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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jodimc

  1. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I WANT to use the shakes but I just can't choke them down! My body says nooooo.....
  2. jodimc

    Not Losing....

    I'm still stuck. Will be 2 weeks tomorrow. I'm freakin frustrated.
  3. jodimc

    sore muscles

    hey! I'm feeling much better! Turns out it was my potassium, Calcium, and Vit D that was low. It was so scary going through that and not being able to control my hands, but now that I know what it was it isn't as scary. Thanks for asking.
  4. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    First day back in class and my belly hurts! I think I've become lactose intolerant. I can do cheese, but milk messes me up. Of course I made a shake with milk this morning and now... Yuck.
  5. jodimc

    sore muscles

    I've experienced the same and then I started having additional symptoms like tingling and weakness in my arms and hands and then loss of control over my hands. It ended up being my potassium. Have your labs been checked?
  6. jodimc

    Sweets yikes

    See, I was a horrible half a cake to myself sweet eater... And since surgery, the thought of sweets turns my stomach. I crave salty and crunchy!
  7. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    The further down in your stomach, the more painful. I've had one preop. Not fun. My doc requires Prilosec for a year post op.
  8. jodimc

    Not Losing....

    Nancy, same surgery date here, same exact sutuation. Week3, it just stopped.
  9. jodimc

    Not Losing....

    I'm not losing either. It's been 10-14 days since Ive seen a loss and I'm only a month out. I'm frustrated as hell, but I know I'm not getting enough calories, protein, or fluid so my body is just freaking out.
  10. jodimc


    I've taken pills since the day after surgery. my surgeon doesn't do the liquid pain meds or anything, just pills. I think you'll be fine.
  11. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    *fail nursing school typing is difficult, texting is IMPOSSIBLE
  12. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    It's been getting progressively worse for a little over a weak. My family doctor doesn't know what could cause it either. It's so unbelievably frustrating. I'm TERRIFIED that I"m going to fair nursing school due to my health after this surgery. I can't tell you how much I regret it.
  13. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I'm sorry you're going through the weakness, hippie gal. I still am too at a month out. Plus these odd symptoms I'm having that nobody can explain. I lost all control of my hands last night and they drew up in a fist on their own. I went to the ER, they did a ct scan and an ekg. Those were fine. labs looked okay but potassium was a little low. They really thought that was the problem, gave me some potassium and it didn't help. Now I'm waiting on Monday so I can get a referral to a neurologist.
  14. jodimc

    protein bars

    Half of one would be perfect for a snack. I may pick some up today.
  15. jodimc

    protein bars

    Where can I find the pure protein bars? I need help with my protein intake and shakes just make me nauseous at this point.
  16. I'll be 1 month post-op tomorrow and boy am I having a hard time. I had no issues until a week after surgery when suddenly it became painful for me to drink. (was on all liquids) I struggled with liquids for 2 more weeks.. averaging 10oz a day. At that point, I was getting in zero Protein. After I saw my doctor, he doubled my antacid and the Fluid problem started to get better. Now I just struggle to get in ENOUGH fluids, food, and protein. I average 20-30 oz fluid. 20-30g protein. and 200-300 cal a day. I know this isn't enough, but I'm literally trying as hard as I can. Two weeks ago, I started fainting. Surgeon thought my BP meds needed to be lowered. Did that and still fainting. Now, my arms are tingling and going completely numb and sometimes I lose control of my hands. It's really scary. I saw my family doctor today to have blood work, neck x-rays, and nerve conduction testing done. Neck x-rays revealed a pretty screwed up neck (I knew that, was in a wreck 10 years ago). Will have other results back in the next few days. She's pretty certain that it's all caused by deficiencies and malnutrition. (Yes, I've been taking my vitamins) Depending on what my bloodwork and nerve conduction studies say, she may admit me for iv fluids and iv nutrients to get me back to a good place. I'm just ready for a day when I feel HAPPY that I had the surgery, rather than regretful. My nursing program starts back next week, this is something I've worked my entire adult life for and I'm terrified I'll flunk out in my last semester because I can't physically do the 12hr days.
  17. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I want sprite! Or ginger ale! Pretty much just want carbonation.
  18. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Same problem here, Lola.
  19. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Per my NUT not until 3 months out
  20. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    My nursing school resumes on Monday and my main concern is that I will flunk out because I can't keep up at clinicals. That's the only thing I'm worried about right now. My health will get better with time... I'm young and started out relatively healthy, not to mention that I believe in an amazing God. So I don't worrry about the health aspects. Just school. I've worked towards this for so long.. 300 people applied to my program and only 16 of us were accepted.
  21. Wendy's chili with added beans and a little bit of hubby's queso on top.
  22. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Spoke with my doc this evening. Lab results showed nothing too significant. Very very low Vit D, normal b12, slightly elevated liver enzymes (could be from surgery), and electrolytes were normal. She's concerned I have guillen-barre syndrome. I'm going back tomorrow for nerve conduction studies and probably cat scan.
  23. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Just fainted again, continuing to have numbness and loss of control in limbs. Waiting on my doc to call me back.
  24. jodimc

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Only 32oz? That seems much more doable.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
