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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by PerezL84

  1. I know this sound strange, but your body might not be getting enough calories to lose fat. How is your Protein intake?
    You are doing great, and keep the faith - the journey works!
    Thank you scoutmom. Those words of encouragement are always needed. My daily protein is around 80 grams. I normally drink 1 and 1 and 1/2 of Isopure. It does me well. I will continue to track it and hope to see that scale dropping. Keep you posted.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Hi everyone! I had my RNY surgery 2 weeks ago to this date and haven't experienced the scale budging but I've lost enough inches that I feel lighter and clothes fit better. From reading about surgery and results, it seems that people tend to lose weight and then stall out at week 3-6 (I know everyone is different!) I'm curious if there's anyone out there who lost no weight following surgery and continued to have favorable results down the road?
    I understand that everyone's journey is different, I just don't want to feel alone in this. I know I'm still in the healing phase just want to talk to people who have had similar starts to this journey [emoji3590]

    I am 4 weeks postop. I've been working out and hitting the gym..and of course eating right. The scale seem to be not favorable at this time. My weight loss is at a stall. My dietitian and surgeon said not to worry but I don't understand why is taking this long. I hope next month isn't as bad. I continue to work out 6 days of the week. My calorie intake is 500 to 600 a day...and even with that... I don't get it. I want to believe this shall pass and people seem to also agree that this is just a phase. Hope this helps..just stay positive and never give up.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I am three weeks postop. Since merging into my 2nd phase with some mushy foods, I've been having diarrhea for 4 consecutive days. I tried going back to my first phase and even taking Imodium AD tablets to ease the pain. And yes I am getting in plenty of fluids since knowing that diarrhea causes dehydration. Not sure what to do at this time. I am walking up every morning at 6am by this uncomfortable abdominal pain. I only feel better after bowl movement of what it seemw to be Water based. If anyone has experience something similar please help. I will be reaching out to my doctor on Tueaday if this persists.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I am home, showered, and taking it easy. I am going to be on full liquids for 2 weeks. I am going to go slow as far as food and progression because I have read where quite a few by passers have problems with different stuff in the beginning. Hope that I can still drink premiere Protein Shakes and will be finding out within the hour.
    Also I can already feel differences in the 2 surgeries. The sleeve had restriction from the start and I could not even drink but a few sips. This by pass is not like that at all I can drink with no problems. I just taking it slow though
    Hi Tracyringo...

    I had the revisio as well. It seems I can drink fluids without a problem. I feel concern. Thought I should be able to feel some discomfort if I get full...but I don't. Should i ask my surgeon? Any thoughts?

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Day 6 Postop....[Revision surgery from sleeve to bypass]

    Today I feel much better. I have to be honest the pain from VSG versus the RNY bypass is much severe at least for the first couple of days. This didn't happen to me when I was sleeved. The good part now is, I am feeling much better. No complications here. I take in my daily Vitamins, get my 40 to 60 grams of Protein [isopure] and my Water intake is about 40 to 50ounces. To those who are in the process or will be having surgery...stay strong and think positive. The pain will go away...and by watching so many videos I think 2 to 3 weeks at most. I wi be concern if there are any complications after this period.

    Location: NJ
    Age: 37yrs Male
    Height: 5'11"
    Surgery Date: August 17th 2020
    Weight at Surgery: 281lbs
    Weight as of today [Aug 23rd]: 269lbs
    Concerns: No complications.
    What I've Learned: 1) [emoji2211] walks for 30 minutes really help me out. 2) Rest and sip on water whenever you can. This really helps. 3) pain meds help me recover on the first 3 days and I will take them at night time purposely to sleep through the night. 4) don't compare your results to anyone on this platform. NO JOURNEY IS THE SAME...and every body metabolic system works different and their gastroenterology works different.

    Will post again once I go into my 2nd phase of my eating diet.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Hey Everyone, I had my surgery yesterday and had a bad reaction to the anesthesia which has never happened to me before. I was in bad shape all night and early this morning. My surgeon approved a new medication and I’m doing much better. They put a pain blockage on the incisions so I don’t feel any pain on the sides. Only when I throwing up. I was scheduled to go home today but I’ll will be spending one more night here and then I’m free. The surgeon said it went well.
    Hi RichelleGetsFit0309,

    Hang on there. The first three nights for me were hell. So much pain and I couldn't sleep well if it wasn't for the narcotics. I AM ON MY DAY 4 postop and feeling better. The pain on the lower left side seems to be the worse out of all 5 incessions made. I been in liquid diet and I can't wait to have some real solid food. Is not easy, but will get better. Stay strong.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. I have been slacking on the Protein. I am having a difficult time getting fluids down. I haven’t had a hunger queue since surgery, and hours will pass before I realize that I may need to at least drink something. Hopefully this pain leaves quickly. I have noticed that hot Water from the shower allows me to move a bit more. Thank you for responding and I hope you are feeling better.

    Hi Steph5333,
    Same here, I am 4 days postop and was discharged 2 days after surgery. Once at home, pain from ny belly button and my right side increased. My doc tells me the first two weeks this is normal. Who knows. Keep me posted and I hope we both get a speedy recovery. I just want to be able to sleep and walk without any pain.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Hi there. New to this forum.
    I’m having bypass next month due to Barrett’s Oesophagus. Also hoping to lose some extra kilos .
    i had a sleeve in 2013 which was pretty successful.
    Any of you that have gone from sleeve to bypass, have you lost much weight?

    Hi Kristy,

    Same here. Just got mine done on Aug 17th. Today is my 4th day postop. Nonprobl3ms except the gas. Is painful and so discomforting. My doc tells me the first 2 or 3 weeks are always the hardest. Sleeve was nothing compared to the Bypass. With the sleeve I barely felt any postop pain. Now with this one I feel so bloated and sleepy. Stqy in touch and bewtbof luck.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. you'll be fine sleeping on your stomach after awhile. I'm a side sleeper, but I had to sleep on my back the first three weeks or so.
    I was the same with the pain. I had pretty much zero unless I was trying to get out of bed - then I felt like I'd just done about 1000 crunches! It'll all go away fairly soon, though...
    Hi cwtwoman7...how soon does it go away? My bad is a low rise bed and I'm worried once I'm discharged of the pain st home.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. 1st day postop...my doctor wants me to stay one more night to be sure the pain subsides. The staff here has been extremely friendly which makes even better. I got the white liquid test this morning and no signs of any leaks. However, although the liquid wasn't bad, it trigger a bell pain that was unbearable. Got back to my room and gave me a anti-inflammatory and pain meds which knocked me right out. I did walk once I woke up. Now my nurse order me my late lunch: beef broth, crystal lite drink..with a 8oun of Water.

    So far no problems except the pain from this morning's liquid test. Also, I've been burping all the air from the surgery. Thought it was going to be gas, but it isn't. Also, the nurse measures how much and how many times you pee. This is also a big indicator for them to know that you are doing fine. Hope this helps. Can't wait to go back home. Good luck to all for this week. 20200818_125807.jpg

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. I had the gastric sleeve July 15 2019. I only lost 52 lbs and have gain 20lbs back. I had IBS real bad. After the surgery that issue is gone.The sleeve surgery did not work for me. My appetite has increased. Question wonder if I need a revision for bypass. Just wanting your thoughts.

    I had a revision to bypass. Lost weight but dialted my stomach which caused me to eat regular meals as with my same stomach. Got my revision today. Feels great and hoping to see great results. Best of luck. But highly recommending you to get a revision.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. I finally got home yesterday. I feel very sore like a did an external work out. My ribs are killing me. I am able to keep pretty much everything down, but I don’t have a sense of fullness so I’m scared that I will eat or drink too much. Other then that I am doing great

    Good luck. Probably another day or two the fullness will kick in.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

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