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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TwinsMama

  1. TwinsMama

    I need Advice!

    As someone who was an active teen and still always considered overweight, I would think of course she want surgery to be thin. But is she looking at her health? I ask that because when I was a young teenager and knew I'd be going to HS (different state than where I grew up), I didn't want to be teased for my weight so I woke up early every AM and worked out. No one had to tell me too. I also decided to research (before PCs) and changed my eating habits. I did this on my own with no help from my parents (both naturally thin and fit people). I had to take all the initiative and go the course alone, although they did encourage my changes. It was rough! To not eat bad things when my friends did, to not sleep in when my friends got to, etc. Still I did this and wound up needing surgery over 20 years later. Surgery won't fix what emotionally, mentally, etc. makes your daughter overeat. I so (esp as a Mom) get what you are trying to do for your daughter. However, I think an option would be to have your surgery, see how it goes, and let your daughter see first hand what life is like post-op. Then if she still wants it and has proven she can handle all the changes (by working out daily, changing her eating habit, etc.), for at least a year then she can have it. As Moms, our jobs are not to always fix our kids but help them with the tools to do the hard work themselves. Let her start changing her lifestyle and then if she still needs the extra tool of surgery, she can have it in a few years. My fear for her is that she is not finished developing and that she has not gotten to see day in and day out what this decision really means. My fear for you is that you will regret buying her this surgery if she ends up not keeping up with the very real health maintenance requirements needed. Also, and this is just a thought, are you wanting this for her so you have a sleeve buddy? I'm not judging but it is something to think about and consider. Either way, I think you're an awesome Mom for wanting to help your daughter in such an extreme and loving way!
  2. I was told it was at least a half hour before/after for life. I was also told to try and stick to solids once you enter that phase due to the Soups not holding you as long as solids. I don't miss drinking with my eating unless something is prepared with flour (or some other startch) and I didn't know. Then it feels like a ball of food stuck in my chest. That has happened with broths (yes sometimes they put starches in them). I didn't realize some contained startch and they caused me much pain.
  3. TwinsMama

    Face looks bad!

    Some people (for whatever reason), feel it is their place to tell you when you've lost enough weight. If you feel fine with the way your face looks, smile and say "wow, that's rude". Sounds a bit like the person is just rude/insecure/mean. I personally wouldn't let it bother me. People can be so rude sometimes. Has s/he ever said anything else rude or unkind about your weightloss process/progress? Do they have a weight problem?
  4. TwinsMama

    questions about digestion

    Good questions, I hope one of the Vets answers. I can't imagine drinking with food though because I'm full so fast, Water would make me vomit. Granted I'm only 7 weeks out. But my friend who has the sleeve (about 5 months out) said she still can't drink with her food. There is simply no room.
  5. TwinsMama

    New commercial!

    One woman I know that got the band, stopped going to get her fills after about 5 months because she couldn't take the vomiting. They could never get her fill right. She managed to keep some of the weight off, but she is still over 300 lbs and regrets the decision.
  6. TwinsMama

    New commercial!

    My Dr. says they specifically talk people OUT of the band. They also mention they get more people coming in for band issues/complications in the ER than any other surgery...which is why they won't do them. I do find it funny though that so many "random" Drs are touting how great the band is all of a sudden. For a while I didn't see any commercials for the band. I wondered why it went from many to practically zero.
  7. I hadn't seen this before. Thanks for posting.
  8. TwinsMama


    Keep at it. You'll get it done. Good luck!
  9. TwinsMama

    Any DE/PA/NJ/MD sleevers?

    I'm in MD, had my sleeve done in VA.
  10. TwinsMama

    10 Months out!

    Congrats, great job!
  11. I had sex with my husband at about 3 weeks and like to have died. It hurt and made my stomach feel like it was ripped apart. That could be part of it. Also, my Dr warned against gummies until months after the sleeve. The reason was that our new stomachs don't break them down enough to absorb the Vitamins needed. So like another poster said, try something in liquid form. Good luck and yes, if you don't have a slew of other problems (mainly the fever),you prob don't have a leak. However, we are not your Dr, so if it makes you feel better, try talking to your Dr.
  12. TwinsMama


    This is one of those areas where I have to admit my Mom was right. Growing up we had to chew every bite 20 times. We thought she was insane. The habit stuck until college where my schedule was so tight I had to eat fast to make it to classes. Then having children...try getting a full hot meal with 2 babies by your side. Now, that I'm sleeved, I notice how fast everyone eats. I'm working to program my kids to eat slower because I want them to be much more mindful eaters.
  13. TwinsMama

    He's hitting some spots thats NEVER been hit b4

    Try new positions. That's what I can't wait to get back to. There were positions I could do thinner (and yes younger) that I haven't done in ages because of the weight. If you keep trying new positions, you'll find one that will get him and may not be as painful for you. Visit some of the sex sites (not porn if it is not your thing) to get ideas. Some of the books also give great ideas for what to try. As a bonus he'll love that you're doing research...such a turn on for guys!
  14. TwinsMama

    Muscle cramps

    If you can't do bananas (I loathe them) you can try a potassium suplement.
  15. TwinsMama

    2 Month Check Up Went AWSOME !

    Congrats to you!! Wow, what a success! I can't wait to get my renewal for my license. It will be on my bday next year and I'm looking forward to a much slimmer face! Keep up your great work!
  16. I was sleeved going on 7 weeks ago. I get the same looks. Sometimes it is best to get the to-go container early. At fancy places that wrap up your food for you, you could just smile when they give you looks. It takes a while for us to look like our appetites so don't stress over what they think. Truth be told, I prefer to get the looks that I didn't finish as opposed to the ones where I did finish a huge amount of food.
  17. TwinsMama

    Feeling hungry

    I had/have had real hunger since I've been sleeved. I get my Water so I know that's not it. At first I thought it was dehydration but nope, I'm just a hungry sleever. It happens sometimes. But I do agree with Jersey, make sure you're getting enough water. That does help with hunger.
  18. Do what you can. I went from walking (a lot) pre-op to now 6 weeks later still not being able to hit 1 mile at one time. If you can walk a little each day, do that. Start with a time/distance and gradually increase over time. It has been frustrating for me to go from being very active to now closer to the sedentary side of exercise. But it gets better with each day. Try and see how much you can walk and set mini goals for yourself.
  19. My Dr won't let me have lettuce or any raw veggies until I'm at least 3-6 months out. You may need to check and see if you are cleared for lettuce. The tuna though may be fine.
  20. Great job! And the pic of the pooch was cute too!
  21. TwinsMama

    In the 220's

  22. Also, make sure you log what you ate. Instead of beating yourself up, use it as motivation to not indulge that way again. It will help you to see those calories and carbs that you didn't want/need. We are all on this site because we had problems (in one way or another) with food. Realize this is a slip (and you made it 6 weeks at that, so good job), and commit to not doing it again. You'll find support here, so if you feel really stressed, come read the boards. It has helped me not eat when I knew I shouldn't.
  23. TwinsMama

    Where are my maryland sleevers?

    I'm MD but had my surgery done in VA on June 5th.
  24. TwinsMama

    Hate my NUT

    I hear you but I have a bit of a different take. My Nut that was required during my 6 month qualifying stage was a size 2 (if that) and was mean, rigid, and seemed to hate life. My Nut at the Dr. office is probably the same size 2 but is happy, full of life, and doesn't seem to have a disdain for people with weight problems. What got me about the first Nut was that she was trying to convince me her lifestyle was great because she was a size 2 rather than because of the overall quality of life. What makes me like the Dr's Nut is that she makes her lifestyle seem great because she is HEALTHY regardless of the fact that she is a size 2. For 1 Nut it was all about size while for the other it was about health. Hope that makes sense.
  25. So sorry to hear that.

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