No, no plans to go to Mexico. I got approved for $11,000 worth of care credit and get back another $10,000-ish between my husband and my school returns and tax return. That's the only way I can finance myself. I'm broke as a joke and that's the reason I've put it off this long. But I just decided that ya know, we usually invest this tax return and school return money into vacation and yeah, it's selfish to keep it for my surgery and not do a family vacation. BUT I think it's far more selfish to die young and leave my children mother-less. Besides, future family vacations will be so much more fun with a mom who can actually walk all over Disney World without stopping to sit every five minutes.
If my timeline plays out, I should be 1 year post-op, graduate with my RN, and have my 10 year anniversary all at the same time in 2014. I'm going on a BIG vacation that year. lol