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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by free4life

  1. free4life

    I Apologize

    I just jumped on here today and found the Mexico and Self pay forum. So, I saw your post and wanted to chime in some recommendations to help you break your stall. I also think your body may be just "resting" after the extreme loss you've had your first 3 months. However, I'm going to give you some tips that I have learned and am trying to instill in my wls journey for the long term journey, and when you reach your goal and want to maintain that weight. 1. Log your food, every morsel/drink you are putting in your body on an app like my fitness pal. You are only a few months out but this is going to help you in the journey. 2. Be sure you are getting enough Water in. 3. Eat your lean Protein first, then the others. 4. Find a good support group, not just online but a hospital group or outside face to face group who will help you be accountable and encourage you. 5. Add Fiber to your diet instead of using laxatives. Now, if your doctor wants you on consistent laxatives this is something to discuss with him/her. I'm not a doctor, but I do think that eating higher fiber foods, adding fiber, etc. could get you back on track. 6. Don't just get stuck on the number on the scale. Are your clothes continuing to get bigger? Are you feeling good? Your body may be playing "catch up". If you are doing everything according to the doctor's instructions (bariatric rules) then you will continue to lose. Finally, you have done AWESOME!! Remember even at goal, this is a lifelong journey, so if you haven't gotten into a local support group or learning the behavioral aspects of overeating/overweight, I encourage you to look into this. It will definitely be worth it.
  2. free4life

    Syntrax Nectar Experts?

    I have tried all the flavors, but the only one that I really like and still drink daily is the Chocolate Truffle. My teenagers even liked it! I used to mix it with skim milk but recently have been using unsweetened almond milk. I have been using this since 2006 when I first had lap band and now with my revision since November. I usually buy it from the Vitamin Shoppe near me, and recently discovered they do free shipping if the order is high enough, so all my supplements (vitamin D3, biotin, B-12, etc.) I now order online from the Vitamin Shoppe. I get points so I will get a rebate coupon at the end of the year that should be substantial.
  3. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Well, I am still plugging along and getting smaller. I have seen some people on here ask about excess skin. Well, if you haven't been working out all along, START NOW. Being healthy and fit is not just about what the scale tells you, as one can lose muscle mass along with the fat and be at a lower weight but not necessarily be at his/her healthiest weight overall. I have been working out since the beginning. At first it was the walking due to not being able to lift. However, when I could start lifting, I hired a trainer (I'm lazy and don't love to work out) to guide me in using machines, free weights, mixed cardio, etc., etc. This has helped with me getting smaller. So, I do weigh and the scale keeps moving but it's not huge amounts. However, my size is shrinking and I'm stronger and fit, even though I still have 30 lbs. to go and maybe more depending on how I look and feel at that weight. So, again, get moving and get into a weight training program. If you cannot afford even one visit to a trainer, most gyms will help you with at least one visit or you can do research yourself and learn to use the machines and weights safely. Of course, depending on your age and health history you should discuss this with your doctor.
  4. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Haven't checked in for awhile, but I have posted pictures now of comparing before I had lap band, then before the sleeve and now my progress, along with my hubby's. He had about 20-30 to lose and did so with a special plan and exercise. He's almost to goal and I would like to lose about 30 more and then reassess.http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/gallery/image/19581-comparison-photos/ Not sure how to post pics but I think that link will take you to our progress pics! Have a great day everyone! Feeling good and know that I am BLESSED!
  5. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Everyone is doing wonderful!!! And so am I!!!! Today, I am ALMOST to onederland! Haven't seen Onederland for 5 years. I was there briefly with my lap band. But, my future is bright and I WILL make goal this year! The past couple weeks have been very frustrating for me. I was eating right, started working out with my trainer 2x a week and swimming or walking 2-3x a week. I had started on progesterone cream to help with hormone balance through a nurse practitioner. Well, after almost 30 days on that, I began to feel like I was pregnant. My breasts swelled and felt tender and the scale not moving. Keep in mind, I had been tested and diagnosed that I did have an imbalance and not enough progesterone. Well, I started thinking, maybe I'm not losing because I have too much progesterone now. So, I called and she said that seems my body took to the cream a little too good. So, she told me to stop it for 2 weeks and then do half the dosage. So, since stopping a little over a week ago, I have lost 4 lbs!!! I knew that I had to be losing even though the scale was not going down. So, I may wait until May for her to test me again, because as I'm losing I am thinking that the estrogen in my body is also reducing, so it is going to be hard to keep an appropriate balance of hormones. I thought I would share this story to also encourage some of you who may experience gain during the month due to the fluctuation of your hormones and that "time of the month". Drink all your Water and more. I was told to do half my body weight in water every day. Can't say I always do that, but I certainly do over 64 oz a day!! My next post will be when I step into ONEDERLAND!!! Keep up the good work everyone!! We are such LOSERS....LOL!!!!!
  6. free4life

    Dallas, Texas Sleevers! !

    I I had to laugh at your husband's response to Mexico. I was banded in Mexico in July 2006 and then in November I went back to my same surgeon, had revision surgery to the sleeve. I'm very happy with the sleeve and extremely happy with my group of doctors and the beautiful private hospital that we stayed in. My hubby was with me and we had a 2 room suite. I have pictures and at some point when I learn to post pictures on here, I will, lol. They are on my phone right now. I had excellent care and paid much, much less than I would've here. However, everyone must feel comfortable with the surgeon and hospital they choose. If he would ever want to talk to me and see the pics, I could text them to him. My doctor was Dr. Rodriguez and he is in Juarez. My band surgery was actually in Acuna, across the border from Del Rio, TX. Now, he is working out of Star Medica Hospital in Juarez and believe me, I did think twice about going to Juarez, but I trust Dr. Rod and also I knew his driver would be picking me up in El Paso and transporting us straight to the hospital and back to the airport parking lot 3 days later. Anyway, feel free to contact me privately if you want to see the pics! Unfortunately, I didn't get a pic of Dr. Rod or the other wonderful docs who were part of the team.
  7. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Looks like everyone is doing well on this thread! Congratulations! And for the "slower" losers (which I'm included), we are still LOSERS which make us WINNERS! I am down 39 lbs. as of today (I did weigh even though my weigh in day is Saturdays)! Last night I wore a pair of jeans that I haven't worn since about 2008/2009. I am getting close to my lowest weight (when I had the lap band) and closer to my goal, which I will attain by the one year anniversary of the revision to the sleeve! I have 46 lbs. to go to my goal. I am short so according to BMI charts that will still be "overweight" for me, however, I will determine at that time, if I need to continue losing or if the weight continues to come off. I went and had blood work done and a saliva test for hormone deficiencies and my blood work was really good. She just told me to up my D3 some (which also helps with weightloss) and to be sure I'm getting enough protein as I was on the lower end. I am also using a progesterone cream as I was deficient in that area. I usually get at least 60 but I think 70-80 is preferable for me. Don't want to lose muscle but lose fat!!!! I'm also excited about my A13 number. Two years ago it was at 6.8, then went down to 6.3 with the hcg diet. It is now 5.3! She would like to see it go down more and I know it will with the continued lifestyle eating and exercising that I've been doing. I walk, swim a couple times a week, doing 30 minutes of laps and then exercises in water, go to gym at least once a week and will be upping that to 3x a week. I work out with a trainer. I have just over 6.5 pounds to get to onederland again and at that time, will have him measure me again! I will then report on my total inches! All in all, I am very happy with my results thus far! This is my journey and I'm enjoying it, too. I still go out to eat, eat things I like, and don't feel like I'm "missing out". Just don't eat the amounts of ice cream and chocolate like I used to, but occasionally have some. Learning to eat for fuel and enjoy it, too, instead of eating because I'm emotional, bored, etc. Just thought I would check in with all my November sleeve friends!
  8. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Well, I am right there with you, but I recognize that those who are younger, have more to lose, or overall have a faster metabolism will lose faster. I am also enjoying all foods, in smaller quantities of course, knowing that I am going to reach my goal and although it may take me longer, the choices I am making are forever. I am steering away from flour and sugar, bu this does not mean I never have a bite of these. I just know that sugar and processed stuff is unhealthy. This is a lifestyle choice and I'm learning to cook according to this lifestyle. The fact is that we are losing and getting closer to our goal. Be sure you are evaluating what type of calories you are taking in. Keep your protein to at least 60 grams, and always drink your water. I now weight 1-2x a week and not daily as the weightloss does not always show up daily for me now. Reward yourself for the loss so far by getting a new top, some new make up, a pedicure, or something that is a "treat" for you. (not food). Also, have you been measuring? Look at how much you are shrinking, too. For a couple weeks 2 different times since November, I stalled, but I was still shrinking in size. CONGRATULATIONS on your loss thus far and hang in there and it will continue to show on the scale! Stick with me and we may get there at a slower pace, but we are going to ARRIVE at our goal weight if we keep working with the sleeve! Keep moving, too, and get exercise, whatever that looks like for you!! The sleeve is a tool and the choices in which we fuel our bodies are up to us!!
  9. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Well, checking in again folks! I'm still plugging along here. Not losing at any record speed, but I'm down 33 lbs. since Nov. 10. I basically eat all foods but steer away from breads, sweets, and processed type carbs. Just bought George Stella's cookbooks to do low carb living lifestyle. Tried some sweet potato muffins today and they turned out pretty good. I still do a protein shake on most days and use Nectar by Syntrax Chocolate Truffle with skim milk. It's low carb but good taste! This is to supplement my other food so that I'm getting in at least 60 grams of protein. I also bought some chip type crackers called Beanitos that are not bad for carbs and have protein and fiber and are non-GMO, no corn, no wheat, made of beans and flaxseed. I do half a serving for 7 carbs and use them with tuna salad, so I have something crunchy. Trying to add in a bit more fruit and veggies cuz that is what I lack. Also exercising about 4-5x a week. I do laps in the pool on 2 days and then do other exercises in the water, walking and workout in gym at least 1x a week. My mom visiting and she likes the pool for her arthritis so I'm making the best of doing laps for cardio and over all exercise. Once she leaves, I will go to the gym more. I'm also having my thyroid and hormones checked to see if I have any imbalances since I'm at "that age" (50). Hopefully, if I'm out of balance, then the bioidentical hormones will help me. Trying to be healthy overall and changing my lifestyle so my eating is part of that lifestyle change.
  10. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Well, my 50th birthday last week gave me a "hiccup" on weightloss and this week it has surely slowed down again. However, I did lose a pound and I'm happy to see the scale move. I know the inches have come off, as I had several people at my "surprise party" last Friday make comments about me "shrinking". They hadn't seen me in a month so that was so encouraging! I did slow down on my activity level but this week, upped it again. I am also going to be seeing a doctor and will have my hormone levels checked, as I feel my metabolism is slow and that may be attributed to that and the big "M" coming on. We shall see! Found myself starting to munch here and there on things that are not going to do me any good (pretzels, tortilla chips, etc. and other crunch carbs) and although I didn't have very many, this is something I am NOT going to do. I guess as I've healed, I am feeling a bit hungrier, but I need to make that time count with something healthy going in my body, like a fruit, more protein, etc. Any ideas for a "snack" would be appreciated. I don't seem to get in enough fruits and vegetables. Also, are any of you taking a vitamin and what do you use? I am using a chewable bariatric support vitamin, along with dissolvable B12, fish oil, CoQ10, dissolvable biotin, and D3, with a chewable calcium. I feel pretty good with enough energy. I
  11. I needed to hear this, too, although I have set my goal high. It's at 160 and I'm 5'2. I just figure as I get closer to it, I will evaluate myself based on how I feel, clothing, etc. I also needed to hear how much someone is eating. I am at about 800-1,000 a day, although I had a week where I was indulging a bit too much (50th birthday). I kind of "stalled" again, but now, have lost a pound. I am trying to up my activity level by walking my dogs more, going to the pool, mixed in with going to the gym a bit (1x a week right now). Could you give me an idea on how you ate your calories? I also eat most everything, but in the back of my mind, I want to be sure of my Protein intake. Any ideas would be appreciated! Thank you!!
  12. Many are checking in on the "Let's check in November 2012 sleevers" thread!! You will see a lot of current results.
  13. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Happy for you, but I'd also like to slap you!!! LOL!!! (You men)
  14. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Wondering if your doctor put you on any type of prilosec? My doctor has me taking a type of prilosec (it's in Spanish but the medical name is the same that is on prilosec) in the morning and at night to help reduce acid. If you are not on one, maybe call your doctor and find out if you should be or you can be. Either way, I think you should speak with your physician. I am able to eat everything at this point, even some chocolate (early on rich foods made me feel sick), although I am staying away from it, lol!! Hope this is figured out and you can get to where you are having energy and able to exercise and eat!
  15. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    I sent you a private message. You may want to do what I'm doing and start weighing once a week. As long as you are going down, don't worry about how fast you are losing. However, you may want to try and get in more protein and definitely more water. I am drinking at least 8 glasses a day (64 oz) between my meals. I don't drink with my meals (same as band), but I do start my day with drinking a large cup (3 or 4 glasses) before I eat breakfast. I take my prilosec (doctor gave me enough for 2x a day for 60 days, but I've missed some at night). This ensures me getting in water before noon. I then have the rest of the day to get in the rest. I always have a water bottle with me in the car wherever I go. I work with patients in Physical Therapy so no time to drink that much at work, but I do keep a bottle of water handy, so I can go over and take a sip when my patients want me to get water for them. I was trying to drink this much water before I had surgery, because I notice a difference in my energy level, my skin, and just overall body functions. I also did not have to do a strict liquid only pre-op. My doctor wanted me to do low carb, high protein and I did that loosely, so I was only down about 1.5 lbs. before my surgery. I feel healthy and I'm losing all over. I've lost pounds but I definitely have shrunk in inches. I didn't measure (dumb me) but my trainer measured me, so I will have measurements now. Again, I decided to free myself from the scale and only do a 1x a week weigh in. I also am not competing against others but concentrating on the lifestyle change and plugging away. The biggest competitor I have is my own former bad habits, emotional eating, etc. These are the things that I need to leave behind!! Well, keep on plugging away and we WILL reach our goal!!!
  16. Melissa, I was banded in July 2006 and did well with my band for the first couple years. Didn't reach goal, but was moving in the right direction. I did not have any complications with my band except that I got on a "too tight" roller coaster and even after I had the Fluid removed a couple years ago (I had a smaller band which held 4 cc), there were times, I would get food stuck and have to throw up. In September on a trip to Nevada, this happened with every meal. I decided at this point that I was tired of the band. I also wondered if something had happened with my band. So, I returned to my band doctor in Mexico and had the revision done on November 10. I had gotten close to gaining all of my weight back, but now I'm headed back in the right direction. My band ended up being fine, btw, when the dr. did the endoscopy and then the revision. But, I have not thrown up since my band has been out. The difference with the sleeve is that I'm just not as hungry or interested in food. I do see where old habits have me wanting to eat for other reasons, but the actual hunger is less. I also do not want to get into bad habits and stretch the sleeve. Anyway, I'm still relatively new with the sleeve, but I am liking it thus far and feel like I'm going to hit my goal this year. I turn 50 next week and this is my year! At this point, I can say that I am VERY happy I had the revision!!! I guess, only you can make the decision for you. I also started doing different "diets" as I saw my weight climb back up, but with my stomach being so sensitive to fills, I didn't have any desire to try fills again. I was getting "stuck" with my band empty of all fluid!! So, no more fills and no more concerns about whether my band eroded, slipped, etc. It's GONE!!!! Hope this has helped you! Feel free to message me privately if you'd like, too!!
  17. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Checking in to say that I am not winning any weightloss races here, but I am consistently losing!! The week of Christmas I had company and baked and cooked a lot and ate everything I wanted (smaller quantities of course) and lost!!! I was a bit surprised as I allowed myself some "goodies". (no lectures please) This week, I've continued to lose and don't feel like I'm dieting, which is the goal, right? This is a lifestyle!! Try to be sure to get in my protein, drink water, and am moving more!! Worked out with a trainer on Wednesday, went to the pool Thursday, and will go for a long walk today!! I actually think that adding more calories helped me and the extra movement, as about week 3 and 4 I seemed to be stalled. I'm down 28 lbs. since surgery (Nov. 10). I turn 50 this coming week and this is my year to reach my goal!!!
  18. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Checking in to say that today, two people noticed my weight loss. I've decided to only weigh on Saturdays as it seems my weight loss has slowed down. I broke the stall a week ago but I got on the scale Tuesday and no movement. I was a bit mad at myself for not just waiting until Saturday. Trying to up my protein, water, and movement. Will start with my trainer on Monday. I've been walking about 2.25 miles a day and also back to work. I have a physical job where I'm moving a lot. Although I only work 1/2 days, I feel the extra movement will help with the metabolism. Noticed that I'm getting a bit of head hunger for some of my "old trigger foods". Avoiding those as I desperately want to reach my goal by the time I celebrate my 1 year revision surgery! Excited about the compliments and have even shared with some people that I had the surgery. I know that some don't want to share this but I decided that at some point as I lose the weight, people are going to ask and well, I don't mind telling them. I'm proud that I did what was necessary to lose weight and get to a healthy size. Don't really care if I'm "judged" for that. I recognize this is a tool and that it's helping me on the road to health, wellness, and looking better! Proud of myself and I thank God that I was able to get the band out and have the sleeve done with no complications!!!
  19. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    I have not been having BMs as often as before, but I'm not eating much either. I just transitioned to solids from the soft foods. It's been a few days and I think I'll drink some "smooth move tea" tonight. Haven't had to take anything else, but that is a natural way to get things moving. Just noticed we are both 4 weeks out. I had my surgery on November 10 in Juarez, Mexico with Dr. Rodriguez. I was self pay and had a revision from the lap band that was done in July 2006.
  20. free4life

    What's your favorite broth?

    Just be sure as someone posted above, that the Water is not too hot or it will clump. They will also send you recipes for the unflavored for the Jello and pudding. The unflavored can also be added to broths, Soups, etc. but keep water under 140 degrees. If you don't like it, I believe they have a "return policy". Hope all goes well!!
  21. free4life

    What's your favorite broth?

    I actually ordered the chicken flavor protein broth from Unjury. It tastes good and also provided me with protein. Wanted to be sure I got in the needed protein. I also ordered their unflavored and made sugar free jello with that so when I had jello, and then later pudding, I was also getting protein.
  22. I had revision surgery (lap band removed and sleeve performed) on November 10 by Dr. Rod in Juarez. He was also the doctor who banded me back in 2006, but was using a hospital in Acuna. I had a wonderful experience overall, including the nursing staff. Although, many of them did not speak English, I had no problem communicating and felt as if they were very attentive to me. When I hit the call button, they were at my bedside within 3-5 minutes. I've never seen that kind of service in any U.S. hospital. I guess since I had the surgery in Mexico, I did not have expectations that everyone would speak English. I already knew that Dr. Rod, Dr. Elmo, and Dr. Calderon spoke English. The anesthesiologist, (can't remember her name) also spoke English well. I did have my husband with me and he was a great help when I wanted to get out of bed and go to the restroom or walk the hallways. He helped with the IV pole and just making sure when I got into bed, it wasn't all tangled. I definitely would have someone accompany you. Since I had already had the band experience and my husband was with me at that time, I knew I would want someone with me again. We had a junior suite which consisted of 2 rooms with each of them having a mounted flatscreen t.v. My room had the hospital bed, reclining chair, 2 arm chairs and a small table between and the other area was a leather sofa and loveseat. My hubby slept on the sofa at night but during the day was in my room. The bathroom was private and had a large shower with a showerchair. Very modern and spacious suite! Cleaning ladies came every day to do the floor, empty the trash, etc. I am still waiting on the c.d. of my leak test. Something was wrong with the recording part at the time I was there and they are supposed to send it to me. I'm almost 4 weeks out and have lost approximately 20 lbs. Had the 3-4 week "stall" I've read about but today had a loss, so hoping I'm coming out of that. I have a few more days left of soft food and then I get to start eating regular food. Not too hungry, honestly, but want to be sure I'm getting the nutrition that I need, so following the rules!! f you choose Dr. Rod and his team for your surgery, you will be in very competent hands.
  23. free4life

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Hello all! I just stumbled across this thread and thought I would introduce myself. I had revision surgery (lap band to sleeve) on Saturday, November 10 in Juarez, Mexico with Dr. Jose Rodriguez. He was the doctor who also performed my lap band. So far I'm doing pretty well and am at 3 weeks out. I'm on soft foods for another week. I had a bit of a stall this week, but I'm thinking that I haven't been eating enough and will try and add some small meals of protein or a shake while upping my walking. I'm at a total of 19 pounds (including the 1.5 # on my pre-op low carb diet which I did loosely). I'm pleased with this and hope to be at my goal within a year. Look forward to encouraging and being encouraged by all of you November 2012 sleevers!!
  24. I just went through a "stall" and today was my 3 week post op date. I can't say that I was really having any more calories, and I have upped my exercise but I went days without any weight loss. I then read some posts on here (one of them like an article explaining the stall) and realized that this is quite natural. I am thinking that it's time I weigh once a week instead of everyday. Today, I was finally down another .5 lbs. My total is 17.5 since surgery and 19 since preop. I didn't have to do a liquid preop, but just needed to cut my carbs. So, didn't have a great loss with preop, but I wasn't too concerned with that since my doctor wasn't either. I am moving into the second week of mushies. I was on liquids for 2 and will do mushies for 2 and then on to regular food. I'm also walking more and trying to up my activity level so that my body doesn't go into some type of "starvation mode". My main tip would be to continue to concentrate on the Protein rich foods and watch the carbs with the mushies. I have had some sweet potato, and some regular mash potatoes, but usually only a small amount and once a day. My other meals consist of eggs, tuna salad, chicken salad, cottage cheese, Protein shakes, protein sugar free jello/pudding. Keep up the good work!! We can do this!!!
  25. free4life

    Surgery Was Yesterday

    Keep walking and that will help disperse that gas/air that is inside of you. When I woke up from my revision surgery (lap band out to the sleeve), I looked at hubby and said, "What the he** did I do?" (I don't cuss generally, lol). But, once they let me get up and walk but the evening I was doing better and also with the pain medication being given to me in my IV. Follow the rules that your doctor gives you so that you heal well with no complicatons. Remember, you have to take care of your "baby sleeve" as someone on chat shared with me. Congrats!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
