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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Brandon12345

  1. Hello! I am new to the community (first post) but I am very excited that there is a community of people here that all have had the surgery or are going to have the surgery and we can all talk and give advice. I have always hated going out for support groups so I am glad that there is an online community I can now share my thoughts and questions said. That being said, I have been having A LOT of problems following my surgery, and I had some questions on my supplements and medications that I need to be taking. I am 4 month out of my surgery and I still am getting these following symptoms: Extreme lightheaddedness/Vomiting when eating to much/many stomach and chest pains In general ive been feeling very sick, ive been running a lot of tests, ive had an MRI, cat scan, androscopy, numerous tests have all showed nothing serious is wrong with me, yet i do not get why I am so sick, been vomiting after every meal, and extremely lightheaded in my head. My main problem is i have no one right now to guide or communicate me, and i am not sure what im supposed to be doing 4 months out of my surgery (My surgery was on may 24th) so it is about a little over 4 months. Ive been going through HELL, ive been extremely sick and as a result I could not have gone to college (I am only 18 years old! a very young age to get the surgery) and i could not properly adjust myself to the changes. My blood work all the doctors assured me that it was normal as with my tests, but ive been so sick that I think otherwise. I looked at my bloodwork myself and i saw an extreme low amount of iron notified in it, as well as a pretty low blood sugar in general. Could this be why im so lightheaded and out of it all the time? Ive been taking a ton of supplemenets and also my prescribed medications I was on Effexor XR for years along with other anti-depressants that I abrubtly stopped around the surgery time. I was in shambles and withdrawel was so bad i was put on Prozac a few weeks ago which I am on now. My GI doctor is trying to help my stomach and chest pains and put me on Nexium and Trazadone, he basically feels that since he gave me a test that I have no ulcer that means that it could be a brain problem that its not communicating with my GI tract and causing pains. I take multi-vitamins when I can, my sleep cycles have been all messed up im up all night and sleeping most of the day. I take other supplements to, but i feel i am not properly getting nutrients I need and that i need to have a consistent stack of supplementation and vitamins that I need to be taking on top of my prescribed medication. I also take perscribed xanax at times which seems to temporarily help my lightheadedness but I really dont know :/ To help me sleep I take ambien to at times because my sleep cycles have been so messed up. I take B-complex pills sometimes as well. Right now its been very hard for me 4 months post op, and im very depressed and sick. I get very lightheaded all the time, and I have no idea why. No doctors can point fingers on it, so it has to be a surgery issue and somethign to do with vitamins and not an actual condition that is making me so sick. Sorry for the long read so I ask simply WHAT SUPPLEMENTS SHOULD i take 4 months post op! i need to know, I need a consistency, please get back to me on your thoughts on proper supplements and vitamins and medications to take 4 months post op! Thank you

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