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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    simplejaxgirl got a reaction from judysbabies in Two weeks out and learning   
    Oh dear Judy <<<HUGS>>> This was one of the most challenging times for me also fighting the battle with head hunger rearing its ugly HEAD! This WILL get better, but it WILL take time. Avoiding these triggers is a great option for now. :-) Today I had a conversation with my NUT and asked how long I would have to battle the 'head hunger' and/or food fight...and she said FOREVER, imagine my mouth drop...
    I keep telling myself that they only did surgery on my STOMACH not my brain/thoughts....
    Keep your chin up! Here on VST we are rooting for you!
    Best of Luck!
  2. Like
    simplejaxgirl got a reaction from judysbabies in Two weeks out and learning   
    Oh dear Judy <<<HUGS>>> This was one of the most challenging times for me also fighting the battle with head hunger rearing its ugly HEAD! This WILL get better, but it WILL take time. Avoiding these triggers is a great option for now. :-) Today I had a conversation with my NUT and asked how long I would have to battle the 'head hunger' and/or food fight...and she said FOREVER, imagine my mouth drop...
    I keep telling myself that they only did surgery on my STOMACH not my brain/thoughts....
    Keep your chin up! Here on VST we are rooting for you!
    Best of Luck!
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    simplejaxgirl got a reaction from abridgie in Spring break   
    yayyyyyy for fitting! Sounds like a ton of fun. Glad you had a good time
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    simplejaxgirl reacted to FurryChef in Alcohol   
    #1) Skinny people get drunk a LOT faster than fat people and with less alcohol
    #2) Cross-addiction is no joke ... and I became a raging alcoholic within 4-5 years after losing 125#.
    I was barely a drinker at all before I had my surgery but later found out that once I was unable to self-medicate with food after the surgery, my brain found another addiction for me and within a very short time (following some major Life events/traumas) I was drinking 4 bottles of wine a DAY... EVERY day... for over a year. Addiction comes in many forms.
    Does this mean that as a post-op patient that you're going to have addiction issues? Who knows... I just know that until I spent 3 months last year in an inpatient rehab facility for my drinking I had NO idea just how deep my EMOTIONAL issues were ... and realized that I had used the many addictions as a way to "numb-out" and not have to feel anything. Those emotional issues led me down the path of many addictions through my life .... food... love....alcohol.... but once I was able to take care of the emotional reasons and remove the CAUSE of the addictions, it has been much easier to deal with living in the moment and free of the need to self-medicate.
    I'm happy to report that I now have over a year of sobriety and have still maintained the weight loss... still don't want to drink or use ... and can really enjoy Life as it comes. :-)
    This is just my story.... but I hope it can help prevent someone else from making the mistakes I did.
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    simplejaxgirl got a reaction from Wrinkle in Not Brain surgery   
    Oh one day I hope to get to the place you are today mentally...Its definitely not that road for me... Wishing you great success on your journey!
  6. Like
    simplejaxgirl got a reaction from Wrinkle in Not Brain surgery   
    Oh one day I hope to get to the place you are today mentally...Its definitely not that road for me... Wishing you great success on your journey!
  7. Like
    simplejaxgirl reacted to Chellemetime in 8 Week Surgiversary   
    OMG! Hi! I was sleeved on 12/5/12 too! You're doing fine on your weight loss. I've had the same problem where it's slowed down quite a bit but it's probably better for us because if you lose it too fast you have more loose skin and it's easier to gain back. I've lost 33 pounds so we are right together! Are you able to eat regular foods yet? If so, I'd like to give you some ideas. If you don't like water, have you tried putting a little bit of lemon juice in it? That helped me.
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    simplejaxgirl reacted to joatsaint in 8 Week Surgiversary   
    Congrats on your surgiversary!!!!! I too hate plain water, unless it is very very cold.
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    simplejaxgirl got a reaction from slimagainsoon in A New Kind Of Christmas   
    Many families have the 'non traditional' christmas! We spent ours in our pj's after a christmas breakfast (no dinner) and a Big Bang Theory/Movie marathon, with pizza takeout for the kids for supper! As long as its fun and enjoyable, no matter how you spend the day. Thanks for sharing your cute story. Surely will be one to remember.
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    simplejaxgirl got a reaction from juny in Worries   
    I was also sleeved Dec 5th, and had many of the same worries that you do. I have found that I don't miss soda and such, now, I am able to take a decent swallow of clear fluids with no problems. I am on pureed/soft foods, and have tried many many things. If you are following what the doctor/NUT recommends and chew, chew, chew, I have found in my experience that I don't 'need' a drink with my food because my mouth has moistened it plenty to swallow...it wasn't easy the first two weeks to remember to stop drinking so I could actually try full liquids, but now I think I'm close to having the hang of that.
    It gets easier once you get further out and start listening to your body...which is definitely a part that I had turned off when binging...
    My doctor is a 'balanced' diet type, and only advises to get protein first, then veggies then carbs, and I find when I do that, I almost never have room for the carbs, and not always veggies even at this far out (2 oz at a time doesn't leave for much).
    It DOES get easier!!!! Keep your head up, your fears are totally normal at this stage, but it does eventually turn out just fine.
    Hugs and you will rock your sleeve!
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    simplejaxgirl reacted to tmorgan813 in Worries   
    I was very worried about the fluids as well. It's funny, becasue I NEVER thought I could eat with out drinking. I also didn't "practice" before surgery. However, it is much easier than I ever thought. The first week or two I HAD to rinse my mouth out with water (and spit) after each meal. Now I make sure I wait 15 before and 15 after. Every once in awhile I will take a SMALL sip during but it's rare. My biggest issue is "sludge food" meaning food with no real nutrients. I have days where all I want to do is pick at it...then I have days where I go all day and realize all i have had to "eat" was a protein shake. It's like anything else....practice makes perfect. It's not easy...but it's not nearly as hard as I thought it would be. As for the vitamins, it becomes second nature. Again, I had the same worry. As for soda. I had one sip and two things happened. One, I HATED the taste and Two, the bubbles made me feel horrible. You will be very surprised to see how much your taste buds change after surgery. I was a smoker and I am still surprised at things I thought I would still like and can't stand. The BIGGEST issue for me was protein. Before surgery I could handle Whey....after surgery I gagged every time I tasted it...no matter how small amount. I was lucky and found Lean Shake (chocolate) from GNC. They are a little pricy but so worth it (at least for me). I have not heard good things about the other flavors but everyone is different.
    Just remember that no matter how much you learn in class...you will learn so MUCH more once you come home from surgery. FYI, don't try to get all your protein in the first week or two after surgery...if you can that's great...however, most people can't. Focus more on getting your liquids in so you don't end up back in the ER for dehydration. I found sipping from a 1 ounce cup was good for me as it helped me see exactly how much I was getting in. Also, I got so sugar free Popsicles and they really helped.
    Sorry for the book. If you have any questions, please in box me or ask on here. I will try to answer them. I am not perfect but I have been working on doing it right. Since April 12th, I've lost 120lbs...so I'm not complaining. One last thing...all those fears are normal but keep this in mind. I have NEVER regretted my decision....even the first few weeks after when you're full of gas and in pain....once you see the numbers going down, you don't care how much pain you went through....just don't forget that pain and the work you will have to do or you can end up sabotaging yourself. Good luck
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    simplejaxgirl got a reaction from I love my dachshunds in Well Hello Anxiety....   
    Just to update - Doc said I can continue taking my meds, INCLUDING the morning of surgery and that they will give me something at the hospital as well. The meds do not affect anesthesia Thank goodness, and wooo for functioning without anxiety (or at least not as much) haha
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    simplejaxgirl got a reaction from opiapnoano in Sleeve Surgery Is Today!   
    Congrats, and hope you have a safe and speedy recovery.

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