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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by WifeyMaterial

  1. WifeyMaterial

    B12 Shots

    O ok thank u lol... MaryLynn
  2. WifeyMaterial

    Two Months Out!

    Congrats mandy mae MaryLynn
  3. WifeyMaterial

    Two Months Out!

    I no that's right good luck MaryLynn
  4. WifeyMaterial

    7 Months Out! 124 Lbs Lighter!

    That's amazing MaryLynn
  5. WifeyMaterial

    Two Months Out!

    @ Kevin W u were sayin how when u burn 800 calories u have eat 800 calories... so i was told that wasn't good to eat 200 nd burn 200 i will have to wat more. MaryLynn
  6. WifeyMaterial

    B12 Shots

    Nd wow how does that work for u MaryLynn
  7. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Nope not yet i literally just pull a small tootsie roll.. Sould i eat it MaryLynn
  8. WifeyMaterial

    B12 Shots

    This is me two months outs... [ATTACH]5946[/ATTACH] MaryLynn
  9. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Congratulations on da 10 plds n two weeks how long ago u got ya surgery. My first week after i lost 10 pounds n 7 days. Nd last i only lost 7 . Do to a cold i had. Sleeve Date: July 16 2012 MaryLynn
  10. WifeyMaterial

    B12 Shots

    @ dexter u don't have to take it in ya butt i take them in my upper arm MaryLynn
  11. WifeyMaterial

    B12 Shots

    @CM4handinSd I got my surgery july 16 but i take them monthly n da office they was pills nd i felt the same but the shots is a requirement MaryLynn
  12. WifeyMaterial

    B12 Shots

    @suegirl may i ask wat u mean by sound cuz my right here been out for a couple weeks now MaryLynn
  13. WifeyMaterial

    B12 Shots

    Thanks every one for ya comment but i only took the pills for my 6 weeks post op now i get them monthly at my surgeon office.. so do it help u lose weight faster... MaryLynn
  14. @ashley y not u r beautiful no matter wat u wear i think u should b sexy.. MaryLynn
  15. WifeyMaterial

    Two Months Out!

    @rosehips that's my weights loss goal too that seem pretty high right we can do it... good luck wit yours... MaryLynn
  16. WifeyMaterial

    Two Months Out!

    @ Kevin W someone was tellin me that wasn't good for me see now i no... thank u for the advice cuz i want to lose atleast 70 more pounds so i gotta get to work. MaryLynn
  17. WifeyMaterial

    Two Months Out!

    That is very amazing how did u do that how often do u exercise and wats ya calorie nd Protein intake MaryLynn
  18. WifeyMaterial

    College Sweatshirt

    Congrats to everyone MaryLynn
  19. WifeyMaterial

    Nsv...realizing That.....

    @gettinMeback u look amazing before nd after MaryLynn
  20. WifeyMaterial

    August 6Th Sleevers?

    @jennrus wow that amazing wat was ya weigjt nd wat u weight now. MaryLynn
  21. WifeyMaterial

    August 6Th Sleevers?

    @ august62012 thats amazing i was 316 startin my journey nd feb of this year but i was 287 when i went in on july 16 just 3 weeks before u yeah but i m now 228 nd workin hard i was also sick for a while. But that's so great nd surgery date caught my eye cuz that's da day i stop breathing nd my little brother got kilt. MaryLynn
  22. WifeyMaterial

    Two Months Out!

    @ kevin W how far along r u out of the surgery.. MaryLynn
  23. Awww everyone look amazing so imma b postin mines on Halloween... lol MaryLynn
  24. WifeyMaterial

    New To The Forum

    Awww I'm hype lol that's bangin i don't feel left out so how is yall weight lose goin ladies so far MaryLynn
  25. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Yes i love this site it so truthful i was da same way when i first got my surgery i was always hungry nd kinda still da way. Yes da commercials nd all he sugar free stuff was killin me lol..... but i made it through MaryLynn

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