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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CAS621

  1. I was sleeved on 11/13 and am down 54 lbs. I have had some ups and downs. I am still mostly eating softer foods. I tried doing denser, regular diet foods and it wasn't going well. So had to retreat back to the softer diet. I was getting frustrated but now I have accepted that I am just going to have to take it slower. Overall, I am happy with everything and feeling better every day.
  2. CAS621

    Anyone from Jacksonville, FL area

    I would definitely hold off on the shakes for the most part until after the surgery. However, I did start trying different brands before the surgery just to test them out. You can get tired of them pretty quickly once you start on them regularly. I have found that having a variety of different kinds helps. I use ready-made shakes and also the powders. I have been drinking Premier Protein ready-made shakes from Sams Club (chocolate). They have 30g of protein in them and are relatively inexpensive compared to other brands. I also drink the EAS AdvantEDGE Carb control. Not as much protein but also not as thick. I like the strawberry flavor on that one. The powder I have been using is the Pure Protein (Frosty Chocolate) - bought at Target. I blend it with Hood Calorie Countdown milk, ice and splenda. Sometimes I throw a banana in there too. I have heard that unjury powder is good too but have not tried it. You can buy it on Amazon. I think the key to the shakes is having a variety. Personally, there are some days that I just can't stomach a really thick shake, so I may drink one that has less protein but is thinner. Then I try to up the protein in other areas (e.g. eat a greek yogurt). I am only about 10 weeks post op but the one thing I have noticed is that I will get sick of any one item if I have too much of it!
  3. I had the same problem and I would say your surgeon is a bit hypersensitive. I called mine and they told me to take Milk of Magnesia until I went. I did 2 doses and then I was going for about a day straight. Not fun but took care of the problem. To prevent further issues, my doctor recommended taking Fibercon, Citrocel or Metamucil. I got a generic pill of Fibercon and take it a couple times a week. Seems to have taken care of the problem. Don't stress out. It is normal to have that kind of constipation post surgery with all the pain medication you have been on.
  4. This is great information. I am 2 1/2 months post op and really need to get going on more intensive exercise. Any opinions on the eliptical vs. treadmill? I am debating whether I need to get a treadmill for my house - I have an eliptical. My main areas of concern are my mid section and my arms. Thoughts?
  5. CAS621

    Anyone from Jacksonville, FL area

    Hi all, I had my surgery on Nov. 13th by Dr. Webb at Memorial. The first couple weeks were rough but now everything is going well. I am down 40 lbs. It's nice to meet people locally who have had the surgery. I attended one support group meeting at Memorial in December. Hope to go again this month. Best of luck to you both!
  6. CAS621

    I've Cheated!

    It's really interesting the experiences different people have. I started out planning not to tell very many people. Just close friends and family. But I found out as I told people that many people knew someone who had WLS. In fact, that was how I chose my SURGEON - word of mouth. I still haven't told everyone but more people than I planned on, particularly at work. Maybe since my insurance covers it, there are a number of people who have had it. Fortunately, I have had supportive responses from most people. The only person I can think of who has been a bit standoffish about it is ironically one of my closest friends. Most others just seem very excited for me.
  7. If you can, go to counseling. I am a firm believer. It has saved my marriage several times. My WLS program also offers support groups and classes for family members. When we are married, our decisions effect both of us. However, you still have to put yourself first sometimes. That may be scary to our significant others but the more you can work through those feelings together, the better off you both will be. Remind him that the better you feel about yourself, the better that will be for those around you. Just remember that while you want everyone to be supportive, this is about putting yourself first for a change. Don't let yourself feel bad or guilty about that. I know I have on occasion but that's what I keep telling myself!
  8. I completely understand how you feel. Been feeling much of the same. Sad, frustrated. But I am also glad I did the surgery despite the down moments. For many or most of us, food has been a source of comfort, socialization and a crutch. I almost feel like I am going through the stages of mourning that it's not there. Yes, it is a great thing we are doing but we have to remember there's an emotional piece to it as well. On a smaller scale, it's like missing a best friend that isn't there anymore. So, while I believe we have to do our best to focus on the positive, we also have to cut ourselves some slack and remember we went through a life changing event.
  9. dlinnh, I have had the same intestinal issues. I was sleeved on the 13th. After being contipated for days, my surgeon told me to take Milk of Magnesia. I did that and then was the complete opposite for 2 days. I won't provide details to spare you. Now I am back to not going. Fortunately, I had my appointment with my surgeon yesterday. He recommended taking either Citricel, Metamucil, or Fibercon on a daily basis to get back to regularity. I picked up generic Citicel caplets yesterday so I am going to start that today. And see how it goes....haha My incisions have been itchy too but not badly. He said they were healing well. My belly button incision is not healing as well as the others though. I don't know about other people's surgeons but mine has me focusing on staying hydrated and not so much the nutrition at this point. He said that will come later but right now I just need to focus on drinking and not worrying about whether I am getting enough Protein. He also said that how I progress on the diet towards soft foods is really individualized. He suggested just trying out small new things and seeing how I do. The guide that they give us is the most practical for the average person but it is not an absolute. Each of us are different in how we tolerate foods at this point. I have been fortunate in that everything I have tried at this point has not been a problem. The one thing he said that I found helpful is that I am not going to hurt my staples or anything by trying a "new" food. Like if I try a scrambled egg. The worst that will happen will be that my stomach won't tolerate a particular food and I will feel sick. I definitely am playing it safe because I don't want to feel sick on the stomach but I was relived to hear I did not need to worry about "hurting" my new tummy.
  10. Vidalia, I had not thought about the breathing difficulty being due to gas. I think I will try the gas-x and see if that helps. I have been burping a lot. Not glad that others have had the same problem but misery does love company : ) Actually, I have been feeling a lot less miserable today. Still do not feel great though. I know it will come. I am usually a patient person but this week has certainly been a test of patience! In some ways it would be better to be at work just to keep my mind off everything else. Instead, I bought myself some new books for my Kindle. I am not THAT ready to go back to work! Looking forward to my surgeon appointment on Tuesday. Ready to get back on some Vitamins and the B-12. In the meantime, I have been drinking the Vitamin Zero Water.
  11. 6 days post op - I have always loved Winnie the Pooh. All I can think now is "I have a rumbly in my tumbly". I find that my stomach is making the same noises and feelings for everything. So I can't figure out if I am hungry, full, have indigestion etc etc. Only time I can actually tell what my stomach is feeling is if I have nausea. sleep eluded me last night. I have not been able to get back on a regular schedule since coming home from the hospital. Question - Anyone still having some difficulty breathing? I have been using the breathing device they gave me in the hospital and the inhaler. I just thought it would be better by now. I would not say I am short of breath but my lungs do not feel like they are at full capacity either.... Trying my first bit of soupy oatmeal this morning. Hopefully all goes well!
  12. Had my sleeve surgery on Nov 13 - so I guess that makes me about 5 days post op. I have had ups and downs. Definitely felt horrible for the first several days. Went through the whole "what was I thinking" feeling. Or "buyer's remorse" as the local bariatric program folks call it. Feeling a bit better the past 2 days. I have trouble figuring out what I am feeling in terms of my body. The first couple days I was burping a lot. Then I got constipated - most likely from the pain meds. My surgeon recommended milk of magnesia. That worked but now I have the opposite problem and running to the bathroom. Somewhere in between would be nice : ) I have tolerated liquids pretty well. No vomiting. My surgeon has me on Prilosec twice daily. I struggle with being able to tell whether I am hungry, have reflux or some other thing going on. I can't seem to judge what I am feeling the way I could pre-op. Is my stomach growling or is it upset? I can't figure it out. Anyone else have that issue? I mostly just wish I felt better overall. It gets depressing at times. I know I have had major surgery and it will take time. I keep telling myself all the positive thoughts. Not always easy though! I think I am doing pretty well getting enough Water and hydration but I am sooooo sick of broth, Jello, popsicles etc. I am due to go to the second stage of liquids on Tuesday but wondering if I can't try some of that out sooner since I have been tolerating things pretty well. Any thoughts? Nice to have a forum to discuss, whine and vent with others going through the same thing!

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