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Richard Foor

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Richard Foor

  1. I personally didn't feel full until I got to solid foods, on pureed I was measuring everything and just never felt full but did feel satisfied.
  2. Richard Foor

    fruit craving help please

    I'm only 2 months out and the only fruit my dr says to avoid is grapefruit, although I can't remember why right now since I don't like it anyhow.
  3. When I was on my preop diet I thought it was no big deal for the first day or two. Then on the third day I was so hungry I didn't know if I could possibly do this, after that it got easier as my body adjusted to the change. Good Luck.
  4. After surgery I have not truly felt hungry at all. Now I do get cravings for things once in a while but it is all mental, and I try to find a healthy substitute for what I am craving. It really is much easier then any other diet I have ever been on because of the loss of hunger sensation and the fact that if I eat to much it hurts. Good Luck.
  5. Richard Foor

    Banana Pancakes

    Sounds yummy,
  6. Richard Foor

    Lack of support

    I believe usually when loved ones don't support people having the surgery it is ultimately because they are scared you are putting yourself through a risk they don't feel is necessary. But as you already seem to understand this surgery is something people need to do for themselves regardless of others opinions. So Good Luck.
  7. Richard Foor

    Heart rate?

    I personally have not had this happen at all. It may have something to do with your body adjusting to the changes. I believe some peoples heart rates are affected by hormone releases. You make want to follow up with your PCP and have some EKG's done to be on the safe side. Good Luck.
  8. Richard Foor

    Diet or Not to diet

    I think you would definitely lose weight either way after this surgery purely because of the lower amounts you can eat. I personally do the low carb high protein thing because a. it ensures that I get enough proteins, because believe me when you don't you feel miserable(tired and weak). and b. it helps to lose the weight faster. But to each is own. Good Luck.
  9. Richard Foor

    One more lb.

    Congratulations. I am so looking forward to getting below 300, am currently at 314 but seem to be averaging a pound a day so hopefully 2 more weeks and i'll be there.
  10. Richard Foor

    How much pain after? Help.

    As the other's have said it is definitely normal. I actually slept sitting up in a recliner for the first 2 to 3 weeks because it hurt to much to lay down and I was afraid of rupturing the internal sutures. You might want to speak to your dr. about it anyhow though just to be safe. Good Luck
  11. I know my Dr. wanted me to wait until I started mushy food to start taking vitamins. He said it would be to hard to try to take even a chewable during the liquid phases because of the stomach swelling and healing. I am actually surprised that some people got them in the hospital but as with everything every dr. is different.
  12. Richard Foor

    Need help with vitamins

    Yeah three weeks is what my Dr. said but as with most things it varies greatly between dr's.
  13. Richard Foor

    Need help with vitamins

    I did not start vitamins until I got to soft foods on the 3rd week.
  14. Richard Foor

    Stricture questions

    Usually treated with dilation which is when they pass a balloon down via endoscopy and inflate it to stretch the affected area.
  15. Richard Foor

    Stricture questions

    a stricture is when the remaining stomach forms scar tissue internally and prevents the flow of ingested food almost completely.
  16. I started at 379 and am 5'5" tall. I chose the sleeve over the other surgery for basically the same reasons you listed. I have already lost 65 pounds in just over 7 weeks so seems like it was a good choice for me. Good Luck.
  17. Richard Foor

    Stricture questions

    It's hard to say for sure, your Dr. would have to do some test to find out if you have a stricture. It is common to have a lot of stomach gurgles because of the stomach acid and decreased stomach size. Good Luck.
  18. Richard Foor

    So fustrated

    Don't get discouraged, most everyone goes through a stall in their 3rd or 4th week, this is due to your body trying to adjust to the drastic change you have made to it. When the stall is over your weight loss will start over again. I would not recommend trying to increase your work out routine drastically unlike the contestants on the biggest loser you just had a major surgery and need to ease into your exercise. Losing weight in a hurry is not the goal, losing weight for ever is the goal. It will get better. Good Luck.
  19. Richard Foor

    fluids help please

    At 4 months out liquids should not be filling your stomach, the liquid should leak through your pyloric sphincter into your intestines allowing the area of your stomach for solid foods. It definitely sounds like something is wrong and you need to contact your Dr. about this, you may have a stricture or something. Good Luck.
  20. Richard Foor

    I need help getting back on track

  21. Richard Foor

    i have question about frozen yogurt

    If your just looking for an ice cream type snack. Breyer's makes a low carb ice cream which is really good.
  22. Richard Foor

    Average weight loss 1 month

    You have to be wary of comparing weight loss numbers as it varies greatly between people based on many different factors. That being said my first month i lost about 40 pounds, i did start at 379, am male which apparently makes a different, and have a very active lifestyle between work and having 2 young children to chase around.
  23. Richard Foor

    fluids help please

    Alright having done a little further research i now have to revise my earlier answer because it turns out that protein shakes increase the amount of water that travels into your cells and therefore increases the amount of water you need. As such i would think that you should not count the shake as fluid intake. This is probably another good reason to try and get your protein from foods instead of shakes.
  24. Richard Foor

    fluids help please

    As with many subjects the answer seems to vary depending on your dr. and nut. However my Dr. says that you do count protein shakes in your fluids, this does make sense to me since the point of the 64 oz of fluids is to keep you hydrated and the liquid in the shakes will also keep you hydrated. Good Luck.

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