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Everything posted by FatFreeMe

  1. FatFreeMe

    Cant stop eating!

    Although we hate to admit it, it seems pretty common. I'm having sushi tomorrow (New Years Eve). It will be a very long time (if ever) that I get it again. I will savor it and then let good it. I promise not to over do it either. Just because I'm having it before my pre-op diet doesn't mean I'm going to stuff myself silly. It's just something I know I will miss (and I only eat the veggie ones). On January 3rd, i willdrinking chocolate shakes morning, noon and night. Misreading this part but I will make it thru. I have so much life to live that doesn't include food!!
  2. FatFreeMe

    Cant stop eating!

    Funny, this reminds me of when I quit smoking 2 years ago. I didn't smoke at work so my trigger would always be my car. I had to buy floss sticks and keep them in the car to have something to do/put in my mouth when driving home. Finally passed - took a while though. Ah, guess its time to get them out again, maybe floss my through the football game! LOL!!!
  3. FatFreeMe

    Cant stop eating!

    It's like I did we'll this morning, had 1 1/2 cups turkey chili at lunch...sat down on the couch to watch football and ate 5 Cookies. Why did I do that???? Tomorrow I already know what I'm eating. oatmeal for Breakfast, grilled chicken salad for lunch, then sushi for supper - and wine (New Years Eve). Guess my ass will be on the treadmill tomorrow too. This is why I need this surgery - to stop myself! I do so well and then sabotage my efforts. Ugh! Glad I'm not alone
  4. I am pre-op and expected to be sleeved in Jan. I loved this thread because I felt it addressed what I fear the most - having regret. I'm terrified but with a BMI of 51, I think this is the o ly chance I have. I must also admit that I've lived a very sedentary lifestyle for most of my adult life which is what at least partly caused my weight problem. I've never lost a huge amount of weight. I've just steadily put it on over the years. Whenever I tried dieting, I give up on myself way too soon. I'm looking at this surgery as the push I need. I don't want to feel regret - I'm scared of feeling that way. I'm scared of failing this or giving up way too soon. Ugh!!!!
  5. FatFreeMe

    8 months out pic

    How much do you evercise to get where you are now?
  6. Wondering how often and how long you exercise pre-op and post-op. does it increase because its easier or does it decrease because the sleeve is working so well?
  7. So insuring!! How much did you exercise??
  8. FatFreeMe


    My husband of 15 years is killing my spirit. He says he's watching me. Yah, well I went on the treadmill today, I say. He says, I did 3 miles today and lifted weights yesterday. I'm not the one with a weight problem looking for a magic surgery. You should be doing more than me!" Tears
  9. FatFreeMe


    Wow, today we are hearing that 2/3rds of Americans are lazy and don't push themselves enough and that he would never let himself get that fat. He's also saying that I could still do it on my own and I should be on the treadmill everyday pushing myself.
  10. FatFreeMe


    You guys are awesome!!!!!
  11. FatFreeMe


    Gloria, your words meant the world to me.
  12. FatFreeMe


    Thank you all so much for your encouraging words. Sometimes we have good days, sometimes bad. I know I'm doing the right thing by finally taking control of my weight. I also know that as I lose and my confidence increases, our relationship will change to. What once was weak will become strong and the strong will become weak. How he chooses to handle it will partly determine our outcome. The other part is how much more I chose to put up with! I really wanted to see a professional about all this but again, I lost my job. I'll lose my insurance in February. The $40 co-pays per session would financially hurt us ( he's not working full time). Can't wait till I can say to him, get off your fat ass and do something! I've done 5 miles on the treadmill today. What have YOU done?
  13. FatFreeMe


    BTW, I have decided to go ahead with the surgery. I finished all my pre-op appointments and will get my surgery date and pre-op diet on Thursday. I also recently got laid off from a job I had for 20 years. I told him that I'm not looking for another until after my surgery. It's added a lot of stress to our life. He's self-employed and I carried the insurance and paid 75% of the bills.
  14. FatFreeMe


    He always feels that I don't do enough about it. I try to explain that at my size, it is harder but it doesn't matter. He feels that this is the only way to motivate me. Makes me wonder if this marriage will last after my confidence returns. Yes, he can be emotionally abusive at times. Perhaps that's even contributed to my "weight problem". Not feeling the love today. Other times I feel so lucky to have him. So confusing!!!
  15. FatFreeMe

    i want sex now now now

    Rybecca, I understand what you meant. Ignore the drama
  16. FatFreeMe

    i want sex now now now

    I'm hoping my libido will go up after my weight goes down. It's so hard to feel sexy when there's so much of me.
  17. FatFreeMe

    In need of some support.

    My dad passed three years ago due partly from being morbidly obese. He had sleep apnea and high blood pressure (like me). He had back pain (like me). He had heart disease and other issues that thankfully I don't have yet. I'm doing this to myself so I don't become like him -- sort of a self- intervention. I'm NOT going to follow him into his grave! I'm so so sorry for your loss. I can truly empathize with you. You need to buck up and turn that sadness into motivation now! Don't get lost by not taking care of yourself - your dad wouldn't want that I'm sure because I know damn well my father is rooting for me!
  18. FatFreeMe

    Weight loss pounds check in

    Congrats to all of you for such a job well done! Keep going!!!
  19. Wow, lots of people getting sleeved tomorrow! Any second thoughts? I don't even have a date yet and I waffle daily about my decision. How am I going to be when it's the night before!!!! Good luck everyone. I hope you all good health for 2012!!
  20. FatFreeMe

    What is your essential cooking tool?

    My husband does 90% of the cooking. My surgeon requested he attend all my NUT appointments because of this.
  21. Merry Christmas and here's to a promising and healthier 2013!!!!

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