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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TwinsMama

  1. I can't speak as someone at goal/maintenance but I can tell you this about me...I spent years counting carbs, or calories, or meals, or steps. Now, I still do the same but I'm much healthier doing it and the weight (with the same attention to detail) will stay off. Most of us realize this is a lifelong battle, so we resign ourselves to continue to monitor these things. I know for life I'll need to watch my weight. It's my thing. Just like some other people have to watch their spending habits, drinking, or gambling. I do see posts where people want to diet because they've gained weight back. The one thing I've noticed is that for the most part, their "diet" is really getting back to the sleeve basics. So not really a diet, just more of a restart. I'll let the Vets weigh in, but certainly on this side of surgery it seems people are much more purposeful with their healthy lifestyle choices.
  2. TwinsMama

    Abnormal ECG?

    I've seen this before, they'll probably want to do more tests. Doesn't mean you won't get approved, they'll just try to manage if you do have a heart condition.
  3. TwinsMama

    Update 3 weeks post-op: arms

    Oh, good for you! I have fat arms (even when I was thin) so I'm looking forward to the smaller arms and wearing cute shirts that actually fit my body AND my arms. Enjoy your success!
  4. Quote of the day! I'm adopting this one!
  5. TwinsMama

    Sugar and heart palp

    That's funny, I've heard so many things that Drs say sleevers don't do: dump, get hungry, etc. So far I have been hungry and yes I dump. I haven't even wanted to try sugary sweets because I dump with things that are naturally sweet tasting. I can't imagine with real sweets. I can't even drink crystal light...I got so sick after trying one that I used to think was bitter. Just goes to show that everyone is different.
  6. TwinsMama


    Osa is 100% right. It's hard to be committed to the process when you are feeling let down or disappointed in the therapist.
  7. TwinsMama

    Atkins products over te last 15 years...

    Yes, they are much better. Sad that I know that (been dieting that long). Good that we have better options these days.
  8. TwinsMama


    My goal is to go back to NY & Co. I love that their stuff looks good but is not that expensive. Plus I miss shopping clearance in the expensive stores like Nordies and getting nice quality for what I'd pay for poorer quality plus size clothes. Also, we have loads of boutiques in the city that only go up to like a size 10/12. I would love to get some custom pieces that no one else has!
  9. My first time out with my friends post-op I told them, look I can't eat alot so be ready to be amazed. They were and no one made me feel bad about it. When we go out, I get Soup, seafood, or an appetizer. I never finish my food so once I'm done I just chat while others finish eating. My friends and family are loving that I can't finish my food because they know they get my leftovers. They literally sit and watch me eat so they can get dibs once I'm done. The only thing that has been an adjustment has been not getting a drink of any kind. Knowing myself if I order a drink I'll want to drink and eat too close together. So I constantly remind myself not to order one...once I get past that, I'll be golden.
  10. TwinsMama

    Excess Skin?

    I'm not far enough out to see anything sagging (due to the sleeve at least) yet. However this was and is a concern for me. I thought about this a lot pre-op. What kind of sealed the deal for me was when one of the Vets told another newbie (parapharasing) "No one ever sees someone walking down the street and says WOW, that's a lot of sagging skin, but they do say WOW that's a lot of weight/fat". That got me to thinking, better to have sagging skin than 100s of lbs of extra weight.
  11. TwinsMama

    Taste buds

    Yes, perfectly normal. Many sleevers discover their tastes change. Before surgery I loved cheese, milk, and most any kind of Protein Drink. Post-op I can't do any Protein Shakes (they make me throw up), milk makes me throw up, and I can only tolerate mild cheeses (like a small pinch). On the other hand I was not a fan of eggs pre-op but I've been able to at least keep egg whites down.
  12. TwinsMama

    Sugar and heart palp

    Could be your body's way of dumping. I have a friend who had RnY and she described similiar symptoms during a dumping episode. I dump with the sleeve but have not had the crash (sleepiness). Normally when I dump I am WIDE awake.
  13. TwinsMama

    Feeling lots of emotions

    Oh we don't doubt he's a good hubby/Dad. All we're saying is that just as Moms go crazy and need extra help sometimes, Dads do too. He may go crazy and that's fine for a bit. Right now you can only worry about your health and well being. Better to do that now so that you'll recover faster/better. Once you're over the initial hump, you'll both be able to look back and breathe a sigh of relief.
  14. TwinsMama

    I'm a leaker

    Hope you feel better...hugs to you!
  15. TwinsMama


    Listen to clk. I'm finding out (even with 150+ lbs to lose) I'm a slow loser. 11 in 6 weeks. That sucks but the more I read about people's journeys on this site, the more I realize it is not that rare to be a slow loser. The only thing I would add is get off the pills. The last thing you'd want is to be ready to be cleared and then because of some toxin in your system they push your approval back until it's out of you. My surgeon made it clear that she (part of the group practice) would not operate on anyone with any diet drugs in their system for at least 6 months. This was to ensure there were no lingering side effects or other adverse problems prior to going into surgery. She may be extreme but she is from the better safe than sorry camp.
  16. TwinsMama

    Can you change drs after surgery?

    You may have to make a little noise. I would most certainly let the Dr. know this is not acceptable and I would start by saying it to the staff behind the desk. Then make sure you follow up with a letter to whoever is in management with the center where you usually go. Drs have to answer to authority too and the fact that you had to do so much just to get there, outrageous.
  17. TwinsMama

    5 days till Surgery! A little TMI to come!

    My period ended a few days before surgery and then I woke up the day after surgery with it again. Stayed for another 2 weeks. The only upside is that I hurt so bad from my complications that I never noticed any cramps. That was my silver lining.
  18. TwinsMama

    Feeling lots of emotions

    Don't stress, the last thing you want to do is raise your blood pressure and get sent home without surgery. I can tell you, even with complications, I was still able to do basic things (slowly and carefully) after 1.5 weeks. Of course everyone is different. Since your hubby stresses handling your child, can you line up another support system? If you have friends or family that can come and give him a break for a few hours each day the first week or 2 that would be great. Also, you and hubby prepare meals and freeze them ahead of time. The more you can do to be prepared the better off you'll be when the day gets here.
  19. TwinsMama

    Full so fast

    I told my coworker that I was a cheap date. She laughed until we went to lunch. Now she doesn't want to take turns treating because she said I'm getting the raw deal. I had to tell her that if I invite you out, I still expect you to eat what you want. Funny thing is that she only orders the same thing so I always know what to expect. She's a cheap date too.
  20. TwinsMama

    Full so fast

    Oh wow I can't do salad until I'm at least 2 months (maybe 3) out. My Dr. told me to avoid raw veggies for a few months. How did the salad go down? That is one of the only foods I miss. I love salads!
  21. TwinsMama

    Full so fast

    Disco I'm with you. I'm apparently a slowwwwwww loser. At six weeks I'm only 11 lbs down. My clothes feel no looser either. So yeah I feel your frustration. One thing I did that has helped me is to buy the mini muffin tins. I now make a crust less mini quiche (finally something I don't throw up). I've found 3 of these keeps me full and I'm finally getting close to my Protein goal. I also bought the mini bread loaves so I hope once I can keep more things down I'll make mini veggie/meat lasagna. Using the mini tins makes my life easier and I'm not so frustrated because the servings are perfect.
  22. TwinsMama

    How long

    Everyone is different. I had complications so I was literally in the hospital for almost a week. Normally the hospital stay is only 1-2 nights. So I'm a bit out of the norm. However, I will say that if you do get help try and get help for the evenings (baths, meal prep, etc.). My Dr. didn't clear me to drive until I was 3 weeks almost 4 (and that's with me not on any pain meds past the 7th day post-op). So try to get someone to do the driving for your kids for at least the first 2 weeks. If you don't do pain well and could possibly need your pain meds for longer than 2 weeks, plan to have someone drive as long as you're taking those. You're not supposed to drive on those and it is not worth the risk to everyone's safety. As for other help, if you could get someone to prepare meals for your kids (unless you can cook and freeze) that would be helpful for maybe the first week you're back home. The good thing is that your kids are a bit older. So the older ones can hopefully help with the younger ones. Daytime help probably won't be needed much once you get back home. With the kids in school, you can sleep during the day as needed.
  23. TwinsMama

    Full so fast

    I'm 6 weeks and was told that you will be able to eat about a 1 - 1.5 cups after about a year. But most Vets that I know said they still have probs when they try and drink with a meal. I do wonder if it really bothers them or if they are so used to not doing it that it feels weird.
  24. TwinsMama

    Hate my NUT

    Very good, that you have the option. It is very helpful to have a good Nut that you connect with.
  25. TwinsMama

    Hate my NUT

    I'm on the other coast so I don't have a referral for you. But I didn't like the Nut during my 6 month pre-qual phase. She too was no bigger than a size 2 and never had weight issues. In fact, most of us couldn't stand her because she was so judgemental and rude to those of us seeing her for WLS. After a while I decided I'd do the best I could and follow all the rules just because she seemed like she was looking for all of us to fail. Some people eventually did leave the process and waited for an opening with another Nut. I was determined to stay the course and not start all over. In the long run, I actually am glad I had her. It took me months to feel this way. I used my dislike of her to prove her wrong that I couldn't stay the course. The smug look on her face each time I showed up and had followed my plan...priceless!

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