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Richard Foor

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Richard Foor

  1. Richard Foor

    Bougie size

    Sounds like your surgeon did what he had to do due to your bodies condition. You will still be able to lose weight probably just not as fast as others. Remember you don't have to eat until you get the full feeling you can measure your quantities and you should still have the decrease in Grehlin making you not as hungry. Good Luck.
  2. Richard Foor

    Back to school!

    You can find protein bars at any drug store, GNC, or Walmart. Some of them are very good, and if you are concerned about carbs the Atkin's brand bars are really good and better for you.
  3. As others have said call your dr right away. It could be anything, possibly even a stomach flu there have been several of them going around, but even if that is the case you need to see the dr to find out how to deal with it now that your stomach is so different then it used to be. Good luck.
  4. Richard Foor

    Pre-op diet frusration!

    There are a lot of factors that go into how fast you lose weight both preop and post op. Remember it's not a race to lose weight it's a journey. You just have to keep focused on why you are doing this and know that it will work if you follow the rules. Not everybody is going to lose super fast but everyone does lose if they follow the rules. Good Luck.
  5. Richard Foor

    Back to school!

    I like to carry beef jerky or turkey jerky with me for those times when I need something in a hurry.
  6. I think that looking in the mirror your mind plays tricks on you and makes you see what you fear others are seeing.
  7. Richard Foor


    You have to remember that when you first come home from the hospital you have to first get rid of all the iv fluid they pumped into you before you can even start losing weight. If your getting your liquids in you should have the water weight off, if you get enough protein you won't feel the need for food as much, unfortunately you will most likely have the mental hunger making you think you need food but keep strong and you'll get through the liquid phase in no time and get to start eating. Good Luck.
  8. Richard Foor

    Just woke up in a panic

    Everyone goes through the anxiety on some level before the surgery. What got me through it was knowing that continuing to be obese was going to shorten my life and at least the surgery while having some risks at least I was doing something to fix my problem not just waiting got it to overtake me. Good luck
  9. Richard Foor

    1st Stall... :/

    I don't think it's to early, you read a lot on here about people having stalls at 3 to 4 weeks, so if you made it 6 before your first stall your doing well. Just try not to let yourself get discouraged or upset about it. Just keep your protein up, your hydration good, and your carbs down and you should come out of the stall just fine. Good luck.
  10. Richard Foor

    Kinda sad

    Those are normal feelings leading up to the surgery, we all went through them. What you need to focus on is why you are getting the surgery, isn't being healthy more important than eating junk. It get's easier, good luck.
  11. Richard Foor

    Do I really need to go to the ER...?

    You need to go to the ER right away. The headache and palpitations are most likely because you are dehydrated to the point that your brain isn't getting enough blood carrying oxygen so your heart is trying to pump harder in order to push more blood to your head, your body is probably also shunting the blood to your head so your extremities are most likely starting to feel weak. If left unfixed you will mostly likely overwork your heart and lead to a cardiac arrest. Remember who is going to take care of your child if you drop over dead tonight.
  12. Richard Foor

    All of my December sleevers...

    I'm really starting to think that posting weight losses is a bad idea. People need to understand everyone loses at a different rate, there are an infinite number of factors that affect it and trying to compare your loss to someone else's doesn't really mean anything. I hope i'm not coming off as a jerk here but people need to just be happy that they are losing not worry about someone else losing faster, it's not a race.
  13. You should continue to get more energy back every day and after about 3 weeks to a month you'll be back to the energy level you were before surgery. Note that this is all related to getting enough protein. For that matter when you get tired now drinking a protein shake will usually make you fell better.
  14. Richard Foor


    Leaks tend to be the scariest thing you hear about with this surgery. But if you look at the actual amount of people who have the surgery compared to the amount who get leaks it really is a small ratio. As was already stated above after the first month you don't seem to hear of anyone getting a leak, and my surgeon told me after the first month we don't need to worry about leaks anymore. Good Luck
  15. Richard Foor

    Post op activity?

    Commonly post op you have a 20 lb weight restriction for about 2 weeks. As for getting up and moving around i.e. chasing kids around the house, it is better to get moving as soon as possible and as much as possible. The most important thing to being able to get moving quickly is getting your protein and hydration in. Hope this helps, good luck.
  16. Richard Foor

    I can't deal with this stall anymore

    The stall at the third and fourth week are very common, and if you think about it they seem to correspond with when we transition food types to purees and then to solids. When we change food types are metabolisms have to adjust to the changes. When your body adjust it is very likely you will have a good loss again. Most important things at this stage are to make sure your getting your fluids and proteins in to keep your body in the fat burning. I know it's not easy but you need to try not to get discouraged and just keep going it will catch up and everything will be fine. Good Luck.
  17. Richard Foor

    Surgery Monday 1-14

    The anxiety is perfectly normal, we all went through it right before surgery. There is no true way to know how much pain you will have post op because everyone is different, remember that if you have pain and take pain meds you will most likely have nausea because the pain meds cause nausea so make sure your dr gives you an anti nausea med. Good luck
  18. Richard Foor

    Blood Pressure

    Some people do naturally run a low B/P, being over weight tends to raise your blood pressure so the decrease is probably not an issue as long as your extremities are staying oxygenated and your not dizzy, light headed, or overly weak or tired the Drs will not treat it. That being said with a lower pressure it is even more important to be sure you keep yourself well hydrated because you will be effected quicker by dehydration. Hope this helps, good luck.
  19. Richard Foor

    assist please

    If you are using a computer, click your username in the upper right corner of the screen, on the menu that pops up click my profile, when your profile comes up on the top left of your profile is a button that says edit my profile, when the next screen comes up the first thing on the list is change my picture click that.
  20. Richard Foor

    stretch marks & incision scars

    As with most things involving the human body, the same things don't work the same for all people, this means that because something works for one person it won't necessarily work for you. The best advice is always to consult with a dermatologist, unfortunately that isn't always possible due to cost association. Good luck.
  21. Most pain meds by there nature will make you nauseated. That is why most Dr's will prescribe a anti nausea med with any strong pain meds.
  22. Richard Foor


    The problem with straws that they recommend not using them right after surgery is because when you suck through a straw you tend to also bring more air into your stomach, obviously right after surgery you already have to much air in there and you don't want to make it worse. Therefore I think that as long as your not having gas pains anymore you would probably be ok with a straw, I would start slow try it once and see what happens, as far as I know you won't damage anything by using a straw just possibly cause yourself some increased pain. Hope this helps, good luck.
  23. Richard Foor

    2 days post op liquid intake?

    Sometimes the reason water is more difficult is because it tends to be colder. Most people when they are having difficulty getting enough fluids they will find that if they drink things that are room temperature or even better warm fluids they can tolerate them better. This actually makes sense because warmth will decrease swelling and as such would make it easier to drink. Good Luck.
  24. Richard Foor


    Most people tend to be cold all the time after surgery. But since this is because the hormone Grehlin is no longer produced in as much quantity after surgery it effects the bodies inner temperature control, so it seems very possible that some people might have the opposite effect and be warm and therefore sweat more. That being said you should definitely make sure your not running a fever because for the same reason I would think a fever would feel different post surgery and you may not be as quick to notice it. Also check to make sure your heart rate and Blood pressure or not elevated because some cardiac conditions can cause increased sweating and might not have pain associated with them. Hope this helps, good luck.
  25. Richard Foor

    OMG Did I just screw everything up?

    Motrin can cause bleeding and ulcers in the stomach, but it is not guaranteed to have done that. You can't change what is already done so first off obviously don't take anymore, secondly it sounds like you need to speak to the actual Dr, he should be able to give you a better idea of what to look for and possibly do some tests. It doesn't help anyone when they just tell you that something could of caused a problem but not what to watch for or what to do about it. As for the ct scan showing muscle tears it can but what they were probably trying to say was that it is possible to have some kinds of muscle tears that won't show up on a ct so just because the scan is negative doesn't completely rule out a muscle tear, the dr might want to check some other things or he might order a MRI which could detect more types of tears. Most important thing is to not let yourself get all upset and hope the Dr. has a better plan, maybe the PA just isn't sure what the Dr wants to do next so they don't want to confuse you more. Good Luck.

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