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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by shellbell12

  1. Thanks y'all ... I just started a zumba class .. I feel a little out of place but it seems to make me happy... ima focus on me and my family... I guess I need to stop feeling gulty about losing weight and my so called friends who oviously where not my friends to begain with... :D y'all rock ... god luck with your journeys .. ill keep u posted on mine..:D

  2. Glad to know someone else out there feels like I do ... idk anymore .. I'm sooo glad I am losing wt I can't help but think if I could have only done this on my own.... idk I have recently come to the relization that I have lost all my freinds as well.... we still talk but the look on their face when they look at me.... makes me feel bad... there mouth is saying onething but their eyes another... idk I guess I need to just do it for me and forget everyone else... I just feel so lonely at times

  3. Hey strangefruit... I totally feel your pain.... I was sleeved on 10/17 all tho my doctor didn't say that to me and everyone says I look good I to feel some regret .. being at a stall.. I am down to 210 from 258... which sounds like a lots but I think my god I have to get with it... I know I didn't do all this for 40 lbs.... still can't really eat anything but sweets... ya I said sweets... I imagin if I was eating better I would feel better and would have lost more.. I am determinded tho WE can do this...

  4. So is everyone on the FB page now? Too bad' date=' i like the privacy of coming here as opposed to everyone seeing my posts FB style :-(

    It is funny how time makes such a difference. Feeling overall pretty back to normal except for food quantity and that i've been on a two week weight loss stall. Haven't dropped a pound! Bizarre![/quote']

    No I'm still here. I'm like you not much for FB post lots of my friends know but A LOT. Do not and I wanna keep it that way.... I 2 feel almost back to normal still on protien shakes with minimal food .. I think I'm kinda scared to eat when I'm out because it comes up and I feel like everyone watches me eat... ughhhh I too have stalled out at 35 lbs. How much have u lost up to this point?

  5. I'm still exhausted. Even on my good days' date=' if i do something like go shopping for a couple hours, i'm pooped the rest of the day! I think it's still a little surgery aftermath and also hard because we aren't really having food yet, so we just don't feel our old selves. This is my first week back to work and it's killing me already! And i have a desk job![/quote']

    Glad to know I'm not the only one... altho I must admit I am feeling much better 2day and each day ... I hope it is the same for u .... :D

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