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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jodimc

  1. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    My iron was checked pre op and was fine and my surgeon has all patients on an iron supplement. I will still ask at my appointment next week though!
  2. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I've had EKG, echo, and worn the monitor for the palps, they just increased x100000 for the first few days after surgery which is why I went in last mon, they did another EKG and as usual, it was normal. I take 75mg of metoprolol for them, but I don't think it helps and I think it may be bottoming out my BP. My big concern right now is that I feel so weak and I have to go back to 12 hour a day clinicals in 2 weeks. How am I going to survive that?!?! Gen, it's good to know that low BP is common at this stage.
  3. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Gen, my pulse has stayed elevated after surgery and I actually fainted after my shower. Went to the ER 5 days after surgery having heart palpitations and racing heart. They said mild dehydration so I just figure that's what's going on with the shower issues too. But you are drinking a lot more than me, so I dunno.
  4. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    See Gen, I was able to get fluids in easily for the first week or so after surgery and then one day I just couldn't.
  5. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I'm trying sooo hard on the fluids and no dice. I'm at 10oz today. I'm a nurse so I know how bad dehydration can be and I swear I'm trying... I sip ALL day.
  6. What is it when someone has slime or foam and what causes it?
  7. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Guys, I'm still struggling with my fluids. I ate a scrambled egg this morning, no problem. (First solid food) But the fluids just won't go. Anything beyond the tiniest sip imaginable causes my pouch pain. I've experimented with flavors and temperatures and am beyond frustrated. I'm worried about dehydration and ultimately about becoming ill from low protein. (I know I won't be able to hit that 60g from soft foods alone and would like to get down at least 1 shake a day)
  8. jodimc


    Found this on a surgeon's website: Patients may experience something more common than nausea following the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure. Known as “frothing and foaming,” this spit-up is the white frothy liquid caused when the new pouch no longer contains stomach acids to break down your foods. This thick mucus mixes with the food to move it through your new pouch and into the rest of your digestive tract. Try drinking warm fluids first thing in the morning, throughout the day, or when you have found the spitting up is the worst. This helps to break this mucus down. It is self-limiting and will get better as your body adjusts to the new digestive system.
  9. jodimc


    From Water and Isopure? I highly doubt it. I don't know what a slime or foam incident is, that's what I'm asking. Is it like vomiting but it's foam or what?
  10. TONS of recipes and encouragement here. http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com
  11. P.S. If you look along the left hand side, towards the bottom.. there's a link for pureed foods.
  12. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    My surgery was the 12th and I'm getting 40g protein and 20oz of fluid a day. I know I have to do better, but I swear I can't sip anymore than I already am!
  13. jodimc

    Anyone Not Dump?

    I don't want to dump, ever! I'm soooo scared of it. But even if you find out you aren't a dumper and you can eat 'bad' foods... so what, you can have what? 2-3 bites before you're full? That's about 1/10000 of what I was eating before.
  14. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    My surgeon says I can have eggs at 2 weeks.. after liquid diet phase.
  15. Check a bmi chart to see what would be 'underweight' for your height. If you are still in healthy range, I wouldn't worry.
  16. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Posted 13 minutes ago I don't mean to whine, I normally handle pain well. But im not sure what to do or what is normal. I stopped my liquid pain med, because it prevents me from peeing. I have such discomfort in my lower stomach. I have been trying to focus on my protein drink because they have the most protein. I can only drink a little bit, and then I feel full and nausea. I have probably not had more then 4-6 oz per day since I have been home 12/21. Im not sure if the milk in my premade protein drink that makes me feel worse. Any suggestions or ideas would greatly be appreciated. Im afraid to start my vitamins or normal meds. Thanks, eaepc1012 surgery date 12/19 If you're having trouble peeing and have lower abdominal pain, it's possible you have a UTI.
  17. Thank God. Because all I'm able to get down is 1 20oz isopure a day. I know that isn't enough, but I'm working on it.
  18. isopure doesn't count as liquid? oh hell. I'm in trouble then. isopure is all I got going for me right now.
  19. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Tastes just like pb... and I consider myself a peanut butter connoisseur lol
  20. food. Just food. I'm in the 2week post op liquid phase and I just want to friggin' chew something. salad is one major craving I've been had.. with the french fried onions on top.. mmmmmmmm!!!! Sandwiches with lots of veggies and mayo Thai food sushi and I want a big fat juicy cheeseburger so bad it hurts!
  21. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Oh and I TOTALLY agree with our bodies being in starvation mode. I actually expect the weight loss to pick up once we can add some high protein solids in. Our bodies are holding on for dear life because they don't know when they'll see their next meals.
  22. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    on the peanut butter... have you tried PB2? It's powdered and doesn't have the fat and sugar content that regular pb does. I've been using it and it's great. Fairly cheap too. You can order on amazon or even walgreens.com Losing consistently: I am... BUT I didn't start losing until Monday of this week... I had surgery last Wednesday and came out 9lbs heavier from fluids. I've been losing about 2lbs a day since Monday.
  23. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I've slowly been able to drink a little more and have much less gas... and I think my surgery was just a day or two before yours.
  24. Cold things cause esophageal spasms for me and they suck majorly. I can only do room temp anything.
  25. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    The doctor never said it would help with the IBS, I just thought with having a bit of my small intestine bypassed I could get lucky and that be the part that gets so pissed off, apparently not so lucky.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
