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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Blog Comments posted by drqqpy2

  1. Thanks for your words of inspiration and little tid-bits to get thru the dreaded "excercise" regimen that we know we MUST DO! I have always said we are the only one's to have control and decide what kinda day we're gonna have. Never do we realize that waking up is the start of a "good day, because we woke up"! The rest of the day should be a walk in the park!

  2. Hi, I had my sleeve surgery on August 6th and I was never a big water drinker prior to surgery and after surgery Im lucky if I can get 20oz in. I have a cup of coffee every morning with a hardboiled egg and the consumption of water is the hardest. I tried infusing the water, I tried the little packets of zero calories to add to the water BUT water and me just dont "mix". I hope it gets better with time because come summer, Im going to be scared of getting dehydrated and possibly admission to the hospital because of dehydration! I have also noticed that my sense of smella and taste has changed drastically. I blogged earlier and Im not the only one! Weird, very weird! Good luck on your journey toots! :)

  3. What a great relief to know that I am not crazy or alone with this crazy issue. Thanks to all of you for the verification of my sanity! I can honestly say that when I do over-do on the eating part I do feel nauseous.

    Thanksgiving is right around the corner and in the beginning, maybe the first month I was scared of turkey day coming up. Scared for the simple reason of eating and over-eating etc. But Im 3 months out and I feeling more and more confident with each waking day. Only for the simple reason that I have come across birthday's or office parties that offered just about all my favorite foods and I was able to turn them all down. My surgery is exactly what I wanted and I dont want to jeopordize my sleeve or my health or worse, gain weight!

    Lastly, after having this surgery, I found that friends and family members would be scared to eat in front of me. What I told them is "go ahead and eat, pretend I never had the surgery, resume regular routine because I will always be around food regardless". Its up to me to turn it away. Everywhere I turn there will be a fast food joint, my house has all the junk food in the world because I have teens and a husband with a sweet tooth. My dietary lifestyle is just that, mine! I continue to make dinners that they love, i.e. lasagna, fried chicken, spaghetti, etc. I make it for them. I make my own healthy dish. There are times where they actually have tried my food and enjoyed it. My husband alone lost 10 pounds by being self-conscious on what he eats because he sees me doing "me" and my diet regimen. Good luck to all of you, and Im relieved that we can all relate because yes it is hard to talk something thru to someone who has not gone through it let alone know the emotions we go thru on a daily basis.

    Have an amazing Tureky day all!!

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