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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Dreamingofhealth

  1. Dreamingofhealth

    Lurking for 2 years, Gastric Sleeve surgery tomorrow!

    Well its been 2 days since surgery and I think so far so good.. It's been tough getting in my fluids and what not. I haven't even had anything to eat yet. I'm on "full fluids" and I've tried jello, pudding, and boost...they all tasted terrible! What tips or tricks do you have for getting enough fluid and stuff in through the day? Thanks so much! Sheena :-)
  2. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Thank you all for your advice! I did get sick, it was scary but it didn't hurt as bad as I anticipated. This is TMI, but it was only bile and Water that came up. After I got sick I instantly felt better. Today is a new day! I am at home now, which is so nice. I tried having some Jello, pudding and milk and boost... they all tasted horrible! I'm allowed to be on "full liquids" and it all tastes like crap. So all I've had is 2 cups of water...it's not great, but tomorrow I will do better! What were you able to drink the first 2-4 days out of surgery? What tips helped you get your water and Protein in? And we're you able to meet those requirements? Thanks a million guys! Sheena :-)
  3. Dreamingofhealth

    Leak Test

    I was sleeved 2 days ago and I didn't have one. :-/
  4. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Yester day was a good day. Today not so much. I was sent home from the hospital because my surgeon said I looked good. So I'm at the hotel and not feeling well at all. My stomach hurts and I'm so nauseous I think I'm going to be sick! Was anyone else like that? What did you do for it? And if you did throw up were you okay? I'm here all alone at the hotel and I'm kinda freaking out a bit
  5. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Well guys! I did it! Besides having the WORST dry mouth of my life, I'd say things are going well so far! I'm drinking okay. It.hurts a little, but I was told I'm over doing it. So my nurse brought me a medicine cup and I can only drink that every jour for now. I was shocked to learn I only have to be on Clear liquids today, and tomorrow I can move on to full liquids. It's going to be like heaven after 4 weeks of sweet Boost diabetic! Mmmmm soup! Even if it's hospital food I'll take it! Thank you for thinking of me, and I'll keep you updated as things progress! Sheena :-)
  6. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Well guys and gals, today is finally the day I get sleeved! It's been a long wait and I can't belive the day is here!! I'll be checking in to the hospital in 3 hours and surgery in 5! Wowza! !! Please keep me in your thoughts and I'll let you know how things go when I'm in recovery!!! Sheena :-)
  7. Dreamingofhealth

    Lurking for 2 years, Gastric Sleeve surgery tomorrow!

    Thank you everyone on the well wishes!It means a lot to have the support from people who are going through the same things as me! I'll keep you posted!!!! Sheena :-)
  8. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    My post op diet is fairly similar except each stage lasts 2 weeks and then when at the normal diet, slowly integrate meats and harder to digest food. Sheena :-)
  9. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Thank you for your reply! I'm hoping the 10 days I have scheduled will be enough... I also have a desk job. I have a crazy week the first week um back and then I am taking 5 days off for Christmas time then I'll work for 2 days and have another 5 days off. So hopefully after my holiday rush the time I take off after will allow me to recover. Thanks again for your input! Sheena :-)
  10. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    I'm Happy to hear everyone is doing well so far! Very exciting! I've been following your progress and it's getting me excited. I leave tomorrow by plane to Victoria to have surgery on Wednesday. I have to be there 2 days early for a anesthesiologist consultation, blood work and chest X ray. Then I'll have all day Tuesday to be a tourist and Wednesday is the BIG day! I'm a little sad that my hubby can't come. But it's too hard arranging babysitters when the kids have school and what not. Plus I don't really want to uproot them and change their daily lives too much because I already won't be there, and that's bad enough! So I'm hoping I will be okay to do this on my own, and that the fight back will be okay. It's only 1 hour 37 minutes.... so I hope I can sit alone and have some space. When I get home I will only be off for 10 days, and back to work on December 11th! *Has anyone gone back to work yet? If so, how was the adjustment and how we're you feeling? Sheena :-)
  11. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Wow! That's so scary! I'm happy you are on the mend and starting to feel better!
  12. Dreamingofhealth

    Still skinny.

    Fantastic! What a transformation! You look so happy :-) You are very motivating and hope that years out we can still keep our weight close to goal! Thank you for sharing Sheena :-)
  13. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    I hope your hiccups go away fast! That is so strange! I bet it hurts :-( hang in there and hopefully they will pass soon! Keep us in the loop! Sheena :-)
  14. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Im happy everything went well! Why can't you have anything by mouth today? Also, is going to the bathroom hard after surgery? I'm nervous because I'm supposed or have my period during surgery and I'm scared the bending will hurt lol Anyway! Keep us updated? Sheena :-)
  15. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Because my surgeon is overly careful I guess. He said he wants there to be as less complications as possible and making sure that liver is smaller and healthier will help. I think it's to see if I can fallow a restrictive diet as well-but that's only an assumption :-)
  16. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    How is everyone doing? I'm on day 23 of my liquid diet and my willpower is decreasing! It is so hard to only drink Boost and water!! I feel so empty and irritable.... I feel sorry for my family lol! They are hanging in there and supporting me fully, so I am grateful for that. The 26th cannot come fast enough! I would jump off a bridge for some chicken broth. It will be heavenly when I can have some. This has really tested my commitment to this process. I did have a cup of decaf tea.... I needed something warm, it's cold here in Kelowna. But I felt so terribly guilty that I WON'T do that again. It's not worth how I felt after. I hope everyone here is doing well! And everything is going well for you so far. What has recovery been like, and any major obstacles you would like to share? Sheena :-)
  17. Dreamingofhealth

    Post-op Diet/Menu Options

    I love the two mentioned above as well! Some great ideas on those sites! I've also started a Pinterest board of VSG and it's amazing how many WLS friendly recipes are on there! Good luck! Sheena :-)
  18. Dreamingofhealth

    Pre-op liquid diet

    I am on day 15 of my liquid diet consisting of Diabetic Boost and Water. I'm allowed 4-5 Boost and unlimited water... it's been tough. The first 4 days sucked! I wanted to eat everything, I felt so empty and miserable. But it's gotten easier though! I'm just keeping my eyes on the prize. It won't be long before I'm eating again. That's what I keep telling myself. Haha haha My advice would be to keep drinking drinking drinking. Don't go longer than a few hours before having something because you might get too hungry and want to cheat. So keep a water bottle with you at all times and like every 3 hours have a shake. Good luck! You can do this!!! Sheena :-)
  19. Dreamingofhealth

    In sitting Pre-op hell....

    I ordered the book on amazon.ca It should be there :-)
  20. Hey! I'm a little bit confused at the moment about the "do's and don'ts' with Protein powder. I've been doing some research on this forum and some people cook with it and add it to different recipes, while others say it can't be heated up too much. What exactly happens if it's heated to much? And is it a waste of protein if you add it to a recipe that goes in the oven for instance? And last but not least, what kind of Protein Powder are you using and how are you using it? Thank you so much for your input! Sheena :-)
  21. Dreamingofhealth

    In sitting Pre-op hell....

    I feel for you. I started my preoperative diet the same day and I can only have Water and Boost Diabetic....that's it for FOUR weeks! You have to just remember that you will be able to have food again, this is such a short moment in time for us and we can do it! It will be over soon. Personally I haven't cheated and haven't really wanted to. I'm scared if I cheat it will up my complication fctor, and I want to have the safest surgery I can. So if it means being a bit miserable and only drinking those god awful boost diabetics all day long then I will! I have waited 2 years for this and I have small kids who need their mom. I wish you all the strength in the world! I read a book called Emotional First aid Kit: life after bariatric surgery, and it really opened my eyes to what it's going to be like on all sides. From dealing with your own emotions to dealing with family and friends afterwards. It was a short read but a good one. Also check out The World According to Egg face blog! She has personal stories and recipes through each stage. It has made me realize I can still eat amazing food after this, just smaller portions.....way smaller lol Its all perspective, and you can do this! Sheena :-)
  22. Dreamingofhealth

    I'm confused about Protein Powder...

    I've noticed a lot of people still use pre-made drinks to bump up their protein. I think until I get into the swing of things I'll probably do the same. Congratulations on you weightloss! You have done awesome! When did you start exercising? Thank you for the reply Sheena :-)
  23. Dreamingofhealth

    What do you see when you look in the mirror?

    I laughed at this because I can totally see me doing this!!I bet it's a change for sure! Congratulations on your 140lb weightloss! Sheena :-)
  24. Dreamingofhealth

    I'm confused about Protein Powder...

    Thank you all for your replies! I appreciate it so much. You have cleared things up for me quite a bit!! Thanks again! Sheena :-)
  25. Dreamingofhealth

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    I'm so happy everything went well! Is your throat sore from the breathing tube? What kind of medication do you have for pain?

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