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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by WifeyMaterial

  1. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    I get weight today hopefully the scale make.me proud but wish me luck everybody plz MaryPoppings
  2. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers

    Well since March 9 100 nd since surgery 70 pounds which was july 16 seem like everything slowin down completely MaryPoppings
  3. WifeyMaterial

    9 Month Pics! (My First Time Sharing Photos)

    Wat is Zamba? MaryPoppings
  4. U said ya BMI Is 180.. MaryLynn
  5. Well the way u talkin u seen like ur cool nd dont need to lose more weight but may I can I see a.pic nd a 36 is find for a man. Before.nd after MaryLynn
  6. Yes things get better it really does good luck MaryLynn
  7. Yes things get better it really does good luck MaryLynn
  8. WifeyMaterial

    NSV: size 16!

    They actually look to big but congrats try a 14 MaryLynn
  9. July 16th down 70 something pounds imma get weight tomorrow n update hopefully I can change da. Number MaryLynn
  10. Thats amazgin at almost five months out wat r ya goals and things u r doin MaryLynn
  11. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers

    I mean thats good im so happy for everyone MaryLynn
  12. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers

    Thanks MaryLynn
  13. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers

    Well where u at now is amazgin wit being a year out u look great nd enjoy hearin ya stories trick nd trade ima goin to the gym.tomorrow imma Weight myself I pray its not up and the weight went cuz I slowed down nd so afraid of gaining weight cuz I drink liquor MaryLynn
  14. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers

    Omg thats so amazing I wanna be under 200 im jealous.. MaryLynn
  15. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Omg I hope things get better with u sweetie all MaryLynn

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