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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Momonanomo

  1. My understanding is that it is (yet another) multilevel marketing company. Sure they want you to buy their supplements, but the real money is when they entice you into a "business opportunity" to sell their products to others.
  2. Momonanomo

    I know its a compliment but still

    smh....people just don't think about what they're saying.....I hear what you're saying, and I understand. Try to just take it at face-value, you've been wonderfully successful. So successful in fact, that it has caused people to say incredibly stupid things ps: congrats on your success!
  3. Momonanomo

    Taco Bell Torture

    I haven't had Taco Bell in several years -- once the news hit that they admitted one of their ingredients to make their burritos weigh so much was silicone....ugh, that's not food. I have loved me some BK and McD's though. However, since surgery I've gone through detox with fast food. And I don't think I'll ever be tempted again because I see that the workers are so underpaid. Underpaid = disgruntled, and that leads to some of the horrible things we've seen pictures of posted .....licking the taco shells, etc. So all in all, it's not really food, it's contributed to an obesity epidemic (of which I was a part), the workers are underpaid while the companies reap huge profits....to me it's not much better than supporting tobacco companies by smoking. It's not good for anyone except the companies who perpetuate it all. Not to say I don't LOVE some burgers & mexican food! There are plenty of mom- and- pop- type joints that make burgers and mexican food, and I'd rather support them, and I believe the food is better quality. They don't have drive throughs, but then I should be motivated enough to actually walk in..... ok sorry.....I'll climb down now of my soap box.
  4. Momonanomo

    New hair growth PRE-surgery!

    During my pre-op and for the first 2 months post, my nails grew like crazy! To the point that I had to actually get clippers and cut them so I could type. That's never happened in my life! I also attributed it to the revised diet with increased protein. I've always had a ton of hair so I didn't notice any increase as far as that goes. Today marks 11 weeks since surgery, and my nail growth has slowed, but I still haven't lost any hair. HOWEVER I will not be surprised when it happens.....haven't heard from anyone yet who didn't experience it.....
  5. Momonanomo

    Bad day

    Well there are slider foods -- called this because they slide right through and you don't get the feeling of restriction the sleeve can give. Sounds like you had a lot of slider foods today. Pick yourself up and start fresh, you can do this. The sleeve will work if you work it properly -- always have Protein first. If you do that, you will feel full and not have room for the junk food.
  6. whoa it sure has! very nice!
  7. Momonanomo

    Before and after

    Wow! Awesome! How long did it take you? Do you mind sharing your stats? I wanna look like you!!! very inspiring
  8. Momonanomo

    Cheating on Pre-op diet !

    Here is what worked for me: Instead of thinking of it as a preop diet, I thought of it as preparing for surgery.
  9. Momonanomo

    My husband is a chubby chaser.

    i am! I assured my husband too that i will never, could never, be a stick figure like the run way models. We agreed that the sexiest thing is for me to feel good and feel healthy. I have asked him that as i get closer to goal please tell me if he thinks i am getting too thin. I have a ways to go before that could even possibly be an issue! But if/when the time comes, I believe we have control over fine tuning our weight loss and can go into maintenance when we choose to by adding back some higher calorie foods if needed. Your husband loves you for more than just your body. He will love your new healthier body too. especially when you are able to stand on your head & swing from the chandeliere to please him, if you know what i mean! Lol
  10. I was sleeved 5/22/13 so about the same time as you. I have def been able to eat more lately. BUT if i am following the guidelines of Protein First, I still feel restriction pretty quickly. So I am trying to just always do protein first. I would say 2 to 3 oz depending on the protein (beef gives me LOTS of restriction).
  11. Momonanomo


    Have you tried the isopure clear ? It is like koolaid with 40 g protein. I say try that since you can do thin liquids ok. Btw the mental image of a shriveled hairless ball made me giggle
  12. Momonanomo

    Can we talk smells?

    O the joy of ketosis, and the fragrance of fat loss
  13. Momonanomo

    How did you sleep after surgery?

    I slept a LOT. Mostly in the bed on my back--- which kind of sucked because I am a fetal-position sleeper normally. I knew I was healing when I woke up and had rolled onto my side while sleeping ...that was within about 5 or 6 days from surgery.
  14. Momonanomo


    Got my nutribullet a month ago & use it everyday!! I agree with mini, it should come with 2 big cups as the big one is the real useful one. I think the machine helped me get a more balanced diet earlier in my food progression. I was missing fruits n veggies in those early days! I dont know about the vitamix et al, but the nutribullet seems a little less able to completely pulverize everything after only a month of use.....will have to see how it is doing in another month.
  15. Momonanomo

    MAY sleeverss

    May 22...down 40 since surgery, down 50 from start of 2 wk pre-op diet on may 8.
  16. Momonanomo

    Marriage falling apart

    What I am reading is that he has been cold for years, and now that you are getting attention from others, you might act on it. So his behavior doesnt have to do with the weight loss, but yours does. Only you can decide if it is a salvageable situation. Either stick with him or break it off and move on. What i do not recommend though, is staying with him and cheating. Be stronger than that.
  17. Momonanomo


    I blogged about it....I was in some pain immediately waking up in recovery, but after that my main issue was nausea for the next few days. I slept a LOT too. It was a little like having the flu. Still felt sluggish until i got a good balanced diet going -- about a month. Im 50 lbs down as of today,and the energy is increasing every day! The discomfort of surgery is a distant memory
  18. Yup it is a sign of ketosis. My husband and i have a running joke now about the smell of weight loss lol. He said he doesnt mind because of what it indicates and because it wont be forever. Btw i love altoids sugar free mini mints now!
  19. Momonanomo


    I loooove pilates! It IS strength training, but you dont use weight. It is all about strengthening your core. Think moves like slow controlled crunches and leg lifts. It is good for your abs and your back! I give it a big thumbs up!
  20. Momonanomo

    5 months

    WOW! Great job!
  21. Momonanomo

    Weighy loss

    I lost 10 lbs during the 2 week pre-op diet. Then, in the first 4 weeks following surgery, I lost an additional 20 lbs. My second month (4 weeks) I lost another 13.2 lbs. So yeah, for me it slowed down too. But that's cool, a loss is a loss!
  22. Momonanomo

    2 months out, down 45

    It’s Wednesday, my check-in day! The scale starting moving again – I’m now down 35 lbs since surgery & 45 since starting the pre-op diet. I am so grateful. I feel like my body has taken so well to this. I haven’t really had difficulty with anything I’ve eaten, but I’m only really eating good clean food. The only problem I had was early on when I first started real food I ate a Morningstar farms sausage patty too fast without chewing well and omg that hurt. Lesson learned. But as far as tolerating foods, I chose wisely and chew well. I can even do ice berg lettuce! I’m quite proud of myself. I always kind of knew that this was my one last time to embark on the proverbial “lifestyle change” I’ve always sought, and this time I was going to have the very best tool I could possibly have. And that’s exactly what it is. I have the desire to stay on a healthy eating plan, and with the sleeve I’m able to do it without feeling like I’m a wild-eyed-raving starving maniac. I could totally eat ice cream and French fries now I bet, but I really don’t want to. Still haven’t had bread, or rice, or pasta. It’s been 10 weeks! Someday I will have it again I’m sure, but I want to maybe be at the halfway to goal point before I indulge in some serious carbs like that. And it will be a small indulgence. Small tummy dats why. Right now I am at a point where I have exactly 100 lbs to lose. And I really feel like I’m going to do it! It’s just a matter of how long will it take? Up til now, I’ve wanted to do a blog entry each week, but honestly, I’m at a point where things are a bit repetitious, and the progress is nothing earth-shattering in just a week. So I think I’m going to start just blogging on a monthly basis. I’m SO looking forward to seeing where I am in a month!! Onward!
  23. Momonanomo

    2 months out, down 45

    Awww thank you!! I sooooo look forward to being where you are!
  24. Momonanomo

    Rapid Fill

    I also think that since you are only 3 weeks out there is still some swelling of your stomach going on. I am 9 weeks out and most definitely can eat more than at 3 weeks. Still not a lot Give yourself some time to heal; try not to worry.
  25. This is a good one, that i had somehow missed. Thanks for reposting!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
