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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jodimc

  1. 3 weeks out. Nowhere near water, protein, or calorie requirements. I feel like I'm harming my health and just wasting away, but there are only so many hours in the day to force this stuff down.
  2. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Hippie gal and I have the same doc. He's pretty cool, I got to see him today for post op.
  3. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Hippie gal, start all of your vitamins. There's a daily schedule in the manual.
  4. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Found out the reason I'm so weak and keep fainting. I no longer need blood pressure meds! My BP was 90/50 today and heartrate 43... No wonder I felt so bad! He also doubled my antacid to hopefully help with the pain when I drink.
  5. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Redo, I'm on my way now to see my doc about stomach pain and fluid issues! We are twins!
  6. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Old hippie, that's exactly where my gas pains were, between my shoulder blades and eventually in my left shoulder and neck. Your heart is fine, Dr Roller had you in telemetry overnight to make sure of it.
  7. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Oh no Lisa! Prayers for you. Please update when you're able.
  8. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Old hippie, you can have crystal light in place of some of those waters. Our surgeon doesn't condone the Popsicles because cold can cause discomfort. Don't know about the jello... Sounds good to me right about now. I think I'm going to make some jello with unflavored protein.
  9. jodimc

    Gaining WTF!

    I bet you ate more than you realized before surgery... We all did or we wouldn't be here. I'm a nurse and what Kaylee Ann said is scientific fact.
  10. No matter how much you tell yourself and everyone else that you will be the ideal patient and follow the rules, you don't always have control over that. Before surgery I thought "gah, it's going to be so easy to drink my 64oz and get my 60g of Protein, and I'll take all of my supplements and *I* won't be one of *those* patients with complications" WRONG. I've been to the ER twice for iv fluids, still don't get my protein in and haven't even thought about the damn Vitamins because I'm too worried about the first two!
  11. jodimc

    Hot tubs/ baths

    2 weeks... after you're cleared by your surgeon.
  12. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I'm 3 weeks post op tomorrow and still not really walking. I've just been so dehydrated and weak feeling... I get dizzy everytime I stand up. My surgeon will be pissed at my post op appointment on Thursday, but oh well. I'm just trying my best to hydrate and take it easy. When I'm feeling better, I'll get to walking.
  13. jodimc

    Protein post op

    snow, you sound like me. I can't get an 8oz shake down to save my life. I think I'll do what was suggested here and try 4oz in the morning and 4oz in the evening because I'm not getting anywhere near my required Protein. My NUT says 60g, by the way.
  14. jodimc


    Same here. I find myself resenting people who can eat what they want right now. It isn't even so much the food that bothers me, just the fact that I had to go through this hell when some people seem to eat and eat and stay thin.
  15. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I don't know Lola. I'm three weeks out and still regret it. I still go through the depression and am really mourning food. I trust it will get better for us both.
  16. Hey everyone, I could use a little encouragement. I'm self-pay and have been flying through the process to have the gastric sleeve. I was totally jazzed and not scared at all. Skip to Friday when I meet with the surgeon and he tells me that my BMI is too high for the sleeve and he really suggests the RNY. We discussed it at great length and I KNOW he's right. I KNOW he is. But I'm starting to second guess surgery all together. I'm mostly afraid of complications and death. But I"m also afraid of dying from a heart attack in my 30's due to my weight. So yeah. Just having an off day and need some encouragement. Also, as a side note.... the Bariatric Advantage pre-op Vitamins are TEARING up my stomach, anyone else?
  17. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Good luck old hippie gal, you're in my thoughts abs prayers. The staff there is incredible. I hope you have Katie as your OR nurse, sweetest girl ever. Tell Roller hi for me!
  18. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Praying for you, old hippie gal
  19. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Gen, they ran two bags of fluids and sent me home. I too am ways thirsty. I'm drinking sobe life water right now.
  20. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Good job Gen! I'm doing a bit better with the fluids. Probably up to 20-30oz
  21. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    In ER getting iv fluids. Never thought I'd be so happy to get poked with a needle!
  22. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Headed to ER. I'll check in later.
  23. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Gen, that's crazy! My mom is pressuring me to go to the ER for fluids right now and to have this rash on my back checked out.
  24. Stricture? I would call the doc just in case.
  25. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Aww Gen, sorry to hear the bummer news from the GYN. And I hate that you deal with some of the same issues as me, but it sure feels nice to not be alone.

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