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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Dreamingofhealth

  1. Dreamingofhealth

    Let's See Your Christmas Tree!

    Here is my tree! My 5 year old and 2 year old helped! And so far I haven't rearranged the ornaments haha haha
  2. Hello everyone. I have been on the waiting list in Canada for a year now. I have followed the surgeons orders to lose 10% of my bodyweight as well as undergoing a bucket list of tests. My bloodwork, upper G I and ultrasound have all come back with great result... except for my sleep oxemitry test. I now have to see a Respiratory specialist. I'm scared and bummed. The thought if sleep apnea scares me. I was wondering for those of you diagnosed or on the edge of sleep apnea, how did that change your surgery both before and after? Was there any special preparations on your part that you had to do? Thanks Sheena
  3. Dreamingofhealth

    Possible Sleep Apnea.

    Is sleep Apnea one of those things that with enough weight loss you will be 'cured'? Are the machines expensive? And are they loud? Does your partner have trouble sleeping when it's on? Can you get comfortable with one of those things on your face? They seem so restricting. Thanks so much, Sheena
  4. Dreamingofhealth

    Things I will NOT miss about being fat.

    OMG! This is me... Sheena
  5. I am still pre-sleeve bit I'm looking forward to being physically active. Running, biking, hiking-things I can't really do in this almost 300 pound body. Also being ALIVE and present for my kids, and being able to play and run with them. I have been obese my entire life so going shopping with friends and being able to purchase something in the same store as them (other than a necklace or purse) would be amazing!!! I can't wait to really start my life. Oh the possibilities are endless! Sheena
  6. Dreamingofhealth

    I can't handle the puddle!

    Where in Canada do you live? I'm in Kelowna BC!
  7. Wow! You look so amazing! Very inspirational to me! Sheena
  8. Dreamingofhealth

    How old am I?

    I would say 21?
  9. First I googled 'different types of weight loss surgery' and read through all the types and the sleeve appealed to me. So I googled vertical sleeve forum because I wanted to get info from people who had it done, and poof VST was there!! So far it's the only website I use. I have found it very helpful! Everyone on here is great. Sheena :-)
  10. Dreamingofhealth

    Down 119lbs and counting! 7 months post op

    Wow!! Just wow! Such an inspiration!!! I can't wait to join you in the losers bench!! Sheena :-)
  11. Hey! I am Pre-sleeve. I have been with my hubby for 12 years (high school sweetheart) and I was really chubby then. I am now 70-80 pounds heavier and have had two children and he loves me just as much or more. A few years ago I was thinking 'what if I was a healthy weight..Would we have gotten together? Is there anyone else out there that would want me? Did I settle for the first guy who liked me?' But honestly he has NEVER made any reference to my weight gain. Makes me feel special at any size. He really thinks I'm the sexiest thing ever. He is just a genuinely carling and loving man. And I think our relationship is just going to get better post-sleeve. I'm sure it will be tough the first few months because I'm going to be a hungry, crazy, emotional disaster until I find that balance and routine. But I will be more comfortable with MYSELF which in turn will allow me to be more comfortable with him. I'm not doing this for him, I'm doing it for me. So I can have a better quality of life and be a better remodel for my young children. We are all going to benefit from it and Mike and I will be able to grow old together! <3 Sheena :-)
  12. Dreamingofhealth

    My Story

    OMG.. Reading your story was like having my own thought said aloud. I have had all those silly daydream about waking up skinny or taking a magic pill. Crazy! I am pre-sleeve and your story is so inspirational. Thank you for sharing! Cheers to a healthy future with your family! Sheena :-)
  13. Dreamingofhealth

    15 months post op (PICS)

    Wow! You look fantastic!! You are doing a great job. I miss reading your posts, you are so knowledgable and always have great info to share. I hope your knee heals up fast and you can get back at building up those muscles Sheena
  14. Dreamingofhealth

    162 lbs in a year!

    Fantastic job!!!! How wonderful. You are a total inspiration :-) Sheena :-)
  15. Dreamingofhealth

    Before and after 105 pound loss

    Wow! Amazing job!!! I can't wait until I get a date for surgery so I can join everyone in the losers bench! You look fantastic!!!! <3 Sheena :-)
  16. Dreamingofhealth

    My progress!

    Wow!!! You are doing an amazing job so far!! What a huge difference! Keep up the great work, and keep us posted!! Sheena :-)
  17. Dreamingofhealth

    10% weight loss first

    I've also read that losing 10% of your body weight does a number of things. It can bring down blood pressure, stress on heart and lungs. I also agree that some doctors want to see how focused and committed you are and realize that this takes work. So if you are willing to put in the work and lose 10% of your body weight you'll put in the work to succeed at surgery. Sheena :-)
  18. Dreamingofhealth


    How exciting!!! I'm so happy for you. I can't wait for the day I step on the scale and there is a 1 in front instead of a 2 or 3!!! That just shows all the hard work you have put in!! You will be at your goal weight in no time! Keep up the great work! (I would print out that pic and put it on my fridge lol) Sheena :-)
  19. Dreamingofhealth

    5 day pouch test review

    Hey there! What exactly is a pouch test? And why are you doing it? Is it just a way to get back to basics? Thanks for the info in advance! Sheena :-)
  20. I have been jumping through hoops for 8 months now. Doing everything I was told to do by my surgeon. He wanted me to lose weight and track everything that went into my mouth for three months as well as log any and every exercise I did. He told me that when I completed the three months come back to see him (which is a 5 hour drive and two hour ferry ride) and if I stuck to my end of his requests that he would give me a surgery date within one month of this visit.. So. I have been working my butt of going above and beyond his request and traveling 7 hours, only to find out that the bariatric program in BC (Canada) has changed. I no longer can have a date so soon as I am now on the BOTTOM of a long a** wait list. It turns out that there are some surgeons who have a 3+ year wait list and to speed those up they are distributing patients to other surgeons who don't. I am really happy for those people to get in so soon, but sad and frustrated for myself. I have been waiting for my appointment for so long so I could plan around my surgery and get my life organized, only to now have to drop everything and scramble should I get called. And who knows how long that will be. He couldn't even give me an estimate time wise. On a side note. He did say that the new program is flawed. There are many patients who aren't putting in ANY effort to show they are ready to change their lifestyle for surgery, and thinks these people should have to stick to a program like he told me to. He said that I worked really hard and shouldn't be put to the bottom and he is going to see if there is a way to give me a date ASAP. I'm really hoping he can, but in the end he has rules to fallow as well... Thank you for letting me get my frustrations out. I plan on logging my food and exercise still and I'm gonna stick to the program in hopes I'll get a call. I'm just so upset. It costs a lot of money and time to go back and forth for these appts and I feel ripped off. Sheena :-(
  21. Dreamingofhealth

    Im sooo disappointed and mad I could SCREAM!

    Thank you everyone for the replies. If this process doesn't work then Mexico will be my next step. Either way it will take time to save up the money, but it's an option for sure! Sheena :-)

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