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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by WifeyMaterial

  1. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Aww yeah I get the same.thing I .just glad u feel better. MaryLynn
  2. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers

    Yes I have pain maybe its over eatin... nd wat u r eatin is da food hard crunchy. .. MaryLynn
  3. WifeyMaterial

    Hungry 5 Post Op

    Awww that's how I feel I be doin everything right and I still b stravin theres got to be a better way for all us that feels so hungry doing everything right. MaryLynn
  4. WifeyMaterial

    Under The 400's!

    That's is so wonderful nd good luck on ya journey nd weight loss MaryLynn
  5. WifeyMaterial

    100 Pounds So Far... Pics...

    That's so amazing. But may I ask u how much u was goin in... MaryLynn
  6. WifeyMaterial

    4.5 Months Out And Feeling Fabulous!

    U look great and amazing MaryLynn
  7. WifeyMaterial

    August 6Th Sleevers?

    @ReeTee That's amazing MaryLynn
  8. WifeyMaterial


    @delta_girl Thanks for the advices so how do I no how many grams is n everything we eat. Nd ok wat do ppi helps cuz they never ever mention it to me...doin my whole process of surgery.. did u get something called a endoscopy thanks for da advice. MaryLynn
  9. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers

    Aww I was sleeve on da 16 as of today I'm down 69pounds keep up the good work. MaryLynn
  10. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Right congrats nd ur 66 wat made u get da surgery MaryLynn
  11. In school doin my essay thats do tomorrow wish i could of stay in bed but went to da dentist and the gym this morning so u no i accomplish something let me finish this paper so i can go home to my boys who is at home once again from school. philadelphia school district is crazy when i was younger we never go so many days lol....still a long and i hope not stressful week for me Team#GOODMOM

  12. WifeyMaterial


    July 18 I also try to drink a lot of Water but I'm not gettin all my Protein cuz my hair is startin to shed. I'm just alitle wrry on if I'm doin Everything correctly MaryLynn
  13. WifeyMaterial


    Thanks everyone for they input but no I don't take ppi I don't no wat they is nd only thing I get is b12 shots once a month. I eat mostly banana for Protein nd meats I love fruits. Even tho I no that's not a good choice but is milk a good choice MaryLynn
  14. WifeyMaterial

    Almost 7 Weeks

    Wow u look amazing MaryLynn
  15. That's wassup I so love the new u. U r very sexiii lol. Keep up the good way MaryLynn
  16. WifeyMaterial

    9 Month Pics! (My First Time Sharing Photos)

    That's wonderful u really look good nd it look like u workin out... MaryLynn
  17. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers

    No dats perfect 43 pounds isn't slow at all.. MaryLynn
  18. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Yes I been hungry for about three days nd I tried everything but nuffin is workin I m kinds scared nd my hair is fallin out should I do. I wanna continue to loss weight but how do everyone deal wit they hungry. MaryLynn
  19. WifeyMaterial

    26 Lbs. Gone

    That's Wonderful good luck..to keep losin MaryLynn
  20. WifeyMaterial

    Who Was Sleeve On July 16 2012

    Davsan02 wow that's amazing nd bad how u gettin sick awwwww I hope its gets nd july 23 was my bday. But 100 pounds that's wonderful MaryLynn
  21. I no thanks maybe Im not doin everything right.. idk but that's u really did a wonderful job and I hope u reach it I was 287 when I went n nd now I'm 223 on nov 1st. Omg I wanna b under 200 nd then to my goal. Nd also I was 316 back in my first visit back n da beginning of February. So I guess I did good. MaryLynn
  22. WifeyMaterial

    36 Pounds Lost In 32 Days...good?

    Aww I used watered down Gatorade to nd I'm literally drinkin one right now MaryLynn

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