Abuse

    Mate, go to AA or go to your doctor. This is quite obviously something you can not do on your own. Exactly the same as weight loss for all of us. Get some help. Deano
  9. Nothing pathetic about trying to do the right thing by work, but your health comes first
  10. I'd be happy with that That would work for me long term. My main downfall was carbs ........ 3 bowls of Cereal for Breakfast, a footlong from Subway for lunch, enough Pasta for 3 men for dinner etc etc. The other night I picked 3 pieces of penne off my daughters plate and couldn't eat anything else That was the first time I'd eaten anything like that, and I have zero interest to have it again.
  11. I agree with Melissa. Talk to your nutritionist as well. I admire your commitment but alot of the post op diet in the first few weeks is about what your stomach can handle post surgery, not just about losing weight. Getting your repotore of VSG friendly recipies going like Melissa said would be a good idea. The thing I'd worry about is post op you'll be getting 600 - 800 cals a day and generally you'll stick to that relatively easily. Pre VSG sticking to that is like torture! Talk to your nutritionist. Maybe look at doing 1200 cals a day with same shakes and some VSG friendly meals? Good luck, Deano
  12. Head down bum up! Just a week, you have to be happy with that. Be as disiplined as you possibly can, and go for it. All the best. Exciting times, Deano
  13. I just thought, "I hope he's keeping his fluids up in there". And then visualised you drinking outta the bowl........
  14. *Dean*

    My only regret

    I know what you mean. I feel the same, but lifes too short for regrets. Who knows what affect being overweight or obese has had on us. Maybe we have more empathy, maybe we're stronger, maybe it's why we never give up. I don't regret being obese. It's part of what I'm made of - I'm just glad my future isn't as a fat dude! Deano
  15. I like this 'no stall' concept. It's a bit like 'if a tree falls in the woods and nobodies there does it make a sound'? IE 'if you're not weighing yourself and you don't see the pause on the scale, did you have a stall'? I like!
  16. Like the new photo BTW
  17. Was it a 7 day stall. You're still in there... Aren't you?
  18. I'd just take more sick leave! That's what it's there for Not drinking isn't the best option. Stay at home with your feet up (but with lots of walks )
  19. *Dean*


    Hard'en up. You're gutless!
  20. I didn't get that but other than that session in the mornings do you feel like you're hydrated? Playing in the 'medical advice' realm doesn't really sit well with me. If it were me, and if it continued, I'd see my GP if I couldn't get in to see the surgeon. Deano
  21. *Dean*

    cooking as profession

    I find I'm more focused when cooking because I'm not constantly thinking about eating. It sort of clarified the enjoyment of cooking for me. The fact that the main reason I enjoy cooking is to make others happy.
  22. It's hard not to lose confidence that this will work after everything that we've been through. Sounds like you're doing everything right. Maintain the rage - the scale will move! I'm sure that extra water weight will come off soon too. Sounds like it was just your body reacting to coming off the medication.
  23. *Dean*

    3 months pic

    Wow. You're looking fantastic already.
  24. Dammit!! Actually having cravings won't bother me, if I have a bit more control than I did before.

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