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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by TheLCSpencer

  1. Oh I forgot to mention, wait at least 30 minutes after drinking to eat and 30 minutes to an 1 hour after eating to drink something. I learned that the hard way lol To me its like if you drink with food the drink will go to the bottom of sleeve and the food comes up to your throat and feels horrible.

    Thanks Leann! I think this is exactly what happened. I drank coconut Water too fast then popped three little kale leaves. It does feel horrible! Gosh I can't wait for it to pass.

  2. Hi all. Will keep this short. 3 weeks out and was progressing to veggies today. Had some coconut Water and was making kale chips for later in the week. Must have drank the Water too quick. After cooking the chips, I ate about three to see how they were, bc I'd never made them before. Almost immediately I felt queasy.

    Now I've been spitting up but can't barf (hiatal hernia repair maybe why?) and my chest hurts. Feel like I have liquid way up to my jaw. I definetly just thoughtlessly did something I used to do when I cooked per-sleeve. I feel absolutely idiotic now and I'm horrified about this resulting in a leak. I feel like I messed up really early on here--if this is the feeling people get when they eat too much, it's the first I've read of someone being dumb enough to get it this early into their experience.

    Any words do advice? Def learned a lesson. Not looking for coddling but also please don't beat me up! :/

  3. I'm just a little ahead of you, and I went through all of the same gross foamies, only mine were more like slimes. I thought I was eating slow enough, but what I've discovered moving from mushy to soft foods is that I really need a good 3-5 min in between EVERY bite, and the bites need to be about the size of a nickel. The slower I go, the less I spit up. By comparison, 3oz of yogurt takes me at least 30 min to eat without sliming.

    Try slowing down even more and see if that alleviates some of the side effects. If you give your body time to make sure it's fully in your pouch, it will be easier to tell when you're done b/c as soon as you feel the feeling in your throat, you'll know. You're feeling it now I think b/c you aren't giving it enough time to fully get down there before taking the next bite.

    Hope it gets better!

    Thanks Brook!

    It's really hard, isn't it? I feel like eating slowly is just hard, when something tastes good and there's a fair amount of head hunger (I hate that term). If I were to take 3 min in between bites it would take forever! I can still do it though. Is this how long you wait in between bites, even this far into your recovery? Or can you eventually eat faster? It would make sense if it was just slow, always.

  4. Hi Everyone,

    I had my surg with Dr. Aceves on 1/5. Currently 15 days out. Had a hiatal hernia repaired, but healed up just fine. Down 12 pounds so far. I just had a few questions because I'm pretty frustrated and feel that I had to re-learn everything about how to eat.

    I keep hearing a few things:

    -Eat slowly

    -dont overeat your sleeve

    -listen to your body

    Here's the thing--I'm still clueless. I eat (drink, mostly at this point) slowly, but dont feel a restriction. What does it feel like? At this point, I can only tell when it's up near my throat (liquid)--in which case I know I've drank too fast. I measure and time with my liquids, but I have been hungry a few times in the last week and drank fast only to find that 15 m later I have the foamies.

    I want to do this right, but I am having such a hard time understanding my body's signs. I feel like I'm not doing well enough on liquids, and that I need to figure this out before I get to mushies or solids. I don't want to stretch my sleeve, but this is so strange and new still.

    Another example: I just ate about 3 oz of yogurt for the first time and I feel like I have yogurt up to throat. I don't think I overate, but...did I eat too fast (15 min)? Is this bad? Should I have eaten less? If so, when would I keep going? I am even using tiny baby spoons and yeah...not sure if it's helping.

    Sorry, all. I just don't know what the signs are. In the past, I was full when I felt full. Does the "New Full"=the feeling you get when you aren't hungry?

    Thanks for all the advice ahead of time!

  5. Hi all!

    I am one week post-op and sort of struggling. This part of post-op is so frustrating.

    I had a sleeve with Dr. Aceves in MexiCali. I also had a hiatal hernia repaired. In his post-op instructions he says we aren't really supposed to have more than 2 oz in 15 minutes. This is pretty hard. At first, I was taking in lots of liquid because I didn't quite understand the restriction. The first 1-2 days were actually alright.

    Now that I'm understanding what the foamies are (which I got twice in the first two days), I am trying to be more careful. No more than 2 oz, at all times. Also after 2 ozs I sort of feel full, so I don't try to push it. Yesterday I was pushing myself to have about 2 oz every 30 minutes and that seemed to be the best I could manage without stuffing myself full of liquid.< /p>

    At this rate, if I'm up for 14 hours a day, and I don't stop drinking, I will only get 28 oz of liquid--nowhere close to the 64 I'm supposed to get. Also, (TMI) my pee is a little dark, so even at this rate, I still feel dehydrated. Very frustrating.

    Did anyone else experience this? Does it go away so you can drink more?

    Second issue is that in one week I have only had one very small BM (a week ago). My reg Dr. suggest milk of magnesia. At what point should I use it? I think it's about time things start happening in that department but im afraid of getting dehydrated even more! I realize that I'm having all liquids and not much should come out, but....I had solids a week ago, and I'm pretty sure that's still somewhere in me (TMI).

    Any help would be appreciated!


  6. Hey thanks for asking! I am okay. about 5 days post op. Things are okay! I had a hiatal hernia which needed to be fixed, so now I'm recovering from two surg instead of one. So far it's so-so. Happy to be on the other side, but I have to say that I underestimated how difficult recovery would be. Didn't know I'd have that darn hernia!

    I am doing well with the Water and Protein, but it's constant! Gotta get it in any way I can hehe. Taking some Percocet (crushed up) for the pain and everything else seems ok! Trying to walk as well. Today I'll be walking 2 miles with my trainer. Woo!!

    :) Thanks for checking in!

  7. Hi All,

    I am new to the sleeved world and can happily say that I was sleeved with Dr. Aceves on 1.5.12. Today is my 4th sleeve day!

    During my sleeve, my Dr discovered a hiatal hernia which he repaired. This is cool, but, it's caused a considerable amount of pain through recovery. I expected to only have to recover from the sleeve and not from the hernia madness. My shoulders hurt big time!

    Despite my exhaustive reading, this part of it is all new to me. I went to my US Dr. who helped me with some pain mgmgt. That solves one issue (sort of). My second issue relates to liquid consumption: I have powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken Soup, gatorade, and whey Protein shots from Walmart. Today has been my first day out of the hospital and I've managed to get in all my Protein shot, and 1.5 servings of chicken Soup without issue. I've made it to my 70 g protein quota for the day.

    Ive been sipping all day. I'm wondering--is this weird? I am trying to sip all day but that is causing me to be drink literally all day--forcing myself to focus on it all the time. Is that a bad habit? Also, I only really wait about 15-20 min in between drinks. Is this a bad habit? Also, I'm terrified of drinking too fast. My instructions from my Dr. indicate that I should only have 1.5 oz per 15 min. I drank my 8 oz soup on about 35-45 min wihtout pain. Could i be stretching my sleeve?

    I'm also a bit thirsty now, so I want to have a drink of Water. Is this constant drinking a bad habit? I haven't tracked perfectly but assume I must have had about 50 oz of liquid today.

    Hoping some sleeve veterans might be able to get me some advice! I just dont want to be drinking too fast and ruin things! My body hasn't given me the signs to stop, but perhaps I'm not hearing them?

  8. Hi guys!

    As my surgery day is fast approaching (17 days) I was wondering if there was anyone lurking on

    these forums who is scheduled around the same time as me for Dr. Aceves. I am booked for January' date=' 5 2013! I would love to chat with like minded people who are on the same time frame as me so we can support each other, both in the hospital and out.[/quote']

    Hi Sara! I am 1/5/13 with Dr A, too! I finally found someone!!! Where are you flying in from?!

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