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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wisegrl

  1. Wisegrl

    Lipton Diet Peach Tea

    Thank you for your replies. I was thinking of Snapple also. Has anyone tried the Lipton Diet Peach tea mix? Does it taste the same as the ready to drink diet peach tea? I don't think that they discontinued the mix, just the ready to drink. But I will definately try the Snapple.
  2. Wisegrl

    Reflux Poll

    You are too tight!!! Please get an unfill. I had the same problem for 9 months and suffered needlessly. Being too tight can actually make you gain weight. I could not eat the good protein that I should because of the acid reflex and went to eating soft foods and got soft food calorie syndrome. I gained 5 pounds and didnt loose one pound in 9 months. I never want to go through that again!
  3. Wisegrl

    Cardio or Strength

    Hello all, I own a treadmill and love it. I like to run on it for about 40 minutes 3xs a week. I have slipped a bit during the holidays but plan on getting back on for the new year. I also own a Bowflex and don't like it so much. Which exercise is better for you? A treadmill or strength? How can I incorporate both in my schedule? I work full time and have two kids. Any advice would be great. Thanks :help:
  4. Hi. I need to vent. I am really depressed today. I have been banded for almost two years now. I have lost about 85 pounds. I have 20 more to go to goal. The problem is about 6 months ago I just stopped losing weight. The scale just won't move. I am also having problems with being dialated or stretched. I have to sleep with a Med slant pillow at night for acid reflux and that doesn't even work anymore. I am sleep deprived waking up every night coughing and regurgitating. I keep a disposable cup by my bed so I don't have to get up so many times. This has been going on for a while now. I have had about 2 or 3 fills and every time I get a fill I have to turn around about a month later and get an unfill. If I am too tight or dialated, would that keep me from losing more weight? All of this just does not make sense to me. I have been unfilled for about a month with about half of my fluid out. Then re-filled, unfilled, re-filled now unfilled again. I have had a barium swallow and they could not find anything wrong with me. I feel so FAT right now. I am down to 165 but I have a roll on my stomach and I feel so fat in whatever I wear because you can see the roll through my sweaters. I am too tired to exercise because I am up almost every night. I am sorry if I am feeling sorry for myself, but I am. I just need some advice or to talk to someone that has been there. I just don't know what to expect anymore. I was doing great up until 6 months ago.:help:
  5. Wisegrl

    Depressed and Dialated

    Well my Doctor unfilled me...alot. He put me under a Fluero. He was able to see that I was waaaayyy to tight. He took out .05 ccs. I am not sure how much I even have in there now. I talked to the dietician and she said I am suffering from "soft calorie" syndrome and that is why I haven't lost any weight for 9 months. I was too tight to eat the protein I needed so I slowly went back into my old eating habits. I feel so much better now that I am getting some sleep! I am just afraid that now that I can eat more, that I will eat bad stuff but the doctor told me as long as I stick with the proteins and low carbs, I will be ok. I hope he is right.
  6. Wisegrl

    Depressed and Dialated

    cj033185, Thank you for your kind words. They really make me feel better. It is nice to be able to go to this forum. I can't make it to support groups, but this is the next best thing. As far as my doctor goes, I love him to death and I think he has done what he can do. I will though ask him when I go back which is tomorrow about the fills and unfills, I just don't want them anymore. It isn't worth it. Even if I have to get unfilled alot I guess I will have to live with it and try to maintain my weight. Thanks again for your support.
  7. Has anyone used or heard of the Med Slant acid Reflux Pillow? It is very expensive, but I am desperate for a good night's sleep. I wake up 3 times a week choking for about 2 hours with acid reflux and I have had a upper GI and everything was normal. I am taking Prilosex every evening and I quite eating 2-3 hours before bedtime and I am still waking up. I had to get a fill today because I have been so hungry and I have only lost one pound in two months. I am afraid getting this fill may make it worse, but I am SO hungry. I can eat way more than I am supposed to. Anyone else have this problem?:help:Acid Reflux Wedge Pillow Frequently Asked Questions
  8. Wisegrl

    Acid Reflux Wedge pillow

    Ok, I am not too tight. I ordered that wedge pillow and it works! OMG, I have had 3 peaceful nights of sleep! No coughing or choking whatsoever. I did make sure that my stomach was empty though before going to bed. I quit eating around 6 instead of 7. Now if I could stop eating at 6 I know I will be ok, but realistically, it won't happen. I can't usually eat until 6:30 or 7 sometimes even later. But so far, so good. I have also cut out dairy products at night which I am starting to suspect is the culprit. I love the low carb ice cream, but I can definately live without it if that is part of the problem. I am going to keep experimenting, but I LOVE this pillow. It is more comfortable than a regular pillow and I sleep like a baby with it.
  9. Wisegrl

    Acid Reflux Wedge pillow

    Thanks for the advice. Yeah, what I meant is if don't stop eating 3 hrs before bedtime, 80 percent of the time I get the reflux. I did try the water last night and I think I went to bed too soon after I drank it because I was regurgitating just the water all night long. Tonight I quit eating three hours before and stopped the water about an hr before. We will see. It may come down to an unfill. If I have to do it then I have to. It is just that with this fill, I am so full so soon. If I get anymore taken out I will gain and be hungry. I just wish I knew why this was happening. My band has not slipped. So I am not sure why I am getting this every night. There are a few times that no matter how long I wait to go to bed after eating I still get it. But that is not often.
  10. Wisegrl

    Reflux Poll

    Terri-ific, We must be twins!!!!! I thought I was the only one in the world with this problem! I have the SAME thing happen to me. I just got a fill a couple of days ago and now starts the night time coughing and re-gurgitating. If I go any looser, I am too hungry all of the time. I had an upper GI and it was normal. I don't know what to do either. I am at my witt's end. I am starting to think that maybe I should not have had this done after all.
  11. Wisegrl

    Acid Reflux Wedge pillow

    I think the reason why Dr C. gave me a fill was because the upper GI was normal. This happens 80 percent of the time when I eat less than 2-3 hrs before I eat. Every now and then it happens no matter what. Also, he gave me a tiny eniee wieeene fill. I think he did it to keep me from whining! Anyway, I am going to try the pillow and see if it works.
  12. I am 165 5' 6" and in a 10 in most sizes, but a twelve in some. I never thought that I would ever get down to a 10. I think exercising has helped ALOT.
  13. Wisegrl

    ??? What about eating out?

    I love this forum because we all "understand" each other here! It's great!
  14. Wisegrl

    ??? What about eating out?

    The kind of throwing up with a band is not the same as throwing up before the band. It is more of a "hairball". You get used to it and it isn't as bad as throwing up regular. I hate to throw up, but I have adapted and learned what not to eat to keep this from happening. Chew chew chew.
  15. Wisegrl

    Loose Skin?

    I'm sorry, not that 39 is old, believe me its not, I am a few years away from that. I just meant you don't look your age.
  16. Wisegrl

    Loose Skin?

    Jacqui, You look great for 39!!!!!!!!!! Julie
  17. Wisegrl


    Deanna, I looked up your Revolution and it looks SWEET. I didn't see that one. Now I kind of wish I would of bought that one. It looks like it is easier to use.
  18. Wisegrl


    I think once I get my routine going I will like it. It is just right now my routine is disturbed because I am learning and not really working out, so my hubby suggested I work out on my treadmill for about 20 minutes and then devote 20 more minutes to watching the video and learning the exercises. I guess it is more important that you learn the exercises the correct way and take your time than it does to just jump in it. I guess I am just anxious. I think the bowflex will actually be a better workout than Curves. Yeah, when you first check Curves out they do make you make an appointment. I didn't like that either.
  19. Wisegrl

    had my band repositioned

    Vanessa, Dr Curry is the best isnt he? Erin is also. Yeah she told me about it when I went to see Dr. Curry about my problem. I was lucky though that he didn't make me get completely unfilled. I think once I get back into my exercise routine I will feel better. I stopped for a few weeks because of being busy and I bought a new bowflex and I have to learn it so my workouts arent really effective now until I get into it and learn a routine. I love this board. It is very informative and the support is wonderful.
  20. Wisegrl

    choking in your sleep

    What is aspiration pneumonia?
  21. Wisegrl


    Deanna, The reason why I bought a bowlflex is because the Curves I was going to during lunch that was like 2 minutes away from my work closed. I was not a member there, just a guest because my job is temp. Anyway, when I found out that they were closing, I thought, well I will just go to my home base one where I used to go in the evenings. No sooner than I get there maybe two weeks later, I find out that one was closing. Different owners. I have been with Curves for two years and although it worked well for me, I was ready for something a little more "hard core" and with starting a new job I thought it would just be easier to do it at home and I always wanted a bowflex. I think Curves is great for beginners, but once you go for awhile it can get boring. I am just speaking for myself though.
  22. Wisegrl


    Wow, those are alot of exercises! I am going from 2 years of Curves to this Bowflex. I just need to Do it like you said. How do you know when to up the weight or to do more reps? Would you do more reps and up the weight or just do more reps? That always confused me.
  23. Wisegrl


    I just bought a Bowflex Ultimate 2. I am kind of intimidated by it though because there are a TON of exercises that come with it. It came with a book and a DVD and I really don't know how to begin. Anyone have any tips? Also, has anyone went to Curves and tried a Bowflex? Which is better?
  24. Wisegrl

    choking in your sleep

    I had the same problem and had to get an unfill for about a month. I would get unfilled and give your stomach a rest like Vanessa said, because it is NOT fun losing sleep and puking all night. I was to the point of keeping a cup by my bed and spitting up about 5 or 6 times a night, averaging waking up about once and hour. I was really cranky and to the point of being scared of going to sleep. My doctor took out about half and then filled me a month later with about a fourth of what he took out. I am still hungry but I am opting to wait. I would rather not lose any more weight right now than have to be repositioned. I also don't have the money to do that. I understand about eating close to bedtime. I had my surgery a year and a half ago and old habits die hard. Since my nighttime problem, I now quit eating two to three hours before bedtime and it is SO worth it. When I am tempted to put something in my mouth so close to bedtime, I think of the consequences and it stops me. It is hard though when you have your habits.
  25. Wisegrl

    had my band repositioned

    Thank you for your advice Vanessa. I will wait a while because I am just too scared right now to go through that again. I am at 165 now, but most people think I weigh less because I exercise. I guess I am still mentally fat. I still feel like I am fat, could also be the loose skin I am carrying. I guess when you are overweight for so long, you keep thinking that way even when you lose most of it. I guess that is why I want to take the last 20 off in a hurry.

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