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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by WifeyMaterial

  1. Mommy2be I wannna b 210 I can taste MaryLynn
  2. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Thats amazgin I cant wait to be to 210 congrats sweetie MaryLynn
  3. WifeyMaterial

    9 Month Pics! (My First Time Sharing Photos)

    Ur goin to be cool I still dont c a diff and im almost 5 months out and I just want to look good MaryLynn
  4. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Does anyone no if the excess skin goin to go away wit muscle. MaryLynn
  5. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Hey Im 218 my scale keep tippin 215 n 218 but imma try to get a better accurate scale but I wanna be between 205 nd 208 since da scale playin lol MaryLynn
  6. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Mines ok hby MaryLynn
  7. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers

    Nice good luck MaryLynn
  8. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers!

    Thats amazgin how dudr u do that MaryLynn
  9. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Awww u can do it fall a few times.but.I got.back uo MaryLynn
  10. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Update Im now 215 8 more to go before xmas Uh oh its gettin close yall lets work hard MaryLynn
  11. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Thats nice I wanna b 207 by christmas I prey that it works imma go hard n da gym untill then... wish me luck n good luck to u. MaryLynn
  12. WifeyMaterial

    Where Do I Start?

    I think u should go for it I was a heavier bmi of 57 . Something but I was sick nd was referral cuz I was diagnose with hypertension nd a few otha things called my primary and he was all for givin. me the referral so was happy my surgery date was july 16 and I aint been this size since I was 17 yrs old MaryLynn
  13. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers!

    Congrats MaryLynn
  14. WifeyMaterial

    Is Feeling Ravenous Normal?

    Thats how I was and still am always feeling hungry all the time I lost 70 plds since surgery nd have a couple of stalls like 3 of them. I think I could have lose more I got da surgery da 16th of july. On March 9th I was 316.. Im am now 217 ass of today I planned on losing 30 2 50 more pounds. MaryLynn
  15. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers!

    Hey I was sleeve July 16th down 70 pounds as if today HW 316 march 9 2012 SW 287 july 16 2012 CW 217 nov 28 2012 GW 160 2 180 by my one year post op but really by Feb. Or March. U wat to.be atleast 187 thats will be 100 since surgery so im.ballin out to lose this weight proto.... wish me luck MaryLynn
  16. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Well I just got weight im 217. I wanma b 207 by xmas Hw 316 Sw 287 Cw 217 Xw 207 Wish me luck nd imma most diff wish yall all luck lets go my follow sleevers.. MaryLynn
  17. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    And thanks everybody MaryLynn
  18. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Aww thank u I reach it wow im excited I did not wat to be discouraged but I guess thats god.... but he didnt give me a weight loss goal for when I got back on dec 26 so now im lost nd dont no wat to do.. MaryLynn
  19. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    My appt.at 1pm wish me luck he wants me to b 218 but on a 23rd I was 222 im so scared... MaryLynn
  20. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Hey Im n 11\23 222pld Xmas 207plds I get Weight tomorrow and my doctor wanted me to be 218 hopefully I reach my goal.but ive been having a stall nd fount myself off track plz wish me luck to get back on track good luck everyone MaryLynn

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