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No game

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by No game

  1. No game

    Self Sabotage

    Oh nighttime eating.... My downfall, I've just accepted the fact that I will always battle the nighttime munchies. So I "save" calories for the evening. I try to make smart choices of course meaning that I will have a Greek yogurt, a piece of fruit or worse case scenario a protein cookie.
  2. No game

    18 Month Follow Up

    Look at you butter! I'm loving that outfit! 18 months? Wow time flies.. It feels like just yesterday that I came here and first met my BFF. Oh those were the days huh?
  3. No game


    Oops... Hi hadn't noticed your reply while I was busy whining.
  4. No game


    Cheri! Not chopped liver... You are a fine pâté to be enjoyed along with a good friend and a bottle of wine... Hey? did I just describe a Ménage à trois? I'm pouty today... I'm going to go to the store and buy a bracelet making kit my son wants. And no he's not gay! Not that there's anything wrong with that. But my lesbian daughter hates kids so he's my only shot at grand babies It might cheer me up to spend money. Oh and sorry fluff you weren't interrupting. This might just be out meeting place for a while. Nice to see your grumpy puss here too revs!! And butter I'm not a cougar I'm a chicken hawk. Ask my much younger husband what the difference is...
  5. No game


    Oh butter and fluff sorry to interrupt.. As you were.
  6. No game


    Gone shopping...
  7. No game


    I wrote Alex a long and whiny letter about it today. I just couldn't be upbeat about it anymore. My 5:2 girls are all jumping ship..
  8. No game

    Did Any Of You Shrink?

    Yep I'm not measuring! I've lost weight and I'm old! Shit I'm probably 5 foot now..
  9. No game

    Big Pants

    Any more pics???
  10. No game


    I know I'm feeling a bit pouty about it today
  11. No game


    Hi personally I was/ am a sneak eater binger. FOOD ADDICTION Food addiction manifests itself in the uncontrollable craving for excess food that follows the ingestion of refined carbohydrates, primarily sugar and flour substances that are quickly metabolized and turned into sugar in the bloodstream. Due to those uncontrollable cravings, a food addict's quality of life deteriorates when he or she eats sugar, flour or wheat. It can deteriorate physically, emotionally, socially and/or spiritually. If any of the following symptoms are familiar to you, you may be a food addict: Physical Symptoms of Food Addiction • Do you think you cannot control your intake of food, especially junk food or high sugar foods? • Have you tried different diets or weight loss programs, but none has worked permanently? • Have you found yourself vomiting, using laxatives, diuretics, or exercising a lot to avoid a weight gain after you have eaten a lot? Many food addicts are obese and have tried numerous methods for weight control (diets, drugs, surgery, etc.) yet nothing has created a permanent solution. Other food addicts have never been obese. Their physical weight has been controlled by extreme measures such as excessive exercise, purging through vomiting or laxatives (bulimia), or the severe and unhealthy limiting of food substances(anorexia). No matter which version of food addiction fits you, all of these symptoms become more severe with time and eventually lead to physical problems that can create an early and sometimes painful death. Emotional Symptoms of Food Addiction • Do you find yourself feeling depressed, hopeless, sad or ashamed about your eating or your weight? • Do you find yourself eating when you are upset or reward yourself with food when you do something good? • Have you ever noticed after eating sugar, flour, or wheat that you become more irritable? Food addicts notice that their emotions become more severe, intense, or unreasonable when eating the addictive substances. For many food addicts, emotional life may deteriorate into despair, depression, or thoughts of suicide. Social Symptoms of Food Addiction • Do you eat in private so no one will see you? • Do you avoid social interactions because you feel you do not look good enough or do not have the proper fitting clothes to wear? • Do you steal other people’s food? • Are you more interested in what food is served at social gatherings than looking forward to the warmth of being with the people attending? A food addict’s social life is affected by intense obsessive thinking about food. Making eye contact with people and taking an interest in developing friendships or intimate relationships become secondary to locating and eating addictive foods. Food addicts often hide or steal foods and eat in secret.
  12. No game


    Butter went shopping today...
  13. No game


    Hi! I was thinking about that day not to long ago. I felt good that day (and it was really nice meeting you and your son) The pants that I was wearing are long gone in the "to big throw them out" pile I feel the same though... It's funny you really don't see it when it's yourself.
  14. No game


    He was cute and young, I took him for a ride
  15. No game


    Watch it butter..... Don't forget I have blackmail pics now
  16. No game


    Sloppy mushy back to you too!
  17. No game


  18. No game


    Lol! Have you been talking to butter? He told me I look nice today... In a serial killer kind of way
  19. No game


    Who me? *Laura strikes the most innocent look she can*
  20. No game


    We are here readbean and trust me Alex is trying to fix it, he wants me off his back
  21. A year ago today for me! Surgery date: 11-13-12 Height 5'4 Sw: 235 Cw: 149 Goal: 135 so I have a bit to go yet
  22. No game

    Am I The Only One Who Cant Pm People?

    It sucks but that feature never worked on the phone app....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
