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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TwinsMama

  1. TwinsMama


    Feel you both with this. I have lots of friends, coworkers, etc who have had the surgery. Thing is no one had complications and I did. I had one friend that got dehydrated but other than that, she was back up and at it in literally a week. Sometimes what we have to do is seek out those like us. I had to go and find people on these boards and in my support group that had a "not so lovely" sleeve journey. I'm glad you're using the support group and yes, one day is not really enough so I've found 2 and go twice a month. Still I'd love more, but for now it is my reality. Best wishes to both of you!
  2. TwinsMama

    Goal Weight Decision

    In speaking with my Dr I could possibly be at goal at about 175 lbs. I on the other hand would like to get down to 150 lbs. (probably because I'm familiar with myself at that size). I'm having a hard time trying to figure out which should be my goal weight. How did everyone determine theirs? As an FYI, I'm roughly 5'11" and hourglass shaped (not sure if that matters). I've been as low as 140 lbs. although that was in college (before twins). Any suggestions on how to figure out a goal would be good.
  3. TwinsMama

    Question for the ladies.....

    Yes, I've had her twice and I get so hungry I could bite a baby. I don't but I could. Also, I find that I retain water so much more now (drinking barely 60 oz) than I did pre-op (drinking over 100 oz).
  4. TwinsMama

    What did you eat today :) ?

    7 weeks out - Nothing...well I'll explain: B - Fritata 1 oz. before it all came back up L - Soup w/shrimp, mushroom, and coconut milk (ended up giving me bad cramps and diarhea) So as of right now, just my liquids since nothing is staying down today. Oh well, there's hope for dinner. Want to have some baked fish...let's hope that stays down.
  5. TwinsMama

    Just squeaked by :)

  6. TwinsMama

    Hurtin' for Certain

    Not sure how much you have to lose, but there is a blog 300poundsdown.com where the writer talks about how much pain she was in prior to surgery. It is a good read and will help you realize, you're not alone in having physial pain. Maybe her story will give you some encouragement on this hard day.
  7. TwinsMama

    Need Advice on Sugar Addiction

    Hopefully you'll be lucky like some of us and the sleeve will change your tastebuds. During my 1 year pre-op I stopped eating all sugar and foods containing refined sugar. Now as a post-op, my tastes have changed and I have ZERO desire to eat any sugar. I even had someone put a slice of cake with double icing (which I used to LOVE) in front of me and I just let it sit there. Truth be told, the smell was even too sweet. No desire at all. I hope it remains this way.
  8. TwinsMama

    When do u stop losing?

    I'm tall too and posted a similiar question. Here's the link to my question...may help with some information. Hope you get good responses to your question. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/87842-goal-weight-decision/
  9. I think you should have the nurse on standby for at least 2 weeks after (4 weeks total). It is not uncommon for people to think they are good to go and then all of a sudden they move incorrectly, and they are back in bed/hospital again. Also, can your kids help you? Not sure if you mentioned their ages, but if they can help, that may make you feel better. Either way, don't rush your recovery...that never bodes well in the long run. Better to assume a long recovery and actually have a short one rather than assume a short one and need a longer one.
  10. TwinsMama

    happy birthday to me

    Keep at it. I lost more during my initial pre-qual stage than I did on the pre-op liquid. For some reason, the liquids retained in my body while the healthy food I ate seemed to pass through.
  11. Wow, thank you for this! So glad you posted, you've taught me a bunch by this. Who knew lunch meat would contain a milk based product? That is really something.
  12. TwinsMama

    Travel after surgery

    Wow, that last sentence was loooonnng.
  13. TwinsMama

    Travel after surgery

    Depends on your healing and your Dr. I was out of work for a month. We're all different. One thing to keep in mind, will you be able to eat anything on the cruise during your puree and liquid phases? I know cruises are all about the food and you will want to make sure you have options that are healthy and also that the staff can accommodate your dietary needs.
  14. TwinsMama

    Old Navy size 10's fit!

    Congrats! Keep up the great work!
  15. TwinsMama

    favorite NSV's/most anticipated NSV's

    Mine - One day soon hitting Twoderland. Yeah I know that word makes no sense but hey...to be in the 200s will be awesome! For my kids to wrap their arms all the way around me. To not hang over the seat on the Metro. Although that means more people will sit in the empty seat beside me.
  16. TwinsMama


    This was my world until I found MiO. I could not get Water (which I loved pre-op) down. Crystal Light is wayyy too sweet post-op. So I add a drop of MiO and keep adding until I find a spot that is not sweet but masks the taste of water. Maybe try that. Also you can try infusing your water with fruits. I've seen some people have good success with that. You can find that on the internet as it is the rage right now. Good luck to you.
  17. TwinsMama

    omg my stomach tried to kill me last night!

    I'm at 7 weeks out and take my PPI twice a day. Will be on for 6 months and then the Dr and I will determine if I need to continue. Next time, maybe have some tums or another over-the-counter antacid.
  18. Yes, I agree I can no longer do lactose. But I also dump with other foods, just didn't list those because they are so random. For example I tried crab and literally had to lay down for 2 hours, had the sweats and a fever. I've tried crab (prepared differently) since then and was fine. I also had a mega dump with turkey lunch meat (which was my go-to).
  19. Mine started at week 3 and lasted 4 weeks.
  20. TwinsMama

    just wondering

    I had the surgery but the staple line at the top was closed up too tight. I could not even pass liquid. So back in they went to open me back up. During the repair, I woke up and started vomiting. So they had to come back out and put me back under...then they went back in to repair all the damage I did from the vomiting. Beyond painful! In the hospital for 5 whole days. Couldn't even do liquids by mouth for almost a week. Out of work for a month.
  21. This is what is most frustrating to me. I can have something once and it go down fine. Then the next time, it sends me running to the bathroom. That's the scary part for me. The not knowing.
  22. I dump too. I haven't tried anything with sugar in it. But I dump with anything uncooked with milk, yogurt, and certain cheeses. Good to know I'm not alone in that. It feels like a slow death!
  23. Ahhh okay, that makes more sense. I've seen so many here being told this and how they took it (and me too) was that they were almost lucky just to get a man. That really tanked some of their self-esteem. So glad you have a great Pastor to talk to that helps you guys. In the long run, the more support you can get the better. Looks like you're off to a great start!
  24. I disagree with what your Pastor said about this a bit. I think too often people assume no one wants to be with someone large...your hubby married you big so obviously he was really into you despite the weight. I hate that people in society (not at all bashing your Pastor) assume because they may not date/marry a big woman, no one else will either. All in all, I think your job is to reassure your hubby only to the extent that you feel comfortable with. After that it is his job to find the courage/confidence to know that he is enough for you. You can't make him believe that, you can only be loving and over time he either gets it or he doesn't. So sorry if this seems I'm ranting on you, I'm not and in fact respect that you took it to your Pastor for wise counsel. I hate when people make us overweight women seem like our partners just settled for us and that when we finally do something for ourselves we have to fix what's wrong with those who have a problem with it. Okay rant over. And again, believe me this is in no way aimed at you only in response to what your Pastor told you.
  25. This is tough, by the time I got my surgery date I was still losing (slowly) on my own for about 6 months due to the long wait for an apt. During that time there were many opptys to pig out. But I was so determined to break my food cycle, that I didn't get my faves: kit-kat, brownies, etc. Instead, once I had a date the hubby and I hung out in the city and when I had to eat, I ate a small low carb meal. I made up my mind that I wouldn't use food as my emotional crutch. It WAS TOUGH. What you're doing is absolutely popular and in most cases normal...but if you can find another way to Celebrate your surgery and mourn food now, it may be a lot easier on you post-op. There are lots of us who had to mourn our relationships with food. Start now! Don't move your starting line back even further from the finish line. You'll feel so much better come surgery day if you can stop now and keep up with your clean eating. Good luck to you!

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