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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by suzthebrit

  1. suzthebrit


    How far out are you and how much weight have you lost? Your center of gravity may have changed so much that your body has not adjusted to it yet so things will be a little tricky for a while. If you are getting lightheaded or dizzy then that is a whole different problem and you should go get it checked out.
  2. suzthebrit

    Not Telling People....

    Oh, I put it all over Facebook that I had had surgery and since then have had nothing but positive support from people! If somebody is negative about your wls then they shouldn't be in your life. Oh, and lies (even by omission) breed gossip! Instead of people saying 'good for her/him for doing something about their health' they'll be saying things like 'I heard she's having an affair and that's why she lost all the weight' or 'she's got cancer'. I'd prefer gossip that's true that could help another person than gossip that's all complete lies!
  3. I emailed my surgeon yesterday because I had a headache and only Advil helps them. He wrote back and said they are fine, in small amounts. He said you would have to take 2 800mg ibuprofen a few times a day for months for it to do any harm. He said that a couple here and there for headaches/muscle pain would be fine. Thank god! I was freaking out!
  4. suzthebrit

    Light headed :(

    Don't know how far out you are but it could be dehydration. It could also be low blood pressure. Have you had yours checked? I know a lot of people go in for the sleeve on blood pressure meds and forget that they are taking them and then there blood pressure goes too low and the feel light headed.
  5. Ok first off, what is 'normal'? There is no normal when it comes to weight loss. Everyone is different. Secondly, you have lost an average of 3.9 pounds a week since surgery! HELLO! That is not slow. It may feel like it to you because you can't say I've lost 150lbs in six weeks but 4 pounds a week is not slow by any means! Take you time. Slower is better for skin issues in the long run anyway. You are doing fine. Keep doing what you're doing and it will all come off eventually!
  6. suzthebrit

    Difficulty with water?

    You are so not the only one. I absolutely cannot drink or sip water or any other really thin liquid (like powerade etc). Milk on the other hand goes down really easily! It's so weird! I'm living off milk at the moment. It's the only way I can get my liquids in! I'm 5 weeks out by the way.
  7. Just going to say that I'm the bully? I didn't resort to name calling. Both of you have. Oh and by the way 'I was told by people who work in the clinic that they reuse surgical equipment' is called hearsay and not even Judge Judy would listen to that! Just saying. I'm done now. If I was a coordinator wouldn't I be making money for saying this stuff? Where's my check?
  8. Leelee's expectations were obviously that she was going to a spa resort, mine were more realistic obviously. I was actually pleasantly surprised by MI hospital. I was expecting to be in a one room clinic. The hospital was not like that at all. There are four floors in the hospital. There is a small cafe on the first floor for the doctors, nurses and visitors to use. The patients are all on the third or fourth floor so why this is an issue I have no idea. This is a hospital that was probably not built just for bariatric patients, believe it or not the world does have other people in it. My TV worked perfectly after I asked how to make it work! My bed went up and down just like it was supposed to. My room was clean and my bathroom was completely functioning. I have had experiences in the US (having had three surgeries in two years I have a lot if experience) where I have had a nurse stick me 5 or 6 times to find a vein. I've had to complain until another nurse came in to get me an IV because mine was completely incompetent. Then they press the auto button and I don't see them again for 6 or 7 hours because the machine is not telling them that my IV has run out. So you can have bad experiences anywhere! Not all nurses are good, no matter where you go. If you really want to help people, maybe the lying needs to stop. Freespirit mentioned that the hospital is one floor. That is a blatant lie! I am not a coordinator, I am just a person who had a great experience and feel like this thread is hurting the very person who saved my life! You can say all you want that Garcia is a good doctor and you chose him but people are only going to focus on the negatives. I am not a bully. I gave my opinion, just like you gave yours. Except i have chosen to share my whole story and not just random parts of it. Until you can say to us all why you, at the last minute, decided to take a 'better' opportunity we all have the right to question you. If anybody has the expectation that they are going to a spa resort and its going to look like the billion dollar hospitals in the US then they seriously need to do more research and think about if going to MX is really the right thing for them to do. It's a border town in Mexico. It's not Cabo!
  9. Ok, I feel the need to jump back in here. I had surgery with Dr Garcia in MI Hospital on Nov 7th and I can honestly say that I have never had better care anywhere than I did in this hospital. The nurses and doctors were attentive to my every need and I did not want or need for anything! Dr Garcia is an absolutely amazing surgeon with a very good track record. The fact that he is also a general surgeon made me feel even more comfortable. I don't know how Leelee knew that the opportunity she was given 5 minutes before surgery was a 'better' opportunity (sounds a lot like she found a surgeon to do it cheaper to me) but to each his own. Read these boards and you will find many many stories of greatness about Dr Garcia. You won't find many people who had even the smallest issue. Please do not base your decision on one person who chose (for no apparent reason according to her) to go with somebody else at the last minute.
  10. suzthebrit

    Gas X

    God, I lived on Gas X strips for a few days post surgery! I still take them regularly after eating.
  11. suzthebrit

    So sick of meat!

    Curried quinoa is amazing, and it's a complete protein. It's so good!
  12. You may be taking too bigger bites, use a baby spoon to solve that problem.
  13. suzthebrit

    SLIMING - What's the deal?

    It is like a near death experience! It's happened to me twice, both after swallowing my pills. Thinking one got stuck. You just need to spit, spit, and spit some more. Then you throw up some slimy stuff and not what is actually causing the problem, which is sooooo frustrating! Do everything you can to avoid having this happen! It's awful! I called my husband and told him I was dying when it first happened to me!
  14. suzthebrit

    4 Wks Post Op Miserable

    Ugh. So sorry!
  15. I was sleeping on my side day 1. It took about 5 days to get on my stomach.
  16. suzthebrit

    4 Wks Post Op Miserable

    Oh Lux, so sorry you are going through this. No vomiting is a good thing though. What do they think caused the pouch? Hope they figure it all out soon. I guess being conservative to them is a good thing. To you, it's just frustrating! Hang in there.
  17. I agree with Leah, why should he have to suffer because you chose to have surgery and do this to yourself. I came home from surgery and asked my husband to please just not make bacon. Other than that he is free to make and eat whatever he wants. I also cook them dinner and can't eat any of it. It doesn't bother me. I chose this journey, he didn't.
  18. suzthebrit

    How much liquid at a time?

    Broth is a liquid and is going to go straight through your sleeve so you can drink a lot more. If we couldn't there would be no way we would be able to get 64oz of fluids per day. When you start on soft foods you will know what full is, and probably after an oz or two.
  19. suzthebrit

    Tomatoes Soup

    Yeah, because there's no acid in our stomachs already.
  20. suzthebrit

    Cold ALL The Time!

    Go to Walmart and buy a Toasty Toes. It's a little electric pad that just goes at your feet in bed. It's the best thing ever. I turn it on about an hour for bed and its so nice to get into a warm bed. That way I don't get too hot all night because of the electric blanket. I hug a hearing pad too.
  21. Vegetables and carbs are on my 'don't have until four months out' list so that may be your issue. Try a soft scrambled egg, or some chicken salad, see if they go down any easier. Take it sloooooooooooow, like a bite every other minute or so and measure out a 1/4 cup before you start. No matter what do not eat more than that 1/4 cup at first, let your stomach figure out what you are trying to do to it! Good luck. Sliming is the worst and like a near death experience for me!

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