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Richard Foor

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Richard Foor

  1. Here is a good link to a site showing the signs of dehydrations including what can happen from severe dehydration.
  2. Richard Foor

    Hurts taking deep breaths

    You should probably call your Dr. Where is the pain and what does it feel like. Some possibilities are a pneumonia having been caused by the intubation and progressively getting worse, or it could be just aches from where they cut or bruised the muscles in your abdomen being aggravated by change in pressure when you take a deep breath.
  3. The blurred vision is most likely a combination of the Zofran and the dehydration. He might want to try drinking warmer liquids, the warmth will help to reduce the swelling inside and therefore help get more in. If you pinch his skin and it stays up instead of going flat back to normal it is a sign of severe dehydration and will indicate a need for IV fluids. Good Luck.
  4. I started at 380 and need to loose about 240 to get to where they say I should be. I am 4 months out and now weight 279, so it is very doable for larger folks. Good Luck.
  5. Richard Foor

    when can I take a bath?

    you can never bathe again, so while we will all become skinny no one will want to come near us because of the smell. lol. But, seriously, the incisions can be submerged as soon as the scabs have formed over them which will prevent Water from entering the wound and causing infection. At 9 days there is a good chance you should be able to without trouble. Good Luck.
  6. Richard Foor

    Manners Matter...

    Unfortunately there are a lot of people in the world who feel the need to make up for there own weaknesses in life by putting others down. You would think that a site like this where everyone has been overweight and therefore probably at some point had people give them a hard time would be more likely to be understanding but some people seem to think now is the time for them to make up for some of the abuse they have taken by abusing others. It's a sad commentary on society in general. But always remember there are some genuinely nice people on here also.
  7. Richard Foor

    Swimming & Weight Lifting

    My dr had said swimming was fine as soon as the wounds had healed. And I was able to start lifting weights at 4 weeks out. But he advised to start slow an not push to hard. Good Luck.
  8. Richard Foor

    Hair loss

    I doubt that the hair loss is from a decrease last week, it takes a little longer then that to start usually, but a lot of people including myself have hair loss post surgery from all the decreases in vitamins and nutrients, I have taken biotin every day all along so the hair loss is minimal but still have some, from what I have read it tends to be temporary and comes back later, hopefully. Good Luck.
  9. Richard Foor


    Every Dr and NUT seems to have different opinions on this. Mine doesn't have any restrictions on caffeine, for that matter they even had it on my tray in the hospital post op. I drink at least 1 cup every day and sometimes much more then that. It hasn't caused any adverse reactions for me. I believe that the issues with ulcers and GERD are more prevalent in people who had issues with those kind of things before anyhow. But as always you should speak to your dr and go with what they say not what anyone else is doing.
  10. Richard Foor


    My surgeon wanted me to start light exercise mostly walking as soon as possible, but didn't want to start any weight lifting or heavy cardio until 1 month out.
  11. I think the problem is most likely related to Protein level. Low Protein levels will usually make you very tired and run down, also since your body will break down muscle tissue to get protein if it isn't getting enough it makes it more difficult to detect on blood work. Dehydration can also lead to being tired and weak but if you are drinking at least 64 oz of liquid a day this shouldn't be a problem. Calcium and vitamin D have more affect on bones and the immune system.
  12. Richard Foor

    Sitting at my desk....

    You could add something like MIO to it to change the flavor might make it easier and doesn't add anything bad to it.
  13. Richard Foor

    Are you sick?

    While the surgery itself shouldn't be making you sick. The change in diet as a result of the surgery can effect your bodies ability to fight illnesses. It is very important to get your vitamins and protein in early so you can rebuild your immune system. Sorry it's been so difficulty for you, hopefully it gets better. Good Luck.
  14. Richard Foor


    Not everyone has problems drinking after surgery. I never had any difficulty getting my fluids in. The problem is usually related to the amount of swelling inside, and can sometimes be helped by drinking some warmer beverages earlier on to reduce the swelling. At the 3 weeks you would be at based on your posted time line I would think you should be ok barring any unforeseen complications.
  15. Richard Foor

    Not Hungry

    If you don't eat or at least drink protein your body will start to feed off your muscle which will make you weak and also slow your bodies metabolism. You will also most likely start to develop head aches and weakness.
  16. Richard Foor

    Buffalo Chicken Crisps

    Here is a modification I made to the cheese crisp recipe that has been posted on here before to make a buffalo chicken cheese crisp. preheat oven to 350. In blender or food processor place 1/4 cup of shredded cheese(used cheddar, but Mexican blend would probably be better), 2 oz of canned chicken breast drained, and hot sauce to taste. Blend until it is a fine powdery consistency. on a nonstick baking sheet spoon the mixture into small circles about the size of a potato chip I was able to make 11 of them. Place in oven for 10 minutes or until they appear properly done. Take off pan and let cool. Enjoy. Calories 160 carbohydrates 5 Fat 9 Protein 15
  17. Richard Foor

    "Get ya hot dog here".....

    I eat hot dogs fairly frequently. I usually just eat the hot dog cut up and dip it in mustard. But I have also used Joseph's brand Pita as a bun for them. Also a Flatout flatbread would work you would probably only need like 1/3 of 1 to work so the numbers wouldn't be that bad.
  18. Richard Foor

    proudgrammy is proud!

    Way to go Grammy.
  19. Everyone heals at different rates. As such some people will be able to eat more at an earlier point then others. Remember that when you are eating soft foods and purees they will leak through the pyloric sphincter in the bottom of your stomach and into your intestines making you able to put more in, hence why you should feel restriction when you proceed to dense proteins. Please keep in mind when you are think of eating till you feel satisfied that the amount you are eating now and feeling satisfied at is a lot less then it was before surgery. In the early stages it is important to measure your food until you get used to knowing what the feelings are since they are not anything like what you are used to, but once you get used to them you will be able to know when to quit eating. Good Luck.
  20. Richard Foor

    Is there a website?

    I agree with what shrinkingmom said but would also add that some of the requirements for us don't have to be as much for us as for bypass patients but most surgeons and NUT's prefer to use the same regimen for all there patients instead of making different plans for everyone.
  21. Richard Foor

    Sleeved 3/18 - a bit overwhelmed

    The feelings you all are describing are all normal. Getting the liquids and staying hydrated is your most important thing at this phase. The tiredness and headache are signs of dehydration or low protein. If you can't drink easily you should try warmer fluids because it will reduce the internal swelling making it easier to get the fluid in. Good luck and know it gets better.
  22. Richard Foor

    Protein bars

    I like the Pure Protein Revolution Bar 180 Calorie, 6 gram fat, 5 Net Carbs(17-1fiber-11sugar alcohols), and 20 grams protein.
  23. I have a 5 year old daughter and a 10 year autistic son. I told them that I was having surgery to get rid of my big belly, my daughter at first wasn't happy about it because she said she liked hugging my big belly, but I told her that by getting rid of my belly she would get to keep daddy longer and that I would be able to run and play more with her, she liked that idea.
  24. Richard Foor

    quick easy buffalo chicken dip

    I actually just made it with canned turkey this time which is also good and a little lower calorie.
  25. Richard Foor

    quick easy buffalo chicken dip

    If you like buffalo chicken an easy recipe I have found is to use the 2 oz canned chicken breast (I use the kind from Aldi's or the great value brand from Walmart) add some hot sauce(amount varies by how spicy you like it, this has no calories or carbs so no worries), add 1 wedge of laughing cow light queso fresco and chipotle. stir together, then add 1/4 cup of shredded cheddar cheese(I use the Aldi's fit & active brand but whatever works for you), stir. Put it in a microwavable bowl, put it in microwave for 1 minute, stir and put back in microwave for another minute. This comes out to 175 calories, 3 carbs, 9 fat, and 19 Proteins and it is quick and easy. I have also at times taken this after making as described above and spread it thin on a baking sheet and placed it in the oven at 400 degrees and flipped it every 5 minutes until it gets hard like a cracker. I sometime use the waterthins crackers with this if I have enough calories and carbs left for the day for them but you can just as easily eat this with a spoon. Enjoy.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
