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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by slimmerplt

  1. I was told tylenol only after surgery for life.
  2. slimmerplt


    Popcorn, I have always loved eating popcorn. While watching TV I feel like I have to have some. I am sitting here now watching TV and reading these forums. Ate a few grapes, no I was not hungry. I said to myself since i'm still watching TV to get a bottle of Water. Well I popped a bag of popcorn and ate most of it. Now i feel full so I'm throwing the rest in trash can. I'm just trying to figure out if eating popcorn is good or bad for me, meaning can it slow down weight lost? My stomach is now bubbling which is what it did the last few times. Would like to know how everyone else is doing if eating popcorn or if their doctor's, etc has advised against it? I mean I am now mad at myself I've done so well today should had just gotten the water, watch the news, shower and went to bed.
  3. slimmerplt


    I vaguely remember my doctor saying you will be able to eat it later but it has alot carbs. You are so right it is a slider food and I need and will stay away from it in the future. I worked out today for almost 2 hours for the first time and now I feel like i blew it by eating the popcorn and eating so late and close to bedtime.
  4. slimmerplt


    Surgery was 26 Feb 2013.
  5. slimmerplt


    Well that is my thought as well. The first time I had a little at movies no problem. I was happy but then whenever my son popped a bag I wanted some. Just tonight I almost ate a full bag and as you stated went down easy. I have about four more bags and am not buying anymore. My son is with his father for the summer so I will be okay for awhile but need to have a talk with self to say I dont need it nothing healthy in it. Should have stopped after grapes. But now I need to wait before I can have Water. If I had stopped and thought about it I would had remembered I needed to wait 30 minutes to drink.
  6. slimmerplt


    Yes protein don't forget the protein, it is so important. I'm three months out. When i was first sleeved I would have protein drink, then water, protein drink then water. When I got bored and had to have something else I would eat popsicles which were so good. But definitely drink all protein required by your doctor. But remember if you don't get enough water you may get constipated so drink the water. Good luck you can do this!
  7. slimmerplt


  8. slimmerplt

    February Sleevers

    Yes that was my thought that a week or two isnt a stall plus the doctor said I'm losing at the rate they expect with my BMI so I try to remember that when i see other losing at a much faster rate. If their BMI is not show then I just think their's maybe higher then mine. I also am walking alot more. THey dont want me to do anything else or then walk right now.
  9. slimmerplt

    February Sleevers

    Wow, I was also sleeved on 2/26 last weigh in at surgeon's office I was down 23 pounds. Next appointment is Wednesday 24th. I had a stall at 3 weeks and since then am trying really hard to stay off scale. Week ago by my scale I was down another 4 pounds. I wish I was in your shoes and down 40 pounds. Keep up the good work.
  10. It will be 5 weeks on Wednesday 5 April. At my two week post op I had lost 18 pounds this include my 11 days opti-fast that was required. I have not lost anything since. It will be three weeks since that weigh in 6 days. Im really trying to stay off the scale because I know it will past but its hard.
  11. slimmerplt

    Cigna copay

    I also have CIGNA. I have a $2500 deductible. I had surgery end of February. The surgery bill was around 19,000 and they paid 91% that left a balance of $1780 which I paid in full today. However I had many other bills from other doctors at the hospital as well. But after paying the $1780 and other bills I had paid this year I had met my deductible so they paid 100% of those bills. I had put $2500 in my flex spending account so that cover the $1780.
  12. slimmerplt

    Before Pictures

  13. slimmerplt


    From the album: Before Pictures

    Okay so I took this picture around January 2008 determine that I would lose weight before my 50th Birthday on 30 May. Didnt happen. Actually gain 5 pounds and I was working with a trainer!!
  14. slimmerplt

    Me at Moms

    From the album: Before Pictures

    This was one of the years I was losing weight and feeling pretty good about it. Year was around 2008.
  15. slimmerplt

    hi am five days out a

    Today is one week for me today! I havent had a BM yet and dont feel contispated at all. Should I? Almost had to go to ER second day home becasue I could only drink 4 oz of water and was getting dehydrated. But it feels so good not to be hungry. My son had a pizza on Saturday and I kept thinking damn I want a piece but then thought why your not hungry, That passed quickly and I was fine. I'm sure i'll have many more days like that.
  16. My paperwork was submitted on 28 January. My insurance expires 28Feb. I am scheduled for surgery 26th Feb. I've done all my pre-op testing and attended 2 hour NUT and Education class last week. the 7th is my pre-op and start liquid diet and the 28th attend 3 hour class at hospital. But i am not approved yet! Tomorrow will be two weeks. As of Friday the nurse had completed review and the medical director was reviewing. I'm on pens and needles. This is the second time submitted. First time it took 5 days to deny because i didnt have three month diet program and and additional letter. Does anyone know how long it takes for the medical director to review and approve. Starting to get depressed and i definitely dont need that.
  17. Congradulations! I started my liquid diet yesterday (Opti-fast). Day two and its really okay. Have to attend a 3 hour bariatic class on Thursday then wait for the 26th so ready. Been trying to clean house, get vitamins, protein drinks, etc this weekend. Also been working long hours all week at work trying to clean my desk off. I'm just going to miss my son who will stay with a friend for the first week and our dog (Smokey) who is staying with my neice.
  18. I was approved today surgery is the 26th!!
  19. slimmerplt

    February Sleevers

    Hey everybody I was approved today surgery the 26th! So happy etc etc.
  20. Correct!! We have a mtg Monday to go over insurance changes and never before have I wanted the weekend to be over! Come on Monday.... If it turns out its still covered I will be relieved. But ur so right my concern is they will deny so because they may know my plan is changing n it may not be covered. I called cigna yesterday and they told me it was pending and had been reviewed. To call back early next week n if there was no decision. To have my doctors office call and talk with the case manager. Will let u know what happens. Heading out to catch a early movie have a great day and praying u hear something soon.
  21. Issue is that my insurance plan is changing 1 march and I'm not sure if WLS will still be covered. So the coordinator said lets go ahead put u on schedule and start rest of work. So I have the first class on the 7th and then the 21st for pre-op and a education class at hospital on the 21st and surgery on the 26th. Still have to have labs, EKG and clearance ltr from pulmonary spec which I thought they already had. I did my egd in January and don't need stomach sonogram because I don't have my gallbladder .
  22. Where r u located? My coordinator isn't the best either not doing what I think she should be. She kept saying we would hear something this week I was like really?? I'm just praying I hear something on Monday because they have already put me on schedule this month and I go to my 2 Hour NUT and education class Thursday. I don't want to keep taking leave if its not needed at this time.

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