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Richard Foor

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Richard Foor

  1. Richard Foor

    scale moving

    Congratulations on getting the scale moving again. As to you lack of energy problem make sure you are getting enough water should be trying for a minimum of 64 oz daily, and protein minimum of 70. If you are hitting your numbers the energy will come also know that once you start getting to the gym it should get easier to get the energy to go. Good Luck, enjoy the journey it's not always easy but it does get better every day.
  2. I personally did not feel full until I started eating dense proteins, solid foods. As others have already said eating of solid foods early on can damage the suture line in your stomach and possibly cause a leak, which will be 100 times worse then any vomiting you have experienced so far. If you can't tolerate the shakes you are using try a different brand or try some of the isopure premade protein drinks, it is very important to get your protein in so your body can properly heal, odds are you won't get enough protein from what little amount of meat you eat and you are possibly damaging your stomach in the process even though you can't feel it yet. Good Luck.
  3. Richard Foor

    Anyone else gain from surgery?

    It is usually water retention from all the IV fluid they put in you in the hospital. If you had complications they would have most likely even put more IV fluid in you then normally. It will come off rather quickly when your body adjusts and the excess fluid comes out. Make sure you are drinking as much as possible as this will stimulate your urinary system and help get things flowing. Good Luck.
  4. Richard Foor

    Need advice from Veteran Sleevers

    I agree with the others that if your drink a lot of soda you may want to start giving it up slowly now so you can adjust prior, sometimes your body needs to slowly adjust. You may want to start getting used to packing your lunch and taking it with you to work, so it becomes habit which will make it easier when you have to. I do not recommend trying to pick any protein shakes or bars post op because a lot of people have found there tastes changed post op, and I have read many times where people had stocked up on things preop just to get to post op and not be able to tolerate them.. Relax, take things slow, and enjoy the journey. Good Luck.
  5. Well from my personal experience, my surgeon told me that if I could drink more without it bothering me to go ahead and do it. Remember that liquids run through the pyloric sphincter at the bottom of your stomach and into your intestines for absorption so the size of your stomach should not effect the amount of fluid you can handle. My understanding is that when people have problems drinking more it is a result of the swelling in their stomach and esophagus and once that swelling has gone down it will be no problem at all to drink as much as you want. I am personally 8 months out and drink 128 oz a day, usually drinking from a 32 oz bottle that I can drink the whole of in under a half hour without issue. Good Luck and enjoy the journey.
  6. So went to the gym and weighed in for the first time in a week and a half today as I had been on vacation for the last week. I was anxious about it because it was the first time I hadn't tracked for any period of time, and even did eat some things I probably shouldn't have but not any large amounts by any means. Well I Weighed in and to my surprise I was down 6 pounds, that is actually a better week then I had been getting lately. I guess it was probably the extra activity, I do have a 10 yr old son and a 5 yr old daughter that I had to chase around all week, and also my metabolism probably needed the boost of the diet change. But now back to my normal regime. For the record my surgery was 12/10/12, preop weight was 379, current weight is 236.6.
  7. Richard Foor

    Managed to lose 6 pounds over vacation!

    Just noticed my BMI is finally under 40, that makes me just plane obese instead of extremely obese, lol.
  8. What a difference a year makes. The before picture was from July last year, the after last week.
  9. Richard Foor

    Before and after vacation pictures

    That is funny I didn't even realize we were wearing the same shoes till you said that, we all have newer crocs but when in the woods we tend to wear the more broke in comfy ones.
  10. Richard Foor

    Gnc Irony

    I will say that where I am it is the exact opposite, the employees at GNC are very knowledgeable, although somewhat annoying at times the one guys runs around like he is on speed all the time, and the vitamin shop employees are teenagers that don't have a clue. So as others have said I think it varies by the individual location. You would think they would want to at least make sure their employees were properly trained but like any business these days they probably just don't want to spend the money in order to provide the best customer service..
  11. Richard Foor

    NSV...feeling yourself....

    Yes, I find myself doing the same thing all the time. I also will stare at my wrists and ankles, and this might sound weird but I stare at the veins in my arm, of course I am a paramedic so it's not as weird.
  12. Richard Foor

    HELP! Can't Lose Weight!

    As Others have said you are most likely just in the normal stall that occurs around 1 month post op. It is very important to try to get enough fluid and protein in, without those 2 primary things your weight loss will slow down. Good Luck.
  13. Richard Foor

    7 Month Mark

    It is normal for the weight loss to show down add we get further out. For that matter it wouldn't be healthy to keep losing to fast. Plus the cost to goal you get the shower it will go. Don't get discouraged and stock to the plan. Good luck and enjoy the journey.
  14. Richard Foor

    Don't feel full? Day 11

    A lot of people don't feel the full feeling till they stay eating denser solid foods. If you are satisfied without feeling the full feeling then it is better then eating till you feel full. Keep measuring your good and eating what satisfies you. Soon you should start tracking the numbers [calories carbs proteins] to make sure your getting enough. Note you don't have to track forever but it is a good idea until you develop the healthy eating patterns you need. Good luck. Enjoy the journey.
  15. This why it is not recommended to weigh every day because the fluctuations will drive you crazy. Good luck.
  16. Make sure you are getting enough fluids a lot of times that is the best thing for a headache. Also if your not getting enough protein it can exacerbate a headache. Good luck.
  17. Richard Foor

    I only lost 3.8 lbs in July

    If you read some of the posts on here you will find most people go through a stall at 1 month post op. For some it only lastsa couple days for others it lasts a couple weeks. If you stock to your plan given to you by the doctor the weight loss should resume. It is also good to track your measurements sometimes when the weight isn't moving you will see changes in the measurements. Don't get discouraged. Good luck. Enjoy the journey is not always easy but it gets better.
  18. Richard Foor

    Hard time with Water - HELP!

    The problem normally comes from the amount of swelling in your stomach, therefore drinking warm fluids helps by reducing that swelling so that you can then get the fluids in. It will get easier, you probably won't even notice it changing until one day when you suddenly realize your drinking like a fish. Good Luck, the journey isn't always easy but gets easier every day.
  19. Richard Foor

    Vistion problems

    Are you getting enough protein and water in. both dehydration and low protein levels can cause vision issues. Good Luck.
  20. Richard Foor

    Salad & Coffee - again?

    I was given regular caffeinated coffee in the hospital the day after surgery, and have drank it everyday since, I am now 7 months post op, never had a problem with it, now since caffeine is a natural diuretic I do not include it in my liquid intake numbers and for that matter on days when I drink more coffee I will increase my water for the day to make up for the caffeine. As to salads I was aloud to try them if I wanted at 5 weeks post op, didn't actually try them till about 2 months, had no problems but am not a big salad eater so don't eat much of them. Good Luck.
  21. Richard Foor

    Drinking problems

    Yep that's what I have found and I am now 7 months out and drinking a minimum of 128 oz a day and have not had any problems.
  22. Ok so i'm just about to 7 months post op, surgery date was December 10, 2012 preop weight of 379 lbs, pants size a tight 54 waist, Shirt size was a 3 to 4 xL. Todays weight is 243.6 lbs, pants size is down to a 40 but it is loose and could probably go to a 38. Shirt size is a Large in most shirts, with some XL just because I still have them and their not that loose yet, lol. My daily intake numbers are less then 900 calories a day, less then 40 grams of carbs a day, more then 70 grams of protein, and a minimum of 120 oz hydration. Now for the pictures.
  23. Richard Foor

    Post Surgical Diet & eating out

    When you get to the solid foods stage it is really not that hard to find things at restaurants. Most of the national chains have healthy menu items listed in their menus with the calories, carbs and proteins listed. I know I eat at Denny's a lot(kids love it there) and they have a really good turkey cali jack burger that I usually have without the bun. Good Luck
  24. Richard Foor

    Drinking problems

    The amount you can get in at one time is related to the amount of swelling you have inside. Some people don't have much swelling and therefore don't have problems getting their fluids in. The amount of fluid you can drink is not related to your stomach being to big because fluid doesn't stay in the stomach it just washes through and down into the intestines. You should drink as much as you comfortably can and not worry about it at this point. I was personally drinking well over my 60 oz by day 8 and was drinking relatively fast at that. Good Luck.
  25. Richard Foor

    Scared... Need a Pep Talk!

    What you are feeling right now is perfectly normal, everyone goes through it to some level right before their surgery. You are about to undergo a major change to your life and that is frightening. The best advice is to focus on the reasons you chose to do this. The Journey isn't always easy, but it is worth it and it gets easier as time goes by. Good Luck.

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