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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Momonanomo

  1. Momonanomo

    3 weeks post op check in

    Today marks 3 weeks since surgery, and things are going quite well. I started my pre-op liver shrinking diet on 5/8/13, so I consider that my “start”. Since then I have lost 27.8 lbs, although my period started today so I’m probably good for another pound or two soon. I’m in the “soft foods” stage right now. I do feel restriction now! I also do feel hunger, although it is a reasonable hunger (not like the hunger I felt before all my life – THAT was unreasonable crazy and all-consuming hunger!). …..And once I have a few bites of good protein, my reasonable hunger is satisfied I love that. I am eating things like cottage cheese, good quality lunch meat (chewed well), baked fish, ricotta, PB2, eggs, and protein shakes of course. For an obese girl I am a pretty healthy person –I love and have missed my fruits and veggies. So I bought a nutria-bullet! For those who haven’t seen the infomercial, it is a small blender type thing that is extremely powerful and will pulverize anything you put in it. So this week I have begun incorporating ‘green drinks’ into my daily routine. It has made a WORLD of difference in my energy level! You load it up with half dark green leafies, some avocado, and half fruit (covers the taste of the green leafies!) and add healthy nuts or dried goji berries (these get pulverized so it’s not bad for the sleeve!). The resulting smoothie is much better than jamba and no doubt much more healthy. I also add my protein powder and voila! I get my protein drink plus my fruits & veggies! I now feel much better that I am getting a good balanced diet. I do 3 meals a day of a good protein, then 2 snacks in between of the green protein drinks, and I feel awesome. Sometimes for a late night snack I will mix up a tablespoon of PB2. Yum. My nails are growing like crazy! I guess it’s the protein? I certainly don’t feel malnourished, even though my calories are still pretty low. I’m not losing all that crazy-fast, but it’s ok. I am losing. And I had wondered pre-surgery whether I would be a fast loser or a slow loser, and I have to say – both have good things about them. If I am indeed a slow loser, I believe my skin will be in better shape in the long run. I hope. I also have high hopes that my hair will not fall out if I am a slower loser. I also think that my colleagues and other people who don't know I had surgery will be less likely to try to get all in my business if I lose slowly, because it will be a more gradual change. The obvious benefit to being a fast loser is that you get to have the weight off faster!!! Since it;s summer time, that is really appealing. But I takes what I gets! I have to say that all the months and months prior to surgery, time seemed to go by so quickly, and now time actually seems to go really slowly….because I know it’s just a matter of time until I lose a significant amount of weight. I am being a bit impatient in that way. Oh! I must share this too – yesterday I decided to have one of those Morningstar farm breakfast sausages for lunch -- I'd been thinking about those for the whole time I was on liquids! I ate too quickly, and/or didn’t chew well enough, because OMG I had a really bad experience! It honestly felt like someone had punched me in the stomach, and I got really nauseas – although I never threw up. It. Really. Really. Sucked. Lesson learned. I guess we all go through that at least once, ya? I think next on my agenda will be starting some more rigorous activity or even what could be called exercising So far I have just been hiking up the hill behind my house and back everyday. My dog loves it, because I am able to let her off leash. It’s maybe a mile round trip but it is an incline. The first few times I did it after surgery I was really going at a snail’s pace. But now I’m able to go at a pretty good clip. So it’s time to go farther I believe! Onward!
  2. Momonanomo

    Does my liver look smaller?

    And so begins the FIRST day of my 2 week Liver Shrinking Diet. It involves 2 protein shakes per day, 1 “lean & green” meal (for me it will be my dinners) and 2 “protein snacks” which can be a protein bar or 2 eggs or cottage cheese or poke, etc. Sugarfree jello is unlimited. Yay. LOL. Not gonna lie, last night, being the last night of old food habits, I had a cheeseburger, ......and there was a late evening trip to Baskin Robbins. HOWEVER, I have actually been pretty in control with this looming on the horizon. My husband (fit & athletic all his life, god bless him) said “Gosh I guess if it was me I’d totally pig out so that I wouldn’t WANT junk food for a while” While I understand that he is alluding to a form of aversion therapy, that clearly is not the answer in the case of a food addict – otherwise I wouldn’t be so overweight. Yes I have totally pigged out at times in my life and guesswhat? It has never made me not want to eat again. But he meant well, and I’d venture to guess that the fact that I didn’t take him up on his offer to let me binge til I puked may have impressed him a bit SO. ….To be honest, it’s early yet, but I’m not panicking about the aspects of this 2 weeks diet. I’m actually quite stoked to be starting the process! From past experience, I know that the Carb Crazies may set in round day 3 or 4. And that is also when my nose will become acutely attuned to smelling ANY bread or crackers within a mile radius. But, I shall overcome! And, a wise vet on VST has said - - when in doubt, drink water. I’m going to be very well hydrated. Also practicing the no water til 30 min after I eat. I had to spit some water out a little while ago because I took a sip without thinking. Glad I'm in my office where no one can see me Really what hit me between the eyes this morning was that today signifies that in 2 weeks, I will be at the medical center being prepped for surgery. That is kinda unbelievable. That is exciting! That is coming up SO fast!!! I’m ready! Or rather, I will be by then! ONWARD!
  3. Wow....I had prepared for it to take the full 15 business days for insurance to reply....but it only took 4. I'm approved! May 22nd at 1 pm. Excited, scared, curious, nervous, relieved, anxious....seems crazy to have some of these feelings all at the same time! But ..... here we gooooooo. I have SO much to do at work to get ready to be gone. I never take more than a day or two off at a time, except when I got married, and unfortunately even that I kinda planned around my work schedule (don't tell anyone, that's kinda my own little secret). I'm planning on being out 5/21 through 31... the 27th is a holiday, so it's really only 8 work days. I do payroll for a kind of large outfit and being out through the 31st means when I come back on June 3rd I have to hit the ground running full speed to process payroll that day. Hope to God all goes well and I am able to come back when I plan to! I honestly don't know what would happen if I wasn't here. I guess the responsible thing to do is to make sure my boss remembers how to do it, so that he can do it if necessary. Then there are other pressing matters that I need to wrap up before I take the time off, and some things I need to find someone to do while I'm out...I honestly don't know who is going to do some of these things...panicking a little about it. One thing is for sure: nothing makes time go by more quickly than having deadlines to meet!
  4. Momonanomo

    Day Three Sucks

    Yes, and it's a bit of a mind trick, because when I was getting ready to leave the hospital, I was like "wow, this was easier than I had thought it would be!" but then....a day and 2 days later...felt pretty rough. I felt I had backslid. I think it was just that I was on IV in the hospital, and the IV pain meds & fluids made me feel pretty good. Here's something my sweet husband said to me that totally helped... Lie still, close your eyes, and imagine that you are lying in the great hand of God. God is loving and protecting you, and God has his other hand on your tummy, and he is sending his blessings to help your tummy heal. I used that as a prayer/meditation, and it helped me relax and sleep.
  5. Very nice work! You look great! Can I ask how tall and how much you've lost? I hope I can make similar progress in 13 weeks!
  6. Momonanomo

    Day Three Sucks

    I totally agree that day 3 sucked. I promise it gets better!
  7. Momonanomo

    3 weeks post op check in

    thanks! it's not a super steep hill ....but not flat either. Just beyond it there is a part that is much steeper -- that is my next challenge!
  8. I was sleeved 2 1/2 weeks ago & am thrilled to say i now can drink water like normal. I am so glad! Go slow, let it heal, you will get there.
  9. Momonanomo

    About Time

    Hmmm birthday cake sounds yummy. Where do you get these?
  10. Momonanomo

    This has been a magical week!

    You brought tears to my eyes with this. I am so happy for you!! I hope I am as successful. Many congratulations to you, and thank you so much for sharing!
  11. is it kind of sad that my mouth started watering over .... vitamins? lol
  12. Momonanomo


    I understand you must be really bummed that you have to wait, but you should appreciate the value of being in the best possible health to have surgery! This is a major surgery & you want to give yourself every possibility of not having complications. The time will pass more quickly than you think. Hang in there!
  13. Momonanomo

    Day two at home 6/6/2013

    I've read here on VST some others experienced temporary blurred vision from the anestesia. I didn't, but i believe what you are experiencing is temporary so try not to worry. As far as nausea & fluids....i was the exact same way. I had about 3 rough days & since then i am better every day. Just go slow and keep trying small, routine sips of your fluids. Try to also move around a bit as much of the bloated feeling is from the gas they use for laproscopy. Between sipping & walking like it is your job in life , stay as comfy as possible and rest. Soon you will be able to get more protein and when that gets better you will be feeling tons better! Hang in there!
  14. Momonanomo

    Swimming Post-Op

    Im not allowed to go swimming or soaking until dr sees me again & says ok. I will see him at 4 weeks post op.....
  15. Yes for the first week or so, my temp would start in the a.m. at 98.3 then by afternoon/evening it would go to 99.6 . I was doing a lot of sleeping too. I think if the dr is not concerned & you don't feel bad, then chalk it up to your body reacting to surgery.
  16. I'm finding that when I get thirsty while eating (meal OR snack), I end up stopping eating maybe even before I am full, because i know that the sooner I stop eating, the sooner the 30 min will be up & I can drink! I'm also really seeing the importance of staying well hydrated throughout the day so that I don't get as crazy-thirsty as often. I was told no drinking 20-30 minutes prior to eating as well as the 30 min wait after.
  17. Momonanomo

    Double Chocolate/Black Cherry Protein Pops

    could even put the tiniest drop of almond extract in the mix, and then it would be like Blackforest cake!
  18. Momonanomo

    Starving from this liquid diet!

    Try not to think of it as a diet -- think of it as preparing for surgery. You can do this!!!
  19. Momonanomo

    Needing good luck thoughts

    I send you good thoughts and wishes! I was in a similar situation -- now I'm sleeved and on my way! Eat salty things between now & then Lots. It will make you retain water!
  20. Momonanomo

    I have my sleeve

    Yaaaaay! I know you had to go through a lot to get here! I am so happy for you and glad you kept your chin up through it all. I am certain it will be worth it! Now I wish you a speedy recovery best of luck to you and welcome to the other side !
  21. Momonanomo

    surgery was 12 days ago

    He seems to be doing well with it. I have made a special point to recognize what this all has meant to him and how it has affected him, and Ive tried to give lots of positive reinforcement. For example, I made a point to thank him profusely for the TLC he gave during my recovery, and I continue to show gratitude. I also acknowledged that him having to watch me go through surgery must have been really scary and nerve-racking, and I was sorry he had to go through that & see me in the hospital. Sometimes it means the world to just validate your loved one's feelings, ya know? But now that I seem to get better exponentially every single day....I believe he would agree this was the right decision.
  22. Momonanomo

    don't click on the link!

    OK maybe you guys can tell me how to report this, but I also wanted to give a heads up to everyone. And if it's already come up, my apologies for duplicating. In the middle of the night I got a ping on my phone that said I had email. I checked it, and it says that joeloa666 has started a new personal conversation with me. It looks like all the other notifications I get from VST and there's the link to click to connect to the VST site. But it also shows the body of the email I've supposedly been sent on VST, and it say the following: "My name is Luka Chachibaia, I am a citizen of Ukraine and the Vice President Operations of Tethys Petroleum, a multi-national oil corporation operating from London-England, UK. I am seeking your assistance to retrieve the sum of($40,000.000) Forty Million Dollars consisting of two consignment boxes.This money was acquired from the company and it was accompanied by a diplomat to the U.S.A, my reason for this is because I have been cheated out of my entitlements by the company for too long simply because I am not a British. The contact details of the diplomat will be given to you if you indicate your interest to help me.Each of the boxes contains $20M and for your help I am ready to release 30% to you, for security reasons the consignment was registered to be CONFIDENTIAL DIPLOMATIC DOCUMENTS and I can explain why it was declared so. Bear in mind that the diplomat is not aware of the content of the consignment, it has been there for the past 1 month while I intend to look for a reliable partner.I will be leaving the country immediately the consignment is delivered to you for my private investment and I have vowed never to step back into London, England. Please, I need your urgent response before my plans to leave the company is discovered.Right now the safest form of correspondence is through my own e-mail address, please in the interest of confidentiality only reply through my direct email address ( chachibaialuka566@yahoo.com.hk ) Reply along with your direct phone and fax number where I can alternatively reach you on.More about me on: http://www.tethyspetroleum.com/tethys/static/EN_US/au_seniormanagement.html ,Please if you are not willing and interested in helping me kindly delete this email from your email and pretend you never got it.Best regards,Mr.Luka Chachibaia Vice President Operations Tethys Petroleum.London, England" SERIOUSLY? Not a Nigerian prince this time? Do people really sometimes fall for this crap? they must, if people keep doing it! I expect this in hotmail or yahoo mail, but not through VST. So I separately opened a browser & logged into VST to reply to this nitwit and give him what-for, but lo & behold....there is no such personal message in my VST mailbox. I can only guess that the link in the notification that supposedly would take me directly to VST is false and possibly - probably- harmful. ugh.
  23. Momonanomo

    I Need A New Grocery Store :-(

    You are SO funny!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
