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Richard Foor

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Richard Foor

  1. The best way to get back on track is to go back to the basics. Log everything you put in your mouth, make sure your getting at least 60 oz of water, at least 70 g. Protein(better yet try to get 1 gram of protein for every kg of body weight), and try to keep the carbs down as low as possible. Then of course make sure you are exercising and try to maintain a positive attitude. Good Luck.
  2. Richard Foor

    How to build muscle postop

    Here a good link on the benefits of casein which describes the differences between casein and whey. http://www.smart-strength-training.com/casein-protein.html
  3. Richard Foor

    When do i stop losing weight!?

    I don't think there is a true answer to your questions, because everyone is different. My outlook has always been if the scale is still moving down things are great, if it slows or stops I wait a week and check again. Good Luck.
  4. Richard Foor

    Ready to call ot quits

    First, you should not be afraid to ask anything on here, most of us are here to help each other and will answer anything even if It has been asked before so no frowning. Are you actually tracking your food intake with something like my fitness pal, if not you may want to start so that you can know for sure how your numbers are. Also try to make sure you are getting enough water, minimum 60 oz, I personally drink 128oz /a day. Track your measurement if you haven't been it will help when the scale doesn't move. Good Luck.
  5. My guess is that they probably want to do the swallow test to check for a stricture, since that would explain why you are having so much trouble getting enough in, and your slouching issue kind of fits with that also. I don't have any personal experience with strictures but I believe I read they can pass an n.g. and dilate a stricture to attempt to open it up. Good Luck.
  6. Richard Foor

    Please dont judge me but.....

    As has already been stated you should always follow the plan set by your dr to avoid complications. That being said a lot of people transition to puree's at 7 days so it probably won't hurt you. Also, your primary concern first has to be getting enough hydration, you need to be getting a minimum of 60 oz a day or you will have problems. Good Luck.
  7. Richard Foor

    So frustrated.

    Stall's are common and you shouldn't let them get you all bent out of shape. That being said the 2 most important things are water and protein. You need to be getting a minimum of 64 oz of water a day or you will have problems, personally I drink 128oz a day. And protein should be a minimum of 70 grams a day, or more accurately is to figure out your weight in kilograms(pounds/2.2) and take that x 0.8 or 1.0 to give you your proper amount of protein in grams to start. Good Luck.
  8. Richard Foor


    Yeah, icee are carbonated, so no you should not have them post op until you are far enough out to be released for carbonated beverages, time frame varies depending on your Dr., mine said it was ok after about 3 months, but some I have heard say no carbonation ever.
  9. Richard Foor

    Is it really worth it?

    I am down 149 pounds in 8 months, feeling better then I ever have, and I didn't have any of those problems you listed. As others have said you have to watch because you only hear about the bad things that happen to people on these forums but many many many more of us don't have any bad experiences at all. Good Luck.
  10. Richard Foor

    How to build muscle postop

    I'm hoping the re-feed grows on me, you know like mold or something. But luckily when I bought it I got gnc regular casein in chocolate Peanut Butter as the half off tub, since I didn't want to get 2 that I wouldn't like. I will most likely order the ON Gold Standard going forward, but I wanted to get some right away and the only flavor on ON they had at GNC was straight vanilla, which I can't usually stand. I was wondering what is up with the ON Platinum Tri-celle, any clues.
  11. Richard Foor

    How to build muscle postop

    Well I started the casein on Saturday night. It really does make you feel full at night which is really good since the night time snack urges were staying to return. Seem to have more energy in the morning. Went to the gym this morning and lifting seemed even easier then usual,of course that could be psychological. Also if the scale is to be believed lost 2.4 pounds since Friday which is much better then what I have been averaging lately. For the record I am using the gnc re-feed vanilla ice cream flavored casein. Somebody needs to tell gnc what I've cream tastes like though because this doesn't taste like I've cream, lol. I use 1 and a half scoop which is 36 grams protein and 240 calories. It has herbals to help with sleep.
  12. Richard Foor

    Healthy Reuben

    I love reuben sandwiches and have been craving them lately, so I decided to come up with a healthy version. So I start with 1/4 cup sour kraut (rinsed) put it in a skillet on medium heat, next I take 2 slices of Aldi's 98% Fat Free Turkey Breast (slice it down to small strips) and throw that in the skillet, stirring for a little bit. Next I Take 2 tbsp., Aldi's Fit and Active Fat Free Thousand Islands dressing and stir that in. Next I take a slice of Aldi's Fit and Active Reduced Fat Swiss cheese and melt it on top. Next I take a clean griddle and I take a Aldi's Fit and Active Whole wheat Flatbread and cut it in half, using just 1 half(save the other half for later). I place the flatbread on the griddle, scoop the mixture onto it and fold it over, grill it till it gets crisp flip and grill the other side till crisp. Place on plate and enjoy. MFP numbers Calories: 224 Protein: 21 g Carbs: 13 g Fiber: 5 g I have also made variations of this using corned beef from a can which is very good but 2 oz of corned beef instead of the turkey adds 90 calories, it also reduces 4 carbs and adds 3 grams of Protein, but that total of 314 calories seems a bit much to me. But it would work with just about any kind of meat you like (just substitute the nutritionals from what meat you use for the turkey which is calories 60, carbs 4, Protein 10).
  13. Richard Foor

    Healthy Reuben

    Have not yet, but will have to check them out.
  14. Richard Foor

    hot dog

    I love hot dogs, and started eating them pretty early on after being released to solid food. I personally like the Hebrew national 98% fat free angus they are only 40 calories per dog, also ball park has a smoked turkey frank that I think is like 35 calories, none of them have any carbs. I usually just cut them and eat with a fork but have used the joseph's and aldi brand flatbreads, using about half a flat bread wrapped around a hot dog. Another idea I've seen is to wrap the hot dog in leaf lettuce, I personally am not a big lettuce fan so haven't done that. Also on a related note you can get several brands of turkey sausage which are like bratwurst that are like 90 to 100 calories for a fairly large brat. Good Luck.
  15. Richard Foor

    I made a mistake

    It is funny since I started this journey I actually notice other people's eating habits and weight so much more then I ever did before. I use it as motivation to keep going. Good Luck.
  16. Richard Foor


    As has already been stated the first week you need to concentrate on making sure you can get enough liquid, wait till you get to full liquids to worry about protein. Also I wouldn't recommend buying to much of any food stuffs prior because many find there tastes change greatly post op, and you don't want to get stuck with a lot of something you don't like, especially since protein can be quite expensive. Good Luck.
  17. To those of you having issues with body aches, consider your potassium levels, low potassium can cause body aches, palpitations, b/P problems and cramps. those of us following the low carb style diets, don't always realize we are not getting much potassium because some of the most common sources are potatoes.
  18. I feel that the number of calories is not going to be the same for everyone, that being said, I personally tried to stay as low as I could while getting my required protein and feeling satisfied. Drinks like frappe's are empty calories and worse yet the high number of carbs would also be adding to the problem. Good Luck.
  19. Richard Foor

    How to build muscle postop

    Thanks for the advice guys, I am thinking I will start trying the casein at bed time, especially since the kids are starting back to school on Monday I can get back on a more consistent gym routine.
  20. Richard Foor

    How to build muscle postop

    Fiddleman did you take casein all along or when did you start post op. I don't currently use it but have been kicking around the idea of starting. Just wondering if it's time to v or if I should wait till maintenance.
  21. Richard Foor

    Divorce rate..post op

    I believe divorce post op may be because when someone decides to have the surgery and lose weight they greatly improve their self image, as such they may realize the things they had been willing to put up with in the past and as such see the problems that have always been there in their marriage. This was the case for me, before surgery I was willing to let my ex walk all over me, even forgiving her for having cheated on me, but now I realize I deserve to be treated better then a door mat, and as such it was time to move on and hope for better tomorrows. I would never encourage anyone to rush into a decision as important as divorce but everyone needs to make sure they are being treated the way they deserve to be. Good Luck.
  22. Richard Foor

    how does this play out?

    I believe that our bodies are always trying to tell us when we need something, the problem comes from our difficulty interpreting those messages appropriately. I personally do not feel hungry per se but when I am deficient in something like protein or some other nutrient my body will try to let me know by causing weakness, or shakiness, or rumbling or headaches. The key I believe is to figure out what we need and just add what is needed instead of shot gunning every problem with as much food as possible. Good Luck.
  23. Richard Foor


    I kind of wonder if the problem isn't that most of us never really new what hunger truly felt like in the first place, maybe what we have always considered hunger was just our minds messing with us in the first place. I truly don't believe I ever feel hungry anymore, I do sometimes feel the need to eat because I am getting week and/or shaky, and sometimes I get a headache because I am deficient in something. I feel it is an important part of journey to figure out what our bodies are telling us so that we can respond to it appropriately instead of shot gunning every problem with as much food a possible. Anyhow that's my thoughts on hunger, good luck to everyone.
  24. My personal opinion is that it is necessary to find the calorie range that works best for the individual. Cookie cutter style calories ranges don't make any sense since everyone has different metabolic rates, and activity levels, and energy requirements. What I personally did was started low and gradually increased till I found the calorie range I was able to function at and get my protein requirements at the same time. For me this between 700 and 900 but you have to find what works for you. Good Look, enjoy the journey.
  25. Richard Foor

    loosing to fast?

    I personally don't believe there is any correct rate for weight loss, everyone loses at there own speed. If you feel good and your lab work is good, sounds like your doing just fine. Now if you start feeling to weak or having issues then that would be a problem. Good Luck.

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