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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    hardy38 reacted to JonB in Best high protuen foods to eat   
    For your sweet tooth:
    Creamy Jello Treat
    Dissolve I small box sugar free Jello in just half a cup boiling Water. Combine in blender with a 16 ounce tub of low fat cottage cheese. Blend until smooth. Pour into four cups or dessert dishes. Chill until firm. Each serving is 85 calories, 14 grams of Protein. Good for Breakfast or a snack.< /p>
    strawberry and lime are my favorites.
  2. Like
    hardy38 reacted to Bamagirl0572 in Is it right for me?   
    I am researching if whether or not WLS is for me. I am 5'7 and 240 lbs.. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I am Prediabetic, and anemic. My husband says I am not big enough. But I am tired of being exhausted and hurting all the time. I am afraid of my self control and that I won't do the tho hs required of me by the doc. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
  3. Like
    hardy38 reacted to taylokat in Not fat enough? This is for Low BMI'ers   
    Yes, OMG! I'm 5'10, 250 lbs, BMI around 36. I'm lucky that I don't have BP or cholesterol problems, but my sleep study did show sleep apnea (which will help with insurance coverage!) I stopped talking about the surgery because whenever I mentioned it my co-workers would tell me "Stop that crazy talk" "You're not big enough" blah, blah, blah. Even my PCP, who I have known for over 25 years, said "You only have about 70 pounds to lose...just don't eat bread" Really? Just don't eat bread? Is that all? LOL, but he also said he would support me in whatever I chose to do so he gave me my medical clearance. I have only told my husband and children because I need to surround myself with people that support me. Let my co-workers think what they want.. it's no their business, it's mine!
  4. Like
    hardy38 reacted to mmlucas77 in Not fat enough? This is for Low BMI'ers   
    You and I are almost exactly the same....weight, height, BMI, high blood pressure and cholesterol,....only difference is I already have the diabetes to go along with it! My friends and co-workers tell me the EXACT same thing....they don't think I'm 'big enough" for the surgery and should try something else! I simply tell them that they don't know what I'm feeling and regardless what their opinion is I'm still getting it done!! I have 56 days and counting til the big day....right now I'm excited but I'm sure as the days get closer I will start to freak out some! Just keep your head up and keep doing you b/c that's all that matters!!
  5. Like
    hardy38 reacted to SuchaPrettyFaceBUT in Not fat enough? This is for Low BMI'ers   
    Today was the second time that someone told me that they didn't think i was "big enough" to justify having this surgery. I take this as a backhanded compliment. I'm what's considered to be a low BMI. However, im qualified for this surgery and have full support of my doctors. My bmi is 37.5. I am a 31 yr old female. I weight 238 right now, my highest weight. I'm 5'7". I have about 80-90 lbs to lose to be a healthy weight. I take it as a compliment because its as if they are saying "ehh your not so bad" but it also really hurts my feeling and makes me second guess myself. I'm very overweight, I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and am at risk of becoming a diabetic. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I've been bullied, I have low self esteem and I've tried every diet in the book. Twice. I don't know I guess I'm jus feeling discouraged. The funny part is that I was told this as I was leaving my pysc evaluation, in which the physiologist told me he fully supports me having the surgery, thinks I've very well prepared and educated. As I was leaving his office I made small talk with another sleeve patient waiting to go in. As we were chatting he said "to be honest you don't really look like you need this surgery, you look ok now". I thanked him but explained that its been a life long struggle with ups and downs. As I left it really made me second guess my decision. Just because I "don't look that fat" doesn't mean I don't fall into the "obese" category or have health problems because of my overweight. Ugh I guess I just needed to vent. Any other low BMI's every experience this?
  6. Like
    hardy38 reacted to asmaclare in Have your feelings/addictions about food changed?   
    Long thread (be warned!) but I wanted to tell you a bit about myself since I am new to this forum, and I think it might help some be able to relate to me and answer my question better if they know where I am coming from!
    I'm 34, a physician, a wife, and I have been fat my whole love. I cannot remember a time, even in childhood, where I was a normal weight. I wish I had been brave enough to go for this surgery years ago, but now is better than never. My husband and I want to start a family very soon. I just do not see how I would be able to have a healthy pregnancy at my age and have all this weight. I also work very long hours and want to be the best mother I can, and I want to be as ready for that as I can be!
    In March 2012, I started (again) on weight watchers. I initially did well and lost around 15 pounds in the first few months but the weight started to dwindle. I admit that there were many days where I would not track and then try to catch up again. I started exercising in Oct 2012 (Zumba!!!) and things really started to change for me. My weight was not necessarily decreasing but my body was changing. I am currently at 263 lbs with a total weight loss of 42 lbs in one year. This is the second or third time in my lifetime that I have lost this much weight, but it has always come back! So.... For these reasons, I want the VSG.
    The problem is, I love food. It's an addiction for me. I love the different taste and the variety and the spice! And I overeat, a lot, during a meal. I am not a huge snacker (although night time Snacks get me sometimes like sweets or salty cravings) - the biggest issue I have is eating a lot in one setting. I keep eating more because I love the taste and once I have gotten the taste I want that full satiated feeling. I love food and while I want my HABITS to change, it's hard to imagine how I can deal with the changes of my attitude and my affinity toward food and the things I love to eat. I am very concerned that I may become extremely depressed after this surgery. (Although I have no prior history of depression or any other mood disorder, and yes I have already been cleared by Psych
    I have seen so many people say that they have different tastes after the sleeve. They no longer crave the things they did before. That they know if they eat just one more tiny bit of whatever, they will feel ill or vomit or whatever, and so you learn. It seems more like being conditioned. Would you agree?
    But what I want to know is....
    1. Do you look FORWARD to your meals and snacks?
    2. Do you ENJOY what you eat?
    3. Do you feel satisfied with the taste given how little you can actually eat?
    4. Do you feel better the further out you get when you do get to eat a little more?
    5. Do you feel the majority of sleevers can eat whatever they want, so long as the portion is right?
    6. How has your feelings or attitudes changed about food?
    7. Is there anything you really wish you could eat, that you can't? (And if so, do you get over that?)
    8. Can you still eat spicy foods? (curries, peppers, etc)
    Thank you all in advance!
  7. Like
    hardy38 reacted to peacequeen in A Thorough Pre And Post Op Sleeve Diet And Tips(Long)   

    The following information provides guidelines for you to follow before and after Gastric
    Sleeve Surgery and for the rest of your life. Gastric Sleeve Surgery is a weight loss tool.
    After surgery, you will be required to make lifelong changes in your eating habits and to
    exercise on a regular basis in order to achieve and maintain your weight loss goals.
    Gastric Sleeve Surgery reduces the size of the stomach which restricts the volume of food
    that you can consume at one time. This means that you will feel full after eating a small
    amount. The surgery also induces hormonal changes which help prevent you from feeling
    excessively hungry.
    You should avoid drinking liquids with meals. This is to prevent overfilling of the
    stomach. Frequent snacking or grazing must also be avoided as this contributes to excess
    calorie intake and can slow weight loss or cause you to gain weight.
    Exercise is an important component of weight loss success. Exercise is recommended
    before and after surgery in order to maximize the amount of weight that you lose and keep
    off. If you have not been an active exerciser, always consult with your physician for
    clearance and recommendations before beginning any exercise program.
    It is important to follow the lifetime Gastric Sleeve diet rules, supplement guidelines, and
    exercise recommendations in order to achieve and maintain optimum weight loss success.
    In order to begin preparing for surgery, start implementing the pre-surgery diet
    goals listed on the next page.
    Pre-Surgery Diet
    Practice Tips
    1. Choose
    low-fat foods, and avoid fried foods.
    2. Stop using sugar. Use
    sugar substitutes such as Sweet & low, Equal, or Splenda.
    Decrease intake of Desserts and candy.< /span>
    Stop drinking sugar-sweetened beverages such as regular soda and sweetened
    5. Start weaning off of
    caffeine and carbonated beverages.< /span>
    6. Start
    cutting back on fast food and eating out. Begin making healthy meal
    when eating out and at home.
    7. Eat
    3 meals a day. Do not skip Breakfast.
    8. Start
    decreasing portion sizes.
    9. Eat more
    fruits and vegetables.
    Practice drinking Water and other fluids between meals, not with meals.
    11. Drink
    64 ounces Water a day.
    Practice sipping liquids.
    Avoid alcohol.
    14. Begin some form of
    Review the following information on the gastric sleeve diet.
    Practice chewing foods thoroughly, 20 - 40 times or to paste consistency.
    Purchase your Protein drinks or supplements.
    Purchase your Vitamin and mineral supplements.
    19. Begin
    planning a schedule for mealtime, fluids and Vitamin and mineral
    Post Gastric Sleeve Surgery Diet
    Important Diet Guidelines:
    Eat 3 meals per day. Avoid snacking and grazing.
    Eat small amounts. Initial portion size should be no more than 1 - 2 ounces -
    approximately 2 - 4 Tablespoons - of food per meal for the first month. At first you
    may not be able to tolerate this amount. Over time, you will slowly tolerate more
    volume at each meal. Long term, the stomach will eventually hold about 4 - 8
    ounces (1/2 - 1 cup) of food per meal.
    Eat Protein foods first.
    Do not try to eat food and drink liquid together.

    Consume liquid 30 to 60 minutes before and/or 30 to 60 minutes after
    eating meals but
    not during meals.
    You are required to take a Multi-Vitamin with minerals for the rest of your life.
    6. Eat slowly!

    Each meal should last 30minutes or longer.

    Avoid gulping foods and drinks.< /span>

    All foods must be well-chewed to a paste consistency.

    Using a small fork or spoon (i.e. baby utensils) can help control portion sizes.

    Have one place to eat (such as at the table) and avoid reading or watching TV
    while you eat. This helps you to enjoy your food, concentrate on eating slower
    and to realize when your stomach is full.
    Drink plenty of calorie-free, non-carbonated, caffeine- free fluids between

    Drink slowly-sip fluids, never gulp.

    Calorie-containing beverages should be limited to skim milk and Protein Drinks.

    Limit juice to no more than 4oz. per day.

    Consume zero-calorie beverages throughout the day.
    Diet Progression After Surgery
    The diet after gastric sleeve surgery progresses through several stages. Your surgeon will
    let you know when it is okay to progress to the next stage.
    Day 1 - 2 after surgery:
    Clear liquid diet
    The clear liquid diet means fluids or foods that are liquid at body temperature and can
    almost be seen through. You will be on a clear liquid diet while you’re in the hospital.
    Examples of Clear Liquid Diet (No Added Sugar/ Sugar Free):

    Clear (diluted) fruit juices without added sugar: apple, grape or white grape or
    diet cranberry

    sugar-free Crystal Light drink mix or popsicles, sugar-free Kool-Aid

    Herbal tea, caffeine-free tea

    flat soda

    Sugar-free Popsicles

    Sugar-free Gelatin

    Clear broth

    It is best to dilute juices by 50% with water.
    Avoid citrus juices (orange/grapefruit) and Tomato juice for the first three weeks.
    coffee and de-caffeinated coffee contain acids which are irritating to the stomach
    lining and should be avoided for the first few weeks for healing.
    Day 3 through Week 2:
    Full Liquid Diet
    The next stage is the full liquid diet which consists of sugar-free, low-fat milk products and
    the Clear Liquids listed above.
    You will need to supplement with protein (drinks or
    powder) after surgery. Remember to sip liquids, do not gulp.
    Examples of Full Liquid Diet (No Added Sugar/Sugar-Free, Low Fat):

    Skim Milk or Lactaid milk

    Soy Milk (non-fat)

    Low fat, thin, strained cream Soup (smooth, no pieces of food)

    Sugar-free instant breakfast

    Protein drinks – Start daily when you get home from the hospital. (See section on
    protein and protein drinks)

    Plain or “light” (no sugar added) yogurt with no fruit pieces

    Sugar-free pudding or custard

    Thinned cream of wheat or rice Cereal
    Week 3 through Week 8:
    pureed Diet
    You may now begin a pureed diet. This includes all items listed for clear and full liquids,
    and the items listed for the pureed (blenderized) diet.

    Eat PROTEIN foods first

    Make sure foods are well blended.

    Start slowly. If you do not tolerate pureed foods go back to the liquid diet and try
    again in a few days.

    Remember to drink liquids between meals, not with meals.

    Continue Protein Drinks or protein supplements every day.
    Examples for the Pureed Diet (Sugar-Free/No Sugar Added, Low Fat):
    Pureed or blenderized scrambled eggs or egg substitute or cheese
    omelet; melted low-fat cheese, low-fat or non-fat cream cheese,
    ricotta cheese, very smooth/mashed soft cheese such as mozzarella,
    string cheese, low-fat or non-fat smooth or small curd cottage cheese
    meat, Fish,
    Baby food meat or pureed meat or poultry moistened with broth or
    low-fat gravy
    Blenderized shrimp, scallops or fish
    Pureed tuna or salmon (canned in water) or pureed egg salad with
    low-fat or non-fat mayonnaise
    Potted meats thinned with broth; smooth deviled ham
    Starches Unsweetened instant oatmeal (strained), cream of wheat or rice
    cereal, mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, smooth polenta, hummus,
    refried beans; low-fat or baked crackers or chips
    Vegetables Baby food vegetables or pureed cooked vegetables (no corn or peas)
    Mashed winter squash, tomato juice or sauce, pureed salsa, marinara
    Soup Strained, low-fat cream Soup made with skim milk; fat-free broth
    Blenderized lentil or split pea soup or chili
    Fruit Baby food fruits (bananas, pears, applesauce, peaches, mango, etc)
    Unsweetened applesauce (smooth)
    Unsweetened canned fruit – blenderized
    Unsweetened fruit juice (diluted, no sugar added)
    Remember: IF YOU CAN CHEW IT, DON’T DO IT!
    Tips to Get Started
    Everything that you eat on the pureed diet should be sugar-free or no sugar added, low fat
    and blended to the consistency of baby food or smooth applesauce.

    You will need a blender or food processor or you can purchase baby food.

    Start with 1 ounce (2 Tablespoon) portions - no more than 4 Tablespoons at the
    most. Listen to your body and stop eating as soon as you feel full.

    Eat protein foods first. Then if you are not too full, try vegetables or fruits.

    Continue protein supplements (80 g protein per day from supplement).
    Helpful Hints for Blenderizing

    Cut foods into small pieces before putting into the blender or food processor.

    Remove seeds, skins and fat.

    Add liquid for ease of blending. Add enough liquid to cover the blades. Options
    include skim milk, broth, strained low-fat cream soup, low-fat gravy, low-fat or
    non-fat sour cream or fat-free half & half.

    Blend the item to a smooth, applesauce consistency.

    Make sure there are no particles, seeds or lumps remaining. If so put through a
    sieve or strainer.

    If you have leftover blenderized foods, try freezing in single serving portions in ice
    cube trays and put the frozen cubes into plastic freezer bags.
    – Very lean and dry meats puree better by adding a small amount of fat (margarine,
    oil, light Mayonnaise, gravy, etc.) Fish also tends to be dry. Improve the texture by adding
    small amount of lemon juice, light mayonnaise or strained low-fat tartar sauce.
    – Try pureed peas, canned Beans, sweet potatoes. Starches puree better when
    hot. Rice and potatoes tend to puree into a Gummy paste and are not recommended.
    Substitute cream of rice Cereal prepared with a flavorful broth and seasoned with
    margarine. Pasta or noodles are not recommended as they are not well-tolerated.
    – Cook vegetables until soft. If using canned vegetables, drain first. Add
    melted margarine and puree. Add a small amount of liquid until it reaches the smooth
    applesauce consistency.
    – If using canned fruit, drain first. Add a few drops of lemon juice to help prevent
    them from discoloring.
    Begin to take advantage of your favorite leftovers before surgery. Process these foods, and
    freeze them in an ice cube tray. (Each cube is approximately 1/2 to 1 ounce). When
    frozen, pop out into Zip-lock bag; label and date, and freeze cubes until needed.
    Meal Guidelines for the Pureed Diet
    (See Sample Pureed Meals listed in the Appendix)
    Once you begin to eat pureed foods (which are considered solids) you will want to start
    differentiating between liquids and solids – meals should include pureed foods, and so
    liquids (including protein drinks) should be taken
    separately from your meals.

    You should eat 3 meals a day with protein drinks between meals.

    Protein drinks containing at least 20 grams of protein per serving should be
    consumed as needed to meet 80 g/day goal.

    Start with a portion size of 1 to 2 tablespoons of pureed food for the first month.
    At first you may not be able to tolerate this amount. Eat your protein source first, and then
    if you have room a small amount of fruit, vegetables or other foods may be consumed.
    Hints for Measuring Foods:
    Liquids or soft/pureed foods are best measured in
    measuring cups or spoons; they can be measured in ounces, Tablespoons or mls.
    1 cup 8 Fluid ounces 240 ml 16 tablespoons
    3/4 cup 6 Fluid ounces 180 ml 12 tablespoons
    1/2 cup 4 fluid ounces 120 ml 8 tablespoons
    1/4 cup 2 fluid ounces 60 ml 4 tablespoons
    1/8 cup 1 fluid ounce 30 ml 2 tablespoons
    1 Tablespoon = 3 teaspoons
    1/2 Tablespoon = 1-1/2 teaspoons
    Week 9-12 After Surgery:
    Soft solid food Diet
    If you have been tolerating pureed foods, you may now begin a soft diet. This includes all
    items listed for clear and full liquids and pureed diets plus items listed for the soft diet.
    Try 1 to 2 new foods a day. This will help you to learn what foods you tolerate.

    Remember your stomach pouch empties more slowly with more solid or dense
    foods than with liquids, so you will be able to tolerate a smaller quantity of food
    than you could with liquids

    Go slowly. If you do not tolerate the trial of soft foods, resume pureed foods and
    try again in a week.

    Eat protein foods first

    Avoid foods high in sugar and fat.

    Space meals 4-5 hours apart

    Continue your protein drinks between meals

    Drink other fluids constantly between meals
    Examples of Soft Diet (No Added Sugar/Sugar-Free, Low Fat):

    Baked fish (no bones)

    Imitation crab meat, baby shrimp


    Canned peaches or pears in water or juice

    Well-cooked vegetables without seeds or skin (no corn or peas)

    Scrambled, poached or hard boiled eggs

    Tuna or egg salad (no onions, celery, pimientos, etc.)

    Finely shaved deli meat

    Baked, grilled or rotisserie chicken
    Moist foods will be better tolerated. Moisten meats with broth, low fat
    mayonnaise, or low-fat gravy or sauce.
    Fish and seafood Proteins are softer and easier to break down than poultry
    or red meat Proteins.< /span>
    Reheating foods tends to make them dry out and hard to tolerate.
    Common Problem Foods
    (Avoid for 3 months after surgery)

    Red meat such as steak, roast beef, pork. Red meat is high in muscle Fiber, which is
    difficult to separate even with a great deal of chewing. Avoid hamburger for one
    month after surgery.

    Un-toasted bread; rolls, biscuits. (Toasted bread may be better-tolerated.)



    Membrane of citrus fruits

    Dried fruits, nuts, popcorn, coconut

    Salads, fresh fruits (except banana) and fresh uncooked vegetables, potato skins.
    Month 4 After Surgery:
    Regular Diet

    Problem foods as listed above can now be tried.

    Rice, Pasta and doughy bread may not be tolerated for 6 months or more.

    Try fresh fruits without the skin first. If tolerated, the skin can be tried the next
    time. Salads are generally well-tolerated if chewed well.

    Go slowly. Try a small amount to see how you feel.

    Avoid high sugar and high fat foods to avoid a high calorie intake.
    Foods to Avoid
    Hard/crunchy foods may always be poorly tolerated. Nuts and seeds
    are difficult to break down. Fried foods/greasy foods are hard to digest and are very high
    in calories.

    Corn chips, potato chips, tortilla chips, hard taco shells

    Nuts and seeds

    Fried foods and greasy foods
    Points to Remember:

    Solid foods will fill your stomach pouch more than liquids so you will be eating
    smaller quantities of foods versus liquids.

    If you don’t tolerate a food the first time, wait a week and try again.

    You may find that you tolerate a certain food one day and not the next. It is
    normal for this to happen.

    If you don’t tolerate certain foods or notice nausea, vomiting or diarrhea during
    or after eating, ask yourself the following questions:
    Did I chew to a paste consistency?
    Did I eat too fast?
    Did I eat too much volume?
    Did I drink fluid with my real meal or too close to my meal?
    Did I eat something high in sugar or fat?
    Was the food moist or was it too dry?
    Steps for adding solid foods:

    Try only 1 small bite of the new food and chew well. Wait awhile and if there are
    no problems, take another bite.

    If at any time you feel too full, nauseated or vomit, stop eating and rest. Take only
    clear liquids at the next meal and add blended foods and liquids at the following
    meal. Try one solid food again the next day.
    Protein is
    the most important nutrient to concentrate on when resuming your diet.
    Because the volume of your meals will be limited, you should aim for a minimum of
    80 grams of protein per day – this needs to come from your protein supplement
    Why is protein important?

    Wound healing

    Sparing loss of muscle

    Minimizing hair loss

    Preventing protein malnutrition
    Remember to
    eat protein foods first at each meal, followed by vegetables and fruit.
    These are some good sources of protein:
    Protein Sources Serving size Protein (g)
    Skim or 1% milk 1 cup 8
    Evaporated skim milk (canned) 1 cup 19
    Soy milk beverage 1 cup (8 ounces) 7
    Non fat dry milk powder 1/3 cup powder 8
    Nonfat, sugar free yogurt 1 cup (8 ounces) 8
    Nonfat or low fat cottage cheese ½ cup (4 ounces) 14
    Nonfat or low fat cheese slices
    String cheese
    *1 ounce/ 1 slice 6
    LEAN meats – skinless chicken or turkey
    breast, fish, beef, ham, Deli meats *1 ounce 7
    Egg or Egg substitute 1 egg or ¼ cup subst. 7
    Peanut Butter (creamy) 1 Tablespoon 5
    Tofu ¼ cup 5
    Legumes; dried Beans peas or lentils
    Chili, bean soup
    ½ cup cooked
    ½ cup
    Soy/vegetable patty (like Gardenburger) 1 patty 8 - 10
    Hummus ½ cup 6
    Measuring Hints:
    *1 ounce of meat is equal to about 3 – 4 Tablespoons of chopped or ground meat.
    1 ounce of grated or cottage cheese, tuna or egg salad is ~ 1/4
    th cup (4 Tablespoons).
    A 3-ounce portion size of chicken or meat is about the size of a deck of cards.
    High Protein Ideas
    Chicken or Turkey
    Pureed – Use baby food or make your own. Try mixing it into strained low-fat cream soup.
    Breast – baked or grilled
    Thin-sliced/shaved deli slices
    Ground – meatballs, meatloaf
    Canned – works great for chicken salad
    Strained out of canned soup – tends to be very moist
    Fish (avoid bones)
    Baked, broiled, poached, or grilled fish
    Imitation or regular crab meat
    Fresh or canned salmon in water
    Canned tuna in water
    Beef or Veal (Extra Lean)
    Ground – meatballs, meatloaf
    Shaved deli ham
    Eggs or Egg substitute
    Scrambled eggs or omelet
    Homemade eggnog made with skim milk, sugar-substitute
    Diet custard
    Egg salad
    Quiche or frittata
    Deviled eggs
    Low-fat Dairy Products
    Milk (skim or 1%)
    Yogurt (plain or no-sugar added)
    Low-fat cheeses including cottage cheese, string cheese, ricotta, or any other cheeses
    which are reduced-fat or non-fat.
    Peanut Butter – smooth
    Dried beans or lentils – or Soups, stews or chili made from these
    Vegetarian or fat-free refried beans
    Protein Supplements
    Because of the limited volume capacity of the stomach, it will be nearly impossible to
    meet your protein needs from food sources for up to a year after surgery.
    You will need to consume a protein drinks to get a total of 80 g protein per day – This
    would be 2 protein drinks
  8. Like
    hardy38 reacted to SuchaPrettyFaceBUT in Scared about complications   
    So I've done all the research (ok granted maybe a little too much) and I'm about 2 months out from my surgery date (April 15) and technically I'm still pending insurance approval but I'm taking all the steps and going through the process full steam ahead. I've definitely gone through a roller coaster of emotions since starting this journey, and I still get mixed emotions everyday. But I guess where im at now is the "fear" stage. I'm constantly thinking about complications, leaks, structure, infection, etc. I'm spending hours researching horror stories of things gone wrong and the aftermath of complications. I realize that with any surgery there are always risks and one must decide of the benefits will outweigh the risks. I guess that's the point I'm at now. I'm a lower bmi. I'm 31 years old, 238lbs and bmi of 37. I have a about 80lbs to lose to be considered at a healthy weight for my height. But I also have high blood pressure (for about 3 years controlled by medicine) and high cholesterol. My weight history has shown a consistent failure at conventional weight loss attempts and I progressively gain 8-10 lbs a year. So my fear is if I DON'T get the surgery I could end up weighting 50lbs more in 5 years. I know that this surgery is the answer (and I know it's not the "easy way out" and it takes work and the surgery is just a tool). I guess I'm just scared. Scared about the surgery itself and complications, leaks. AmI alone in this? Has anyone ever talked themselves out of the surgery before they hit the table? Is anyone else scared?
  9. Like
    hardy38 reacted to Crystal927 in Mysterious Ways   
    Hey there everyone! So I'm new here...I've been lurking around these boards for about a week now. Here's my "short" story
    I had my first consultation with my surgeons office back for LapBand in June 2012. For insurance purposes I had to do a 6 month doctor supervised diet. I completed that December 28. Then, my surgeons office submitted my paperwork for approval. I received approval Jan 9. I have had tunnel vision straight to Lapband ever since. His nurse practitioner tried to talk to me about sleeve the day of my consultation and I declined politely that I wasn't interested in that and didn't want to waste her time or mine. Fast forward to last week, I attended a BEGIN class upon learning I was approved, I get to the class and its a Sleeve class...they agreed to let me stay and just told me the differences in Vitamins and post op diet. I was all excited for a call the next day to set up my pre-op testing and appointment, the call I received was much different than expected...they had submitted my paperwork for the "wrong" procedure. I was approved for Sleeve. I panicked...then I calmed down and really thought about that this might be God trying to nudge me into opening my mind and eyes to what rights in front of me. So, I started researching the Sleeve while waiting to meet for "rediscussion" with my surgeon today. The more I've researched and prayed the more confident I am that I was about to make a mistake with the band, not that the band is bad or wrong, just that it isn't the right decision for me. SOoooo....I'm happy to say that I will be having my SLEEVE done on Friday, Feb 22! Now that the actual decision and stress that came with wrapping my mind around something totally different than what I set out to do...I cannot wait!!!!
  10. Like
    hardy38 got a reaction from michelleooo513 in proteins?   
    Go to Supplement Superstore.com. I. Their website is a Protein Shake called Level 1, made by 1st Phorm. Look at the nutrition facts, the ingredients... I tell you this stuff is not chalky! If you have the store nearby its $39.99 otherwise $ 59.99 on website... Many flavors too! What I like about this, no gas, no bloating! Got to read the info, ck it out! Sometimes we get what we pay for....
  11. Like
    hardy38 reacted to Shaye in Begining stage in wls, but so excited!   
    January 30th....going to seminar! I know, im a newbie!! Lol but man am i excited to just go to this and start the process!
  12. Like
    hardy38 reacted to FishingNurse in Not All Sleevers Eat 500 Cals A Day For The Rest Of Their Lives!   
    So I am 15 months post-op.....
    Just thought I would share my experiences and what life is like for me as a sleever in maintenance. I made my weight loss goal ( a very modest goal in fact...) at about 8 months out. So I have maintained my weight loss with ease for the last 7 months. I chose a higher goal than many sleevers for several reasons....
    1.) easier to maintain
    2.) no lose skin. That's right people, I have no lose skin, my butt is still round and the girls are still perky!
    3.) I am normal, curvy healthy and average. That's all I ever wanted!
    4.) I wear normal sizes. I am in a 12 and as a nurse I wear medium scrub tops and large bottoms. I LOVE BEING NORMAL. (preop I was in 2x and 24s)
    I don't really care that my BMI is not "normal" it never will be, I am happy and healthy. My surgeon and primary agree I am in a great spot.
    So what do I eat? a typical day is about 2000 calories. I was eating 1400 a day for weight loss.... I got up to 1000 cals as soon as I could post op so I wouldn't tank my metabolism. I don't eat low fat anything, I don't drink diet anything, no sugar free toxic crap. I eat small and healthy amounts everything. I have a vanilla latte everyday.I eat cheese at least twice a day. I eat lots of fruit and veggies and of course Protein. I go out to eat, have dessert a few times per week. I eat like a healthy, normal person.
    I still have started a real workout routine at the gym... I have a fairly physical job as a nurse and I take the dog for walks all the time, I plan to workout at the gym this winter for health purposes.
    All in all my point is.... I am so happy I was sleeved!!
    below is a before and after.....:-)

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    hardy38 reacted to BeatrizS1974<3 sleeve in Do any low BMI-ers regret having the surgery?   
    My BMI the morning of my surgery was a 36.0 @ 5'3 203 lbs. Although i am only 11 days post op i can't imagine not having the surgery. I like everyone else have done every diet there probably is and i did lose weight but it always came back, so as far as your question about doing it on my own? Been there done that! I know that with this surgery i will never weigh 200+ lbs again. So even though it may be too early for me to regret it I personally can't see myself regretting it at any stage.
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    hardy38 reacted to Shaye in Anyone seeing Dr. Eagon in Stl   
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    hardy38 reacted to Shaye in Anyone seeing Dr. Eagon in Stl   
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    hardy38 got a reaction from Shaye in Anyone seeing Dr. Eagon in Stl   
    Hello Shaye! Been a hectic day! Umm, I have dieted alot in the past....just last Feb 2012 thru May 2012 with Weight Watchers (always joining ) Anyway, my Insurance CIGNA required a so called 6 month diet/management / ETC... Previously i had AETNA ins which happened to be the same guidelines. My primary MD completes the paperwork monthly, faxes it over to Eagon's after I seen her. ( I had the same md for 12yrs she knows every diet I done! LOL) So, I am not really on a diet.... I have the low BMI. I am in the Obsese BMI Class 35-40 with a Co-morbidity, which qualifies me. I am trying right now to find Protein Shakes, readin/educating myself and soon get my butt exercising...I need to loose about 80-85lbs but I do have other health issues that makes it hard!
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    hardy38 reacted to Karishero in Quick Glimpse of Pre-op need to know, do's & don'ts, hospital/home checklist   
    Here's a compilation of the information that i have found during researching. Some from other posts and some from websites. I am not a medical professional. Just a individual who is about to journey down the same road as you are. My VSG consult apt is Jan 15th Fort Worth, TX.
    Many of you have inspired me and helped me make this process some what less nerve racking so I thought the least I could do was share the knowledge.
    Feel free to list any additional tips or advise that i may have overlooked.
    Sleeve Stomach Comparison/Concept:
    Stomach is going from the size of a Football to the size of a plastic Easter egg.
    Your stomach has to learn to eat again just like an infant, first liquids, then puree, then soft, then normal food.< /p>
    What to take to hospital:
    Eye Mask/Ear Plugs
    Lip Balm
    Shampoo, conditioner
    Phone Charger
    Gas X strips or chewable
    Personal meds
    Heating pad
    stomach binder to support stomach/Pillow
    Things to have at home POST OP:
    Multi-Vitamins chewable/liquid-Don’t take at the same time as Calcium and Iron
    Biotin-hair loss prevention
    Vitamin D
    Iron-B12(sublingual)/Calcium-Don’t take at same time or with Multi take at least 2hrs apart or they will contradict each other.
    Clear liquid
    Protein Shake (Isopure, Muscle Milk, whey Protein etc).
    Popsicles/SF Fudge Pops
    SF Jell-O
    SF- Hawaiian Punch/Kool-Aid
    Italian Shaved Ice-SF
    Diet V8-Splash
    Decaffeinated Tea
    Torani flavored sweeteners for shakes
    Water-Gatorade G2-Smart Water-Propel Zero
    Crystal Light-varieties
    Mio-flavor for Water
    Full Liquids
    Cream Soups
    Almond Milk/Soy Milk/Skim Milk
    Cream of Wheat
    Carnation Breakfast-SF with skim milk
    SF- pudding (skin or soy milk)
    Do’s & Don’t s
    Don’t drink with a straw
    Don’t drink while you eat or 30min before or after
    Avoid carbonated drinks
    Avoid caffeine
    Avoid gassy or greasy foods
    Chew food and eat slowly
    Stay upright for 30 min to hour after eating or take short walk after meal
    Eat at least 2hrs before going to bed
    Sip, Sip Sip 48-64oz of Fluid daily
    Stop eating at first sign of fullness
    Avoid hard candy and gum
    Things to remember after surgery:
    You are learning how to eat all over again so spitting up or vomiting from time to time is ok. This actually can last for up to 8wks post op or longer if you eat too much or too fast.
    Swelling in the abdomen, It takes approximately 7-10 days for the swelling of the sleeve to go down. During this time you may have trouble with your intake but it will get better.

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