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Posts posted by FatFreeMe

  1. I'm going to try and answer some of your questions. I'm four weeks out. I too had a Portion Control problem and would OFTEN snack at night after everyone else went to bed. My husband is an awesome cook and having seconds was completely normal for me. So what is it like now? I look forward to mealtime! Especially dinner. I physically cannot eat like I used to. There's just no room. Your body will tell you if your eating too fast or too much. For me personally, my back starts to ache bad and gets increasingly worse until I throw up. Because of this, I've learned rather quickly to stop eating when my back STARTS to hurt. There's always tomorrow!!! I love spicy food too. Right now I'm in the puréed stage but I'm looking forward to regular food. On a side note, I've lost 26 pounds in 3.2 weeks and I'm feeling great!

  2. My son bought me home two samples of MyoFusion Probiotic Series Protein Drink the other day and I love it. There are 7 flavors but I have only tried the banana Perfection and Cinnamon Roll. Only 150 calories per serve but 24 grams of Protein. I also like the idea of there being a Probiotic in there as I sometimes my stomach doesn't feel quite right and I'm hoping the Probiotic might help. Fingers crossed it might even help the Constipation. It's also gluten free and has very little lactose. A good find. It can be ordered online.

  3. Wow! Thanks so much for all the responses! Everyone is very kind <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I'll try to answer some of the questions...

    What do I eat on a usual day?

    I have a very hard time eating any bread' date=' rice, Pasta - I basically don't eat that (which I'm sure helps with the weight loss0 Sometimes I miss it, but then i put on a smaller pair of jeans and all is great in the world again <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    For Breakfast I usually have an egg with a piece of cheese and some kind of meat OR oatmeal and fruit

    For Snacks, I go for string cheese, hummus and veggies, yogurt, fruit, anything up that alley

    For lunch, I try to get my Protein in through having some kind of chicken dish - whether it be some kind of chicken stir fry or I'll get those lean cuisines or healthy choices and just not eat the rice, noodles, whatever and just eat the chicken and veggies

    For dinner, I pretty much have whatever - I make normal, healthy meals - just way, way smaller amounts

    Honestly, I don't feel like I'm on a diet. I track some days but not all. Basically i just try to put good, nutritious food in my body. If I eat like crap, I feel like crap. if I'm really craving something, I'll serve myself a small portion. I plate all my food and sit down to eat. Oh and when I feel hungry, I always check to make sure it's not just thirst! I can't tell you how many times my body thinks it's hungry but really I just need to drink some Water. DRINKING Water IS SOOOOOO IMPORTANT!!!! As for the Protein shakes, I had them a lot in the beginning but not so much now. I probably have like 3-4 a week. I do make sure I get in a lot of Protein through other foods though.

    Do I exercise?

    Oooo yeah! This is something I highly recommend. I don't have lose skin and I feel that my weight loss looks very natural. I started exercising a couple weeks before surgery and was walking on a treadmill right afterI had the surgery. I've grown to like running quite a bit (started that about 3 weeks post op) and I always do strength and core training. Nothing super fancy - I basically just get my butt to the gym and enjoy my time there. It's awful the first two weeks - I could barely run a half mile at 3.5 miles an hour and now I can pretty easily do two miles at a higher pace.

    What has helped me the most?

    Being honest with myself. Why did I get to the point I did? What are my triggers? You know to do some self discovery before having this. This is not something you just do to get skinny. If you don't just the fundamental problem, I feel the weight will just come back. I'm a much happier person. I went from a very anxious person to a person who just enjoys life. I feel NORMAL and it's a beautiful thing <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Also, surround yourself with people who SUPPORT you. I have been lucky to have wonderful parents, sisters, friends, boyfriend, etc to help me through this process.

    What has my experience been?

    I've honestly had the best experience. I'm 22 and did not have cormobidities - but I did have a BMI over 40. I loved my surgeon and the facility I had it at (Dr. Zeni at St. Mary's Hospital in Livonia, MI). The pre-op diet was so hard for me, but I stuck to it - didn't cheat once and felt so proud of myself. Anyone who is pre-op, that's my advice. DON"T CHEAT ON PRE-OP!! I did not have any complications. I followed my doctor's orders. My quote that I've posted several times on here is "Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret." It sums my feelings through this process. Every choice you make matters. Don't overwhelm yourself with huge goals. Just start by saying "Hey, I'm going to make a healthy choice for Breakfast today" or "I'm going to the gym today." Slowly these choices become habits.

    Thanks so much for the responses. Feel free to message or ask any other questions. This forum has helped me a lot. Good luck everyone![/quote']

  4. What I feel in the inside is so different that how I actually look on the outside. I'm actually amazed that i am able to do as much as I do. Had my husband take my before pics today (front, side, back). He asked me if I wanted to see them. I said no. Later, when he wasn't around, I looked and was shocked (especially with the side view!) thank God I'm doing this! I will hang a 8x10 of that photo in my bedroom near my scale as a daily reminder to myself. Don't ever go back!!!

  5. Although we hate to admit it, it seems pretty common. I'm having sushi tomorrow (New Years Eve). It will be a very long time (if ever) that I get it again. I will savor it and then let good it. I promise not to over do it either. Just because I'm having it before my pre-op diet doesn't mean I'm going to stuff myself silly. It's just something I know I will miss (and I only eat the veggie ones).

    On January 3rd, i willdrinking chocolate shakes morning, noon and night. Misreading this part but I will make it thru. I have so much life to live that doesn't include food!!

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