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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by suzthebrit

  1. suzthebrit


    At this point we could just get rid of every other thread. This one pretty much has it all covered!
  2. Yay Kathy! So glad your stall broke and you had a big loss this week. You are back on track and are doing great! Cold as heck = more time to craft :-) that's what I'll be doing all day tomorrow. Suzy
  3. suzthebrit

    Self-Pay Sleevers

    I went to TJ, Mexico. $5000 all said and done. I flew on airmiles and used my husbands rewards points for one night in a hotel.
  4. suzthebrit

    Happy happy joy joy

    It's a wonderful feeling! Congratulations!
  5. Oh, and start weight was 214. Current weight is 179. And I too have started saving for the boob lift/tummy tuck!
  6. Thank you all. I do hate the before pics. I wouldn't say I'm overjoyed with the afters, only because I still have a ways to go. I am psyched with my loss so far and see that's its going to right direction. I don't hang out in bra and panties very often and I certainly don't take pictures and post them on the Internet for the world to see!
  7. suzthebrit

    Lighten up a little...

    You'll notice that not one of those people have posted on this thread! I can't stand the holier than thou attitudes some of these people have. If you're not a MEDICAL DOCTOR, not just someone who works in the medical field (which I have seen mentioned many a time and could mean they are a medical biller or secretary!) then I take what they say with a grain of salt. It's sad that people are scared to post their tru and honest feelings because of some righteous bullies!
  8. suzthebrit


  9. suzthebrit


    From the album: suzthebrit

  10. I'm not obese anymore! I've lost 35lbs since surgery 11/7/12 and that puts me in the overweight category for BMI and not obese. Also, hellooooo 170's!!!
  11. suzthebrit

    in keitosis!?

    That's awesome! I wish is thought of that!!!
  12. Did they do an endoscopy? Maybe you have a stricture that is causing the vomiting. That is all I can come up with. Sorry. So sorry you are going through this and I hope you get it all figured out soon.
  13. suzthebrit

    is brown rice better for you?

    Mmmmmm curried quinoa is one of my favs.
  14. I stood in the shower today washing my legs and i couldn't get over my thighs...or lack thereof. I can't remember the last time I though my thighs looked good!
  15. suzthebrit

    Bladder changes

    Me three! I thought it was just me! I don't have to get up in the night anymore (yay!) and when I go during the day it seems to be a lot less. That's weird because I drink way more water now than I ever did pre sleeve.
  16. suzthebrit

    Drinking and eating

    What I don't understand is, what is the difference between eating cereal with milk or chunky soup and drinking while eating? I cannot eat without drinking something. I only take little sips but I just cannot do it!
  17. Hi all, I was sleeved 11/7/12 and am down 31 pounds! Yay!! I have noticed that my hunger feelings have changed. Instead of the rumbling tummy and feeling like I'm going to die if I don't eat I now just seem to have the feeling like my throat is closing up. It's a weird feeling but doesn't prevent me from eating and feels better when I eat, until its time to eat again. Does anybody else have weird signs if hunger? Thanks Suzy
  18. suzthebrit

    4 Wks Post Op Miserable

    Ugh what a nightmare! Hopefully you are in the toad to recovery now and will be feeling much better soon.
  19. suzthebrit

    OMG Did I just screw everything up?

    My doctor also said the NSAIDs were perfectly fine post op. as long as you are not taking too many of them at a time and you are taking them with food or milk you'll be fine. The pain you are feeling may be a nerve. When nerves are cut and healing they are very very very painful and it can last a few months. Try a heating pad or cold pack on the are and see if either one helps. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.
  20. suzthebrit

    Dumping Syndrome

    Dumping is identified by more symptoms than just needing to go to the bathroom. It can cause nausea, vomiting, shivering, feeling feverish etc. you don't mention any of these symptoms so it does not sound like dumping to me. It sounds like liquid in=liquid out and when you've got to go you've got to go! You're only three weeks out and it sounds like you are still on liquids. When you start solids it may help bind you up some.
  21. suzthebrit

    Wavering...sleeve or plication?

    So you'd rather have your stomach rot inside of you, be starving all the time and not lose any weight than be cold? Makes sense. I'm just not seeing how plication even seems like a good idea to you! I'm 8 weeks post sleeve and yes I am colder than I was before but you know what solves that? More clothes, or a blanket. You know what solves being hungry (which apparently you'll be with plication)? Eating. You know what is the number one reason people don't lose weight? They eat. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.
  22. suzthebrit


    Yay! Down 32lbs since surgery Nov 7th and I just went to my hairdresser and wasn't disgusted having to look at myself in her mirror for an hour.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
