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Richard Foor

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Richard Foor

  1. Richard Foor


    Well the hard bumps are most likely just a build up from scar tissue nothing to worry about. Not quite sure about a bubble might want to ask your surgeon about that.
  2. Richard Foor

    Protein shakes

    Whey is definitely the best option and what is recommended, but I have heard some people who couldn't handle whey have used some others but you would have to talk to your surgeon or nut to know which other kinds to try.
  3. Richard Foor


    I was in hospital for 3 days, and off 2.5 weeks. For the first week to 3 weeks you won't have much energy for doing housework or anything else for that matter.
  4. Richard Foor

    Need encouragement

    Unfortunately there really isn't a good way to know except to see if walking relieves it. If the pain stays in the exact same spot and does seem to get any better you should probably talk to your dr, so they can check for other problems. Good Luck.
  5. Richard Foor

    Need encouragement

    Most of the pain normally comes from trapped gas. As was already stated walk as much as possible because between the vertical position and the movement it will release the air bubbles and relieve the pain. I also had to sleep sitting up in a chair for the first 3 weeks due to the achey pain from the incisions and internal stitches, this also helped relieve some of the gas.
  6. I had lost a bunch of weight on weight watchers in the past and when i got to a point i would feel sore in my lungs when i would wake up so i scheduled a sleep study and they reduced the levels on the cpap, i then gained the weight back and had to have it turned back up.
  7. Richard Foor

    2 days Post OP. is this normal?

    The pain when you are not sitting up straight probably is gas pain because when you don't sit up right you are more likely to swallow air when you are drinking. I personally felt hunger pangs for the first week or so, apparently the grehlin stays in your system for a little while but it went away. Good Luck.
  8. Everyone heals at different rates so it is hard to say how long it will take for you to be able to get up and down from the floor without problems, that being said I was able to go back to work as a paramedic after 2 weeks, obviously my job involves a lot of moving and I didn't have any problems at that point, with the exception of the first time or two that I got down on the floor to treat a patient when I got up my balance was off from what it used to be making for some interesting times getting up. Also I had to sleep sitting up in a chair for close to 3 weeks due it being very uncomfortable lying flat. Good Luck.
  9. Richard Foor

    1 month PO

    Keep up the good work.
  10. Richard Foor


    Have you tried using protein bars, some of them are low carb like the atkin's branded bars they sale at walmart Good Luck.
  11. Richard Foor

    11weeks post op -60lbs

  12. Richard Foor

    Any male sleevers out there?

    Sorry double post.
  13. Richard Foor

    Any male sleevers out there?

    6 weeks out down 60 pounds. Feel great. There are lots of male sleevers on here so know your not alone. Good Luck.
  14. Richard Foor

    Feel like two time loser

    It's not a race it's a journey. You are at 187 your not likely to lose as fast as someone who is over 300 pounds like myself. You say you lost almost 13 lbs in a month, when you had only lost 20 pounds in 5 years on the band, sounds like your doing much better. Don't get discouraged but keep going and when you get to goal you'll look back at it and be happy. Good Luck.
  15. Richard Foor

    Went to my primary today

    Definitely need to talk to your surgeon about that, something just doesn't seem right, but hopefully the surgeon can figure it out and get you back on track. Good Luck.
  16. Richard Foor


    Everyone is different in what they can handle but personally I don't think 1/2 cup is going to be to much, 1/2 cup is 4oz so that is actually the amount my surgeon had recommended for a meal when I was on full liquids.
  17. Richard Foor


    Yeah everybody gets anxious leading up to the surgery it's a scary thing but it get's easier. Good Luck.
  18. Richard Foor

    Went to my primary today

    I have to say I would be very wary about taking phentermine without talking to your surgeon first, I don't know how it will react with the new stomach lining, unfortunately regular dr.'s don't always know that much about how these surgeries work especially if they have never had patients with the sleeve before. Also, do you think you really feel hungry or are you just eating when you feel you have to because phentermine won't help with head hunger anymore then the surgery does. Looking over your food listing what I notice is the quantities seem a little high, I never eat more then 1cup worth at any one sitting. Also when you say you add a sauce to the chicken for taste be careful what sauces you are using some sauces add a lot of cabs and calories real quick. Good Luck.
  19. Richard Foor

    Felt like I was dying:(

    I doubt that the diet change could have caused kidney stones in the short amount of time it has been, but kidney stones can form in anyone at anytime, and from what I've seen there is a lot of conflicting information about what causes them, sometimes I think they just don't have a clue so they make stuff up. Good Luck.
  20. Richard Foor

    Anyone denied with BMI of 39.9?

    I personally don't know whether they use the starting BMI or the current one but knowing how insurance companies are if the guideline is 40 and you are 39.9 they would deny you because they don't want to pay for anything they don't have to. So, while I personally would never advise anyone to commit insurance fraud by sneaking extra weights in your pockets, I would recommend trying to find a way to get your weight up enough for the weigh in even though it seems counter productive. Good Luck.
  21. Richard Foor


    I personally never felt the full feeling while on puree, but once I started on solid I can tell when i'm full. Good Luck.
  22. Richard Foor


    Blood clots can happen from any surgery, and sometimes will form from not movie around enough. They are very rare in the overall scheme of things but definitely can happen. Personally after surgery they kept the inflatable boots on me for the two nights I stayed at the hospital while I was sleeping, and gave me injections to help prevent clots. The main thing is to keep yourself moving while healing and it will prevent them from forming. Hope this helps, Good Luck.
  23. Richard Foor

    Gym and 3 weeks post op

    Walking is fine right from the beginning, actually it helps your body to heal better. Also, I personally was off all weight restrictions and able to do full activities after 2 weeks and was released to start working out in the gym at 3 weeks. So just stick with what your Dr. says and what doesn't hurt and you should be fine. Good Luck.
  24. Richard Foor

    8 months out

  25. Richard Foor

    Can you chew sugar free gum?

    as with all things I think it is different for everyone and every dr. My dr. didn't have a problem with it but you should ask your dr and follow they're instructions.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
