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Richard Foor

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Richard Foor

  1. Richard Foor

    YOUR tickers and profiles

    Go into your my ticker menu edit your "body weight" ticker on the 4 page i thinks it's properties their is a check box that says display header info this needs to be checked to show BMI.
  2. Richard Foor

    Easy Individual Pizza

    I got all the ingredients at Walmart. So they should be easily accessible anywhere in the u.s.
  3. Richard Foor

    average hospital stay?

    My Dr. had also said I would be released as soon as he new I was able to tolerate 3 to 4 oz an hour. But that being said he didn't even allow any oral intake other then ice chips till after the leak test the morning after surgery, then I had to wait until the next day when he could be sure I was drinking enough for a sustained amount of time. So I spent 3day, 2 night in.
  4. Richard Foor

    Why cant i have caffiene yet?

    As with everything opinions on this vary, my surgeon had no caffeine restriction but said if I drank coffee to be very mindful of dehydration due to it being a natural diuretic. As for the acidity of the coffee here is a link to an article about that http://www.examiner.com/article/is-coffee-really-acidic but the ph level of coffee doesn't seem like it would cause to much problem with your stomach lining especially if you have never had any problems with coffee before, if you have had problems before it would be worse now however. But ultimately you should do whatever your Dr. says regarding this.
  5. Richard Foor

    Superbowl munchies

    I found some crackers at Walmart that are low carb and high fiber they are called something like 34 degrees but only the wheat ones are low carb
  6. Richard Foor


    Actually tamiflu is only supposed to be per scribed when there is a positive throat swab for the flu and symptoms have started within 48 hours but unfortunately different Dr.s have their own ideas about it regardless of the CDC guidelines. That is directly related to why it doesn't work for a lot of people. Edit: anyone have any idea why random pictures from other people are showing up on posts today it's kind of confusing.
  7. Richard Foor


    Obviously what medications you can take is a question best for your Dr. I did look up the XL-3 you said about and one of the ingredients is 325mg of Aspirin so depending on how far out you are this might not be a very good choice since Aspirin is know for irritating the lining of the stomach and is also a blood thinner. Good Luck.
  8. Richard Foor

    Almost half way to goal! - Pics included

    Congratulations, keep up the good work.
  9. Richard Foor

    2 days post op

    Some people find that if they drink warmer liquids it is easier in the early days post op. This would be because the warm liquid will help decrease the swelling and therefore allow for more fluid to pass through. If you continue to have problems you should probably call your dr. so they can make sure there isn't something wrong. Good Luck,.
  10. Richard Foor

    Enlarged Testicles

    Definitely doesn't sound like a normal side effect from the surgery, you should contact your Dr. and see what they say. Good Luck,
  11. Richard Foor

    Work out weight gain?

    If you are using myfitnesspal.com for tracking and you put in your exercises it will calculate and list a modified calorie goal for the day accordingly. Good Luck.
  12. Richard Foor

    Meds prior to surgery

    Definitely ask your dr. The only problem may be the time release due to the difference in the digestive process after sleeve due to smaller surface area of stomach, but if it is a problem I would think they may just have to change the dosage or go to a non time released version which you would have to take more frequently. good Luck.
  13. Richard Foor

    Need Advice

    Have fun and enjoy yourself that's the most important thing.
  14. Richard Foor

    On the Road to Better Health

    It will get better everyday and before long you will be looking back on it and being happy. Good Luck.
  15. Richard Foor


    Well unfortunately Tamiflu has to be started within the first 48 hours of getting the flu so unless this just started and you can get to a dr and get started on it right away odds are it won't help. You might be able to get an antibiotic from your dr that would help, But mostly you will probably just have to get rest and keep yourself hydrated and nourished as best as possible. Good Luck.
  16. Everyone reacts differently to the surgery, some people have a lot of swelling in there stomach and esophagus so they have a hard time drinking at first others don't. I personally was able to drink fairly easily right away and haven't had any problems. Good Luck.
  17. Richard Foor

    Its here

    Good Luck.
  18. Richard Foor

    Can I eat corn?

    My surgeon didn't want me eating corn until I got to full food(5 weeks in my case). But every Dr seems to vary on these things. Good Luck.
  19. Richard Foor

    Is it ok?

    You can ask your doctor anything, however, I'm pretty sure that by law in the U.S. at least they can't let you have it and for that matter they have to send it to pathology to be checked over.
  20. Richard Foor

    What about Syntrax Matrix 5.0?

    I believe casein protein is a slow absorbing protein. According to the below link it forms a gel or clot in the stomach which can take several hours to be digested. That doesn't sound good for a sleeved stomach to me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casein
  21. Richard Foor

    Solid foods

    It is always interesting to see how all the different surgeons have such a variety in the plans. Mine was 2 weeks full liquids, 2 weeks pureed, and then solids starting the 5th week out.
  22. Richard Foor

    Sinus infection

    I had a sinus infection about a week and a half after surgery, didn't have any steroids, but did have an antibiotic and took over the counter Dayquil with no problems. Good Luck.
  23. Don't worry you'll get lots of sleep after surgery, I slept almost the whole day after surgery.
  24. Richard Foor

    Wood dust on purees?

    You would probably have to ask your Dr. about that. I would think it probably wouldn't be enough to be a problem but not sure.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
