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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Momonanomo

  1. Girl you must be reading my mind; you would never believe how much I needed to read something exactly like what you've just posted.

    My pre-op starts Wed and I've started stressing a bit. For months I've mentally prepared myself for the surgery and life post surgery, but i hadnt really thought about the 2 week pre-op diet. I guess i am fortunate that it's not ALL liquid; i can have 1 lean & green meal a day.

    I am defntly bookmarking your post to help buoy me up when things get tough. THANK YOU!!!!!

  2. awwwww she's SO cute! My 'little girl' is a dane mix .... at 18 months, she has topped out at a tall & lanky 75lbs and it's like having a pony in the house--- so I can only imagine how your girl will be when full grown! She does take up a LOT of bed space....we actually went from a queen to a king to accommodate her!

  3. Hi! I started my journey last Oct and now I'm scheduled for 5/22.... so I've been in this for about 6 months. And to answer your question, I've passed the time by and large by using this website! I have read every personal experience I come across on here -- there is a wealth of information! Not only have I learned a lot in a practical sense, it's also helped me to develop a realistic attitude toward what being sleeved and being successful is all about.

    I have read how the day of surgery typically goes, and immediate recovery. Everyone's story is slightly different, but I've got the jist of it -- enough that I at least don't feel like I'm going in completely blind. I've read a lot about how sleeved life is in the first weeks and all the way to 2 years. I admit the posts I've avoided pertain to the pre-op diet, and it's recently hit me .... THAT is likely to be the hardest part!!

    Use this time to REALLY explore the possibilities and what to expect. And trust me, the time will pass more quickly than you think!!

  4. You should be honest about it with your surgeon though, , , the purpose of the pre-op diet is to shrink the fat round the liver, which they have to maneuver around to do the surgery on the stomach


    I understand that you've probably panicked and eaten more in the time leading up to surgery because you are thinking about how after surgery you won't be able to eat those things for a while -- I hear ya. I've gained in the time I was jumping through the hoops to qulaify for surgery. But....I will do the pre-op diet very strictly (starts 5/8!), because my surgeon requires it in order to help him do his job. I know it's going to be killer hard, and I know some people on here have surgeons who don't require any special pre-op diet, but that's their prerogative -- they are not operating on me, MY surgeon IS, and HE requested the "liver shrinking diet" be done for 2 weeks prior to surgery. So I will do it! I want as safe a surgery as possible!

    So..... what's done is done now. But your surgeon requested it, and you need to be honest with him ASAP that you haven't been doing it. Maybe he can suggest a 3 day solution that will work for him. But you need to give him the truth for him to properly advise you. It's not fair to him or you for him to start surgery and have a surprise. I'm certain you're not the first patient of his who has done it.

    Good luck!

  5. Im afraid of the pre-op diet too!

    And here's a new one....i'm afraid of an earthquake during surgery :(

    But....I figure that's really reaching to find things to be afraid of, so i try to dismiss that one every time it pops in my head.

    Ya.....the pre-op diet is pretty scary in and of itself ;)

    I guess at some point ya just gotta " let go and let God "

  6. I'm pre-op, but I have in the past lost significant weight and had the same feelings.

    This time I'm arming myself with a good reality check tool...it's this website called mybodygallery.com, and all these women have posted pictures of themselves with their height and weight. It has helped me feel a bit more grounded. You can do a search and see what other women at your height look like at 308 and then go look at women your height at 178. So if you can't see it on you, you can see it on other people. It's very interesting too, to see the different shapes everyone comes in. And...I have to say, I've really gotten to a place in my head that I can see the beauty in ALL the body sizes.

    btw, from 308 to 178 is a significant accomplishment! Good job! Love yourself for it! :)

  7. Please don't introduce any bad carbs this early. Let me tell you my story. I was doing great until my nutritionalist started me in trouncing crackers into my diet about 3 months out. Then I would taste some chips here and there and then some popcorn and then some fries until now at 5 months I crave sweets again and want bad carbs all day long. Have not gained anything yet but am not losing as I should. So if you are wise stay away from all bad carbs until you are at goal and you can introduce if you are able. I know that I am going to have to give up all bad carbs forever because I can not control my eating. I am a CARBOHOLIC. And need to attend meetings for this. There are a lot of us so we shouldn't have a problem finding members.

    mokee, I really appreciate you having said this. I believe I too am a carboholic, and i'm thinking of the period right after surgery as being a "detox". I know it's going to be hard. But I also recognize how it's a vicious cycle with the carbs. So I'm thinking I'll be one of those people who will not be able to introduce carbs back and just have a little here and there. Thanks for sharing your experience and words of wisdom.

    Best of luck and one day at a time :) Onward!

  8. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time :( I'm still pre-op, but I believe what everyone says, it will get better. Everyone has a different experience as far as recovery. It's a shame they led you to believe that you would, without question, be close to 100% right away. It's major surgery and it should be expected that you wouldn't be 100% right away.

    I just want to check for understanding though: "the rounding person from the team was telling me that I would be released and he just signed off on a person who had this done 2 weeks ago, for that person to run in a marathon."

    You mean someone had a verticle sleeve gastrectomy and ran a marathon 2 weeks later?!?!?!??! wth?!?

  9. I've been on it for 20 years. Didn't help any with weight loss but definitely helps the general tired feeling.

    Vicki, how did you take it in the days immediately after surgery? Did you crush it? I keep meaning to ask my endocrinologist....

  10. Anyone on it? I found out through all of the post op labs that my thyroid isnt working as well as it should be so they started me on it a few days ago. Does it help with weight loss? What are your experiences with it?

    I've been on it for appx 4 years. My weight has gone up & down like always, so no effect there unfortunately :(

  11. HI & welcome to VST!! Glad you found the site too :) I know it's been instrumental in helping me make my decision.

    I've been addicted to the boards the last 6 months or so leading up to my surgery which is scheduled for 5/22. I'm so glad I've spent time reading so many stories of people's experiences through blogs and on the various topic threads. Go to the Forums Home page and browse around -- everything you can think of has been covered -- and some things you may NOT have thought of ! LOL!

    Right now, since my surgery is right around the corner, I like reading about people's actual hospital stay and immediate recovery. It helps me prepare for what will be happening. And it's ALWAYS awesome to read people's success stories and see their before & after pictures!

  12. I'm to be sleeved in May (yay!) I'm slightly over 40 bmi, so now my insurance will cover, but when I started researching, I was slightly under 40 BMI, with no comorbidities..... YET. So I was asking myself a similar question.

    I would consider your personal history with weight loss -- for me, I had gone up and down with an upward trend since high school-- that's over 22 years. I knew I could lose the weight but I couldn't keep it off, and my pattern is to gain even more back with each loss. I was tired of that, and tired of being overweight, and mostly just really TIRED!

    I also considered that going forward with it now instead of waiting until I weighed even more meant probably 1) an easier surgery/ recovery 2) being able to get on with life in a healthier body sooner 3) avoiding any further damage to my joints and the rest of my body

    I agree with Carrie-- if you can make it work, go for it. In the long run you will most likely be better off.

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