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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About floridafd

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 05/02/1977

About Me

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    My wife and I are preparing to start our journey together with WLS.
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  1. floridafd

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Here are my 6 weeks post op pictures. Heaviest weight 363 Preop Weight 341. 6 week check up 299. Although I don't see my weight loss in the mirror, everyone keeps complimenting me on my weight loss.
  2. Well the alarm clock went off at 3:45 am and my wife and I were headed for my 5:30am appointment for my VSG, my wife had hers done 3 weeks ago. It's been an interesting day. Woke up in recovery almost completely pain free, except what I think is gas trapped in my chest. Up to my room and was walking the halls within 5 min. 12 laps done but starting to get sore. I cannot wait to se where this journey will take my family and I.
  3. Pre-op day today, in 48 hours I will be back to join my wife with a much smaller stomach. The nerves are starting to set in but I am excited to start our new life together.
  4. floridafd

    Hubby's Turn!

    My wife had her sleeve on March1,2013 and I am scheduled for March 22. I am also excited to get sleeved and start our journey together. Right now I am on my liquid pre op diet and she is eating her puréed food, never been so jealous of puréed chicken.
  5. Hang in there babe, in just a few months we will be relaxing at the beach and both a lot smaller. We are in this together. I Love You.
  6. floridafd

    Any March Sleevers?

    Officially got my day this morning, March 22 with Dr Kim in Orlando.
  7. Finally after a long few weeks of waiting my penciled in surgical date is now my official surgical date. March 22 and 3 weeks and a day after my wife's WLS. So excited to start a whole new life with my wife and daughter. Not looking forward to 4 to 6 weeks off work, since I don't sit around very well, but because of my job I have to heal.
  8. floridafd

    Central Florida Recommendations?

    My wife and I decided to go with Dr. Kim at celebration. She is scheduled for March 1 and I have a tenitive date of March 22 awaiting insurance authorization. We are both excited for the change this will bring to our lives and cannot wait for the new adventures we can share together.
  9. floridafd

    Pre-op diet and diet coke

    I was a 6-8 cans of diet coke a day person as well. Made the transition from diet coke to crystal light energy and now have almost gave that up as well. Now its water, iced tea, and regular crystal light. The biggest help was not having it in the house to drink. Hang in there you can break the cycle.
  10. floridafd


    I too am in similar situation. I have been a firefighter for 10 years and have struggled with my weight since being hired. I have told my crew and they have been very supportive. The surgeon's office that I have chosen stated 3 weeks off duty, with a possibility of light duty for a week or 2 maybe. Now just to wait till Jan 1 for my new insurance to go into effect, to cover my wls.
  11. Hey everyone, just found out insurance will cover surgery in 2013. Any recommendations on a Dr. in the central Florida area?

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