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Richard Foor

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Richard Foor

  1. Richard Foor

    Im stuck

    The dizzy and tired feelings are most likely coming from the lack of protein intake. This also leads to your body feeding on muscle tissue which then slows weight loss and makes you even weaker. If you can't get in more protein and water you need to call your dr and get checked to make sure there isn't a larger problem. Good Luck.
  2. Richard Foor

    My biggest fear!

    While it is true there has not been many years of the sleeve surgery, it is based on a surgery that was done for stomach ulcers for a very very long time. My grandfather had that surgery when he was in his 30's and lived till he was in his 80's with no complications. Obviously it was an open procedure not scopic but still the staple line was pretty much the same.
  3. Richard Foor


    I was actually started on protein shakes while I was still in the hospital the day after surgery. I was initially using the bariatric advantage brand mixed with water, I have since used the EAS advantage and atkins brand premades which are both low carb which is good.
  4. Richard Foor

    fit bit and other trackers

    Have you tried lately because they just released the android sync app a couple weeks ago and the s3 is definitely listed as being supported on it.
  5. Richard Foor

    fit bit and other trackers

    The reason some people say it works better with an iphone is because only a few android phones have Bluetooth 4.0 which allows the fitbit to sync directly with the phone. The s3 however is one of the few phones it will sync with so it should work just as well with it as with an iphone. Also if you link your mfp account with your fitbit account it is really nice because then everything can be viewed from the mfp app and it will automatically list additional calories you can eat based on your activity level for the day.
  6. Richard Foor

    Bile flavored burps?....

    Yes, and it is most likely reflux. If your dr didn't advise you to take a PPO(Prilosec, Nexium) you should probably ask them about it. I personally had to take Prilosec for the first 3 months till my stomach acids had adjusted and settled appropriately. Prilosec is available over the counter and is not very expensive, but you still should ask your dr. since there opinions on things can vary. Good Luck.
  7. It is most likely a combination of the fluids, and your body adjusting to the change, your body is most likely trying to retain fluid while it adjusts which will cause this kind of thing to happen, after a few days it should start dropping. Good Luck.
  8. Richard Foor


    Everyone deals with it in their own way. It is a very personal issue to decide you need the surgery and to decide to have the surgery and also whether you tell others about it or not. I personally tell everyone who asks and post updates on Facebook, I do this in order to provide myself with additional motivation to stay on track, but that's just my way of handling it, I tend to be very open in this way but that is based on personality.
  9. I think that is natural, because before surgery most of us had given up on caring what we looked like figuring it just wasn't going to get better. But now we expect to look better and therefore put effort into it again.
  10. Richard Foor

    Can you?

    Never mind I misread your post I thought you we talking about shakes. I don't use the shots originally because I couldn't stand the taste and later because I realised most of then weren't very helpful.
  11. Richard Foor

    Pre op diet questions

    It more or less just has to do with what the individual surgeons and NUT's believe is best. Some of them use the preop as a preparatory phase for the patient to better be ready post op for what they have to do the first couples weeks especially.
  12. Richard Foor

    Im new

    Your feelings are most likely linked to changes in hormones in your body as a result of the surgery, medicines and change in nutritional intake. As was stated it will most likely get better before you know it and then you will probably feel better then before. If you look through posts here on the site you will find tons of posts of people who went through this right after surgery but then later posts from the same people they are extremely happy and excited about their results. Hang in there it does get better, good luck.
  13. Richard Foor

    12 day stall? Help!

    It is perfectly normal to have a stall in your 2nd to 3 rd week post op. Many folks have them, so don't get disheartened. It seems to come from your body adjusting to the radical changes that have been made to it. Also note that the scale is not the best way to measure how your doing post op, you need to look at measurements and how you feel as well to get a good feel for how things are going. Good Luck.
  14. Richard Foor

    Help. I cheated

    Many people including myself slipped up during the preop diet, for that matter when I told my surgeon after slipping up myself he told me he expects it from his patients and to just refocus and try harder. He also said for him one of the purposes of the preop diet is to help his patients get that urge to cheat out of their system before surgery when it won't do any damage. Good Luck, and it gets easier.
  15. Richard Foor

    Im new

    A lot of times the nausea is being caused from the pain medicines, most pain medicines by nature cause nausea, therefore for a lot of people decreasing there pain meds will help with the nausea, If that does not help or is not possible for you then ask your dr to prescribe an antinausea like Zofran, ondancetron if you are not already taking one, if you are already on an antinausea maybe ask your dr to try a different one since they don't always work the same for everyone. As for the gas like has already been said walking is best way to relieve it in my opinion, but if you can't do that then at least try to stay in an upright position as much as possible, I personally slept sitting up for the first 3 weeks post op. Good Luck.
  16. Richard Foor

    4 Months out 102 lbs down (pics)

    Ok just for those who really seemed to want to see a picture I was smiling in, here ya go.
  17. Richard Foor

    Google voice?

    I am not positive but I seem to remember that google voice on your smartphone still uses cell minutes but forwards through google voice so it would still cost you the roaming fees.
  18. Richard Foor

    I'm exercising,....but....

    Another important thing is to make sure you are getting enough protein. Without enough protein you will loose muscle mass regardless of your exercise habits.
  19. Richard Foor

    4 Months out 102 lbs down (pics)

    Weight on the date of surgery was right around 370. I did not have a long period of time prior to surgery due to my insurance covering the surgery relatively quickly. So the only preop weight loss I had was during my 7 day preop diet.
  20. Richard Foor

    4 Months out 102 lbs down (pics)

    Our starting numbers are very similar. It's hard to say why people with such similar numbers have different results. I focus primarily on getting in high protein and low carbs. I go for 900 calories a day, at least 80 grams protein, and pretty much as few net carbs as possible(also try to get a minimum of 15 fiber a day which can be challenging while keeping carbs down). I am a paramedic by profession so I keep fairly active, and I try to get to the gym at least 5 times a week(doing 30 minutes cardio and 30 minutes strength when I am there). This is the best description of what I have found works for me, hopefully listing it can help others to get similar results.
  21. Richard Foor

    4 Months out 102 lbs down (pics)

    For some reason every time a take a picture if I smile it comes out looking goofy, maybe I just have a goofy looking face, lol. So very few pictures of me ever show a smile.
  22. Richard Foor

    I am so sick of water!

    I know you said you tried water enhancers, but this one looks interesting, I personally haven't tried it yet but was told it tastes just like crush soda without the carbonation. http://www.amazon.com/Crush-Orange-Liquid-Water-Enhancer/dp/B00AZZW2BK
  23. Richard Foor

    Stomach hurts

    It could easily be just part of the normal healing process going on in there. Especially considering at this point you are probably becoming increasingly more active. If it continues to get worse or the pain is unbearable or you are have a fever you should call your dr but odds are it will go away on it's own without any help.
  24. I have a 10 yr old son with P.D.D. NOS and also was mainly motivated by the feeling I needed to get healthier to be around to take care of him.
  25. Don't worry about being trouble makers, if you are concerned you should always error on the side of caution and call, if the people you talk to can't understand that they aren't doing their jobs properly. Dehydration can be a serious problem, and I don't understand why they told you they can't do anything because they can always give IV fluid if he can't get enough fluids. Good Luck.

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