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No game

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by No game

  1. No game

    SAVE ME!

    Yummy .. Salty warm crunchy fries.... Oh sorry!! Damn those fries! And how dare they smell good! And... Warm, salty yummy...
  2. Awesome job!! Heading into the "onerderland" Is definitely a good feeling!!!
  3. Good luck to you!! I have the same insurance and if I remember correctly it took a little over a week! Try to relax, I know easier said than done!
  4. On a positive note.. I like your new profile picture Gemini.
  5. No game

    Drinks other then water!

    Oh and "poweraid zero" also !! Plus it has electrolytes, potassium, etc.. Comes in thirty two ounces. So drink one of those and you've about half way to your daily intake. Grape flavor is good not to strong and overwhelming.
  6. No game

    Drinks other then water!

    The "sweet tea" flavor in my opinion is the best with no after taste Oh and it's mio hehehe...
  7. My dear Gemini, It was definitely implied in your statement. But I'm sure nurse Grace can handle herself on this one. Another thing the op asked about fish. Not what you thought of her philosophy on the matter of telling strangers or not. Some tell everyone.. some don't . I personally reserve the right to change my mind everyday as to tell someone or not. It has nothing to do with ones love and confidence in ones self.
  8. I'm a weirdo! I am several months out and I still like my shakes! I try to only have one for breakfast these days ( 30 gram drink) And meet my protein with food after that. But somedays by dinner I just don't want to eat so I will occasionally have a shake then also.
  9. No game

    dumping syndrome

    because the pylorus is preserved, VSG people shouldn't "dump". But a few VSG people who would argue that point. And it's generally fats and/or sugars that are the culprit. VSG used to be promoted as having no dumping syndrome. That seems to be gradually changing to "dumping syndrome does not occur or is minimal.".
  10. Who give a rats ass why she doesn't want to go.. I really don't care what her reasons are. SHE DOESN'T WANT TO GO!! Why is everybody wasting time and energy trying to convince her... Now I'm going to TELL you what to do missy! Tell your friend she won't judge if you tell her what's going on and make it a point to do something special for her to show you care.. Forgive me I'm grumpy and well.... Grumpy.
  11. No game

    scared but ready

    You need to sleep at least just a little You will want to be rested for tomorrow. Try and relax and take deep slow breaths I know it sounds corny but sometime deep breathing helps. When you are tense nervous you tend to tighten up and take shallow breaths.... Breath.... And take care if yourself
  12. No game

    Starving !

    Cheri has some good points, hopefully you are taking a ppi. I was lucky and don't have that issue of acid mimicking hunger but a lot do.
  13. No game


    Ok then I think that is a good starting point! Do you think that they are wrong? Why do you feel you need to go lower ?
  14. No game

    Starving !

    Well good girl you knew what I was going to say!! Ok let's talk meat, dense protein. You will not stay full long lf you don't eat dense protein! You need to start getting some of your nourishment from that and not the shakes! Don't get me wrong I love the shakes have one every morning... I know purée meat sounds gross I gave In and did it and it changed everything, you can do a little chicken and gravy and lightly blend it... But yogurts and most of that stuff you are eating will leave you hungry sooner!
  15. But you are his coordinator! I saw all of your posts on the doctor Kelly thread you were working out dates with people.... "Hi everyone Yhis is Lora, Dr. Kelly's new coordinator...Thanks for all the great feedback"
  16. No game

    Starving !

    So it sound like you are in the purée stage?
  17. No game

    Starving !

    Whatcha eating?
  18. Back off lady I saw him first...... : p Although its hard compete with a cat...
  19. No game


    Why do you think your doctor thinks your anorexic?
  20. Wait a minute!! Hold on!! Boston George !! Hellllloooo... Looking good and you like the chili peppers
  21. No game

    Smoothie ingredients

    Sounds yummy will you make me one? I'm lazy..
  22. No game

    time off work

    You can even but a little mashed potatoes in it. If you can get more Protein based foods you will be more satisfied longer. Some people buy meat baby food yuck! So bad I fed it to the dog (Edit) if you do a search on purée you will see some people go all out and cook a lot of things and purée it.. Meatloaf&gravy canned meats etc.
  23. No game

    time off work

    Ok on purée u can have things like refried Beans mashed potatoes and such I at that stage bought instant mashed potatoes and you must make them watery... But by then I was so hungry I did something I said I would never do... Purée chicken! A little chicken some gravy! Warm and filling!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
