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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by gypsyjolie

  1. gypsyjolie

    Freaking Out

    Sorry you're going through the emotions! Most of us went through the freak out too. I was scared because it was my first surgery ever... And somehow I got it in my head that surgery meant I was a failure. I got my head back in place about it being a tool that I could use and not a sign of failure and I haven't looked back. The first few weeks are tough and you'll be tired and emotional as you adjust your relationship with food and start to lose weight but it is the best tool for those of us that just could not lose the weight. You have to do it for your own reasons but I have not regretted the decision once I got past the initial healing. It's amazing to feed that I am in charge if myself finally! And I love how it feels to be losing weight (since you really have no other option). I hope you can find some calm. Good luck!
  2. Yep. Just sleep through the first couple of days. i was so nauseous for a week - do you gave anti- nausea meds? I walked a little to get rid of gas pain a few times a day, and tried to sip but even water would not go down. Gatorade worked better. Some people like Popsicles. I didn't eat anything for four days and I was able to deal with protein shakes and G2 Gatorade very very slowly after that. Let yourself heal from surgery! Hope you're feeling better soon!
  3. gypsyjolie

    Broke 300

    Congratulations! Bet that feels great!
  4. Yep, irritation from the tubes down your throat in surgery. I felt like mine had been beaten for about a week.
  5. gypsyjolie

    Out of work

    I took 2 weeks and should have taken 3.
  6. I haven't been thin since I was nine. Depression and a demanding desk job meant I gained 10 pounds a year for the last 14 years. I have had enough! So excited to be normal for once.
  7. gypsyjolie

    How is your drive ladies?

    Mine is still missing in action (8 weeks post-surgery). Sadface!
  8. gypsyjolie

    Wanting to cry

    My hormones and emotions were a bit "enhanced" the first month too. I've heard that hormones are stored in fat cells and as we lose weight the body gets flooded with hormones. I was goofy or crying WAY more than normal, but it's tapered off (I'm 8 weeks post-surgery).
  9. gypsyjolie

    So depressed

    I was also exhausted, emotional, and depressed at two weeks out. It took another two weeks to feel human again. Make sure you are getting your vitamins and water and lots of sleep. I hope you feel better soon!
  10. gypsyjolie

    Three Year Update

    Thank you very much for sharing. You look great and what a precious baby!
  11. Great work! You are very inspirational!
  12. gypsyjolie

    Any Wisconsin Sleevers?

    I'm another Dr Greenberg patient in Madison.
  13. gypsyjolie

    Anyone from Wisconsin?

    I'm in Madison. 6 weeks post surgery. Are you at Dean or UW?
  14. gypsyjolie

    I just cant do it /:

    Protein shakes are better with at least half of some kind of milk - dairy, soy, almond, whatever. Serve them cold as possible, that seems to help. I find them much easier if blended with ice like milkshake rather than stirred or shaken only. Try different brands of protein, something's bound to taste okay to you. Good luck!
  15. I had no problems adding pickles to egg and chiken salad puréed.
  16. I'm gypsyjolie, feel free to add me. I was sleeved 5/24
  17. gypsyjolie

    Stall ?

    I stalled from 2.5 to 4 weeks! I went back to mostly protein shakes and upped my water and it broke dramatically with a 6.5 pound loss on the scale. Finally!! I was so depressed during the stall
  18. gypsyjolie

    Did ur spouse stay at hospital

    My husband stayed overnight on a cot in my room, and most of the two days I was in the hospital but he sort of drive me nuts... Wanting to watch movies when I wanted to sleep, etc. it was nice to have him there to walk the halls with.
  19. gypsyjolie

    One week out

    I was exhausted the first two weeks and very emotional. It's normal - you had major surgery and you are healing. Get water and rest and be gentle to yourself.
  20. gypsyjolie


    Congratulations!! Fantastic news
  21. gypsyjolie


    I made some protein shakes at home with fruit in them ( banana or peach, nothing with seeds - my doc said no seeded fruits for 6 weeks to make sure they didn't get stuck in the healing tissue in my stomach), soy milk, ice and protein powder. Fruit has a lot of sugar and I couldn't drink much of it. At a month out I still sometimes can't handle fruits due to the sugar content.
  22. I love my bike, and I can't go 10 miles without padded bottoms! I use a minimal non-padded seat too. I switched to non-padded once I started biking several times a week. I got plus sized bottoms at Aerotech's website. Now they are borderline too big...
  23. gypsyjolie

    Not enough liquids

    Iced herbal tea (mint or other non-caffeinated teas) saved me - also water with lemon in it. I hated all the sweetened stuff too.
  24. You're doing great! Thanks for sharing, and for reminding me to get some eight training in this week.

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